高中英语复习北师大版 Vocabulary in Unit 9 Wheels (共47张PPT)

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1、Unit 9 Wheels,安徽省定远中学 高三英语组 陆洋,北师大版模块三,Vocabulary,基础知识自测,一、单词拼写,1. _ n.开汽车的人 2. _ n.步行者 adj.徒步的, 3. _ v. inset, cut-in 4. _ n. the way a person talk 5. _ n. timetable,motorist,pedestrian,insert,accent,schedule,6. _ adj. useful, easy or quick to do 7. _ n. number, digit 8. _ adj.温和的, 和善的 9. _ n.真实地,

2、实际地 10. _ v.争吵, 争辩,convenient,figure,gentle,actually,argue,11. _ adj.物质的, 身体的 12. _ v.居住, 占有 13. _ v.逮捕, 拘留 14. _ adj. 沉溺于的 15. _ n.西北, 西北方,physical,occupy,arrest,addicted,northwest,16. _ n. 贼 17.foolish adj. _ 18.damage v.& n. _ 19.consequence n. _ 20.responsibility n. _,thief,愚蠢的, 傻的,损害, 损失,结果, 成果

3、,责任, 职责,21.impression n. _ 22.appreciate v. _ 23.construction n. _ 24.essay n. _ 25.tunnel n. _,印象, 感觉,欣赏,建筑业, 建造,散文,地道, 隧道,26.engine n. _ 27.crossroads n. _ 28.ferry n. _ 29.whichever pron. _,发动机, 引擎,十字路口,渡船,无论哪里,二、词汇拓展,1.convenient adj.方便的, 便利的 _ adv.方便地, 便利地 _ n.方便, 便利,conveniently,convenience,_

4、adj. 不便的, 麻烦的 _ n.不方便, 麻烦 _ 句式某人方便做某事,inconvenient,inconvenience,It is convenient for sb to do sth,(1)The loss of her purse caused her Much _ (convenience).,inconvenience,(1)inconvenience。在形容词性物主代词her后跟名词, 由句意可知, 是填“麻烦, 不便”的inconvenience。,(2)_(你方便吗?)to come on Friday? (3)_(我们方便)to be able to use com

5、puters.,Will it be convenient for you,It is convenient for us,(2) 注意:习惯上不以人作主语, 不要受汉语的影响说成Are you convenient。 (3) It is convenient for us。习惯句型。,2.responsibility n.责任, 负责, 职责 _adj.有责任的, 可靠的 _adv.负责地, 可靠地,responsible,responsibly,_ v.回答, 响应;法律承担责任 _n.不承担责任 _搭配 对负责任, 对有责任,respond,irresponsibility,be res

6、ponsible for sth,(1)Mike is responsible _ designing the whole project.,for,(1)for。为固定搭配。,(2)Every man has a share of _ for the fate of his country. (responsible),responsibility,(2)responsibility。介词后用名词, 句意是“国家兴亡, 匹夫有责”。,3.addicted adj.沉溺于的 _ v.使沉溺, 热中于 _ adj.沉溺的, 上瘾的 _ n.热中, 沉溺, 嗜好 _搭配沉溺于, 热衷于,addic

7、t,addictive,addiction,be addicted to,(1)Is surfing the net a hobby or an _(addict) for you?,addiction,(1)addiction。在冠词后用名词, 表示“嗜好”。,(2)The children are addicted to_ (play) computer games.,(2)playing。因to是介词。,playing,(3)Once you get addicted _drugs, its rather difficult for you to get rid of them.,(3)

8、to。搭配be/get addicted to。,to,(4)Dont addict _ to such foolish things.,(4)yourself。搭配addict oneself to。,yourself,4.appreciate v.欣赏 鉴赏 _ n.鉴别, 欣赏, 感谢 _ adj.有欣赏力的, 感激的 _ adv. 欣赏地, 感激地,appreciation,appreciative,appreciatively,(1)I wish to express my_ (appreciate) for your kindness.,(1)appreciation。在形容性物主

9、代词后 用名词。,appreciation,(2)I dont appreciate _(treat) like a second-class citizen.,(2) being treated。因主语I与treat 在逻辑上是被动关系, 故用被动式, 又因appreciate后要接动名词, 故填being treated。,being treated,5.argue v.争吵, 争辩 _ n.争辩, 辩论, 论点, 论据 _ adj.争辩的, 辩论的, 好争辩的,argument,argumentative,_搭配据理反对, 争辩 _ 搭配赞成, 论证, 为辩护,argue against

10、,argue for,(1)Once upon a time a tortoise and a hare had an_ (argue) about who was faster.,(1)argument。句中充当宾语, 用名词。,argument,(2)I dont want you to argue _ my idea. (3)The workers argued _the right to strike.,(2)against。搭配:argue against反对。 (3)for。搭配:argue for为争取 而辩论。,against,for,(4)They often argue _

11、 each other _small things.,with,over,三、词组互译,1._ 由于, 因为, 多亏了 2._ 到目前为止 3._ 使信服某事 4._ 平均起来, 一般来说,thanks to,so far,persuade.of,on average,5. _ 以为基础 6. _ 不愉快, 厌烦的 7. _ 发生 8. rely on _,base on,be fed up,take place,依赖, 依靠,9.pull up _ 10.pull out _ 11.go up _,停止, 停车,驶离车站,上升,12.paint . (colour) _ pared.to (

12、with) _ 14.be addicted to _,染上某种颜色,与相比,对上瘾,四、词组运用,1.上几个星期格林太太有点不愉快。 (be fed up),1.Mrs.Green was a little fed up the last few weeks.,2.她的体重不断上升。(go up),2.Her weight went up every day.,3.她的丈夫说服她去看医生。(persuade.of),3.Her husband persuaded her of seeing a doctor.,4.医生建议她少吃肉, 多运动, 出行不要依赖小车。(rely on) 。,4.T

13、he doctor suggested that she eat less meat, do more exercise and not rely on a car for out.,5.但她很难做到这些, 因为她沉迷于小车难以自拔。(be addicted to),5.But she was difficult to do these, because she was addicted to her car.,6.而且, 她每天平均吃肉超过1kg, 如果不吃肉, 她就不舒服。(on average),6.In addition, she eats meat more than 1kg a day o


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