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1、,主讲: 林明金 副教授,剑桥商务英语证书考试 BEC,福建师范大学大学外语教学部主任 英国剑桥商务英语证书BEC考官 英国伦敦工商考试局LCCIEB考官 福建省大学英语CET口试副总主考 国内首部英美语言与文化词典主编 正式出版二十多部词典、译著及教辅,主讲教师简介,林明金 (副教授、硕士生导师),林明金个人网站:金精乐道,Http:/,什么是BEC?,BEC考试是为英语学习者提供的国际商务语言资格证书考试。它注重考查考生在实际工作环境中用英语解决问题的能力。BEC考试适用于不同职业背景的考生,并对考生的学习深造以及求职应聘具有实用价值。,剑桥商务英语证书考试BEC,BEC证书得到全球认可,

2、它也是出国留学和进入外企的“通行证”。BEC初、中、高级可替代雅思(IELTS)Band 3、5、7,是全球160多所大学入学语言能力的证明;国外众多大学认可其高级C以上考试成绩,可免修该校MBA相应课程.,剑桥商务英语证书考试BEC,由于颁证机构的权威性,在英国、英联邦各国及欧洲大多数国家的商业企业部门获得认可,并得到国内数百家外资企业认可,有“外企绿卡”之美誉;此外,取得BEC初级证书可免修高教自考中英合作商务管理金融管理专科段商务英语课程。,BEC与LCCIIQ、CET、PETS的区别,BEC(英国剑桥商务英语证书考试):目前国际最受推崇的商务英语语言能力考试,考试侧重听说读写四项基本技

3、能,全球认可,中国国家教育部引进并推荐; LCCIIQ(英国伦敦工商考试局职业资质考试):目前全球最权威的职业资格认证考试之一,其考试侧重实际商务操作技能,全球认可,中国国家教育部引进并推荐; CET(大学英语四六级考试):主要针对在校生的英语水平测试,分四级和六级,国家教育部高教司大学英语考试指导委员回主办; PETS(全国英语等级考试):主要针对非在校生的英语水平测试,分1-5级,国家教育部主办。,BEC 与GRE、IELTS、TOFEL等有何区别,GRE:是美国工科类研究生入学要求的考试,出国读研只有美国和加拿大认可。GRE不是语言能力考试,而是一种aptitude test。其设计初衷

4、是检测考生是不是做研究的材料,我们从他的命题方向就能看出。GRE考试测试你的逻辑思维,分析能力等等。GRE考试并非针对非英语国家的学生,而是面对美国本土,因此对于中国考生来说,英文的熟练程度(主要为词汇能力和阅读能力在很大程度上影响着其研究质素的展示)。 IELTS:英国驻华使馆文化教育处传来消息,随着英国及英联邦国家澳大利亚、新西兰留学的走热,雅思考试人数飙升,已经成为国内第一大留学类语言考试。 TOEFL:托福考试作为进入北美大学的准入考试曾经风靡一时。美国发生“911事件”以后,想拿到美国留学签证更加困难,而且托福考试也不再是读大学的唯一准入考试,很多人知难而退,把留学的目标转向加拿大和

5、澳大利亚等国家。所以托福考试风光不再。,BEC考试与课程学习,BEC-V,Listening,WRITING-PART 1 题型介绍,第一部分是非正式文体写作,要求考生利用给出提示,写一篇简短的公司内部通信,即与公司内部的同事进行与商务有关事宜的沟通,其文体可能是便条、留言、备忘录、电邮、传真等。 字数:4050词,MEMO,Definition: a short official not to another person in the same company or organization. MEMO is short for memorandum. BEC中级写作中,MEMO主要针对公

6、司内部交流、告知或提醒公司内部员工有关商务或公司内部活动的事宜,用于联系工作、交流信息,是处理一般公务时常用的一种简便函件。,Email,Definition: a message that is sent from one person to another using the computer system Format: To: From: CC: Attached: Subject:,Format of E-mail,The date and time is automatically inserted by your computer so make sure you keep yo

7、ur computers internal clock accurate. Key in the e-mail addresses exactly. Correctly addressed email are delivered within seconds. It can take days to receive an error message letting you know that an incorrectly addressed message did not get delivered. Always write a subject heading. This will give

8、 the recipient a good idea of the contents of the message and makes for easier handling. Formality are not necessary in e-mails. Replace formal salutations like Dear David with informal Hello David or even just David. Yours sincerely is not needed in emails, perhaps just Best wishes or All the best

9、Express yourself. Emoticons can be used to show mood in your email messages.,:-) happy ;-) wink ;-( sad :-I indifference :-/ perplexed :-D shock or surprise,Basic Rules of E-mail,Check your syntax. Make an effort to keep sentences short and simple, and check your syntax. The more pride you take in y

10、our message composition, the more successful you will be in being understood and achieving the desired results. Keep copies. Just as you would keep copies of letters, it is good practice to take a printout of email messages sent and receiving. Check your message. As soon as you hit the send symbol,

11、your message may be received in seconds. No calling it back for second thoughts. So check it and get it right first time.,Writing-PART 2题型介绍,要求考生写一篇120140词的商务信函、报告或提案 题目中有相应的文字对考生提具体要求,并有以图标或表格等形式出现的带“手写笔记”的材料 要求考生重组信息,运用自己掌握的词汇和句子结构将其表达出来,写作技巧,如何将信息分类重组,并条理清楚的表达出来就成了考生要解决的主要问题。 Observation & Organi

12、zation Outline Writing Review,ABC Rules,Check facts carefully Include all relevant details Proofread thoroughly,LISTENING,Time:approx. 40minutes including 10 minutes transfer time.,第一项:单词填空 第二项:多项匹配 第三项:多项选择,SPEAKING,PART 1: Interview (about 3 minutes) Part 2 : Mini presentations for 2 candidates (a

13、bout 6 minutes) Part 3: Collaborative task and discussion for 2 candidates (about 5 minutes),SPEAKING-PART ONE: INTERVIEW,In the first part of the test, the interlocutor addresses each candidate in turn and asks general questions. Candidates will not be addressed in strict sequence. This part of the

14、 test lasts about three minutes and during this time, candidates are being tested on their ability to talk about themselves, to provide personal information on their home, interests and jobs, and to perform functions such as agreeing and disagreeing, and expressing preference. Sequence: 1. Introduct

15、ion of people concerned 2. Marksheets required 3. Topics and Questions,SPEAKING-PART TWO: MINI-PRESENTATION,The second part of the test is a “mini-presentation”. In this part, the candidates are given a choice of topic and about one minute to prepare a piece of extended speech. After each candidate

16、has spoken, their partner will be invited to ask a question about what has been said.,SPEAKING-PART THREE: COLLABORATIVE TASK AND DISCUSSION,The third part of the test is a two-way conversation (three-way in a three candidate format) between candidates. The interlocutor gives candidates a topic to discuss. The candidates are asked to speak together for about three minutes. The interlocutor will support the conversation if appropriate an



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