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1、Module 3 Music,Pop music,popular,Lead-in,1. types of music,Brainstorming,Introduction,2. musical instruments,3. people related to music,Work in groups to collect the following words.,Top group,competition,1. types of music,Brainstorming,Introduction,2. musical instruments,3. people related to music,

2、Work in groups to collect the following words.,types of music,music,pop music,rock & roll,jazz,blues,rap,country music,classical music,symphony,traditional Chinese music,Introduction,Musical Instruments,people related to music,musician,orchestra,composer,choir,conductor,director,audience,singer,guit

3、ar violin piano saxophone audience choir classical composer conductor director,吉他 小提琴 钢琴 萨克斯管 观众 合唱团 古典音乐 作曲家 指挥,音乐家 交响乐 爵士乐 流行乐 摇滚乐 管弦乐队,Review the words,musician symphony jazz pop rock orchestra,Haydn,Mozart,Beethoven,Can you guess what will be written in this article?,Date of Birth and death,Nati

4、onality,Title or Comment,Name,Haydn,Mozart,Beethoven,Read the article quickly and get the following information.,Fast-reading,His father,1732-1809,1756-1791,1770-1827,Austrian,Austrian,German,peasant,musician,singer,“The father of the symphony”,“the greatest musical genius of all time”,He will give

5、something wonderful to the world.,part 1,Read part 1 and complete the sentences.,Haydn,Careful-reading,_in Austria. _ in Vienna. _in Eastern Austria. _ in London.,He was born,He studied music,He worked at the court of a prince,He was very successful,What happened to him in these places?,Find out som

6、e numbers in this part.,Mozart,Careful-reading,part 2,35,600,4,6,1781,5,14,1791,Mozart,What are related to these numbers?,35,600,4,6,He only lived 35 years,He composed more than 600 pieces of music.,He learned to play the harpsichord.,He started composing music.,1781,5,14,1791,He played for the Empr

7、ess of Austria,He has composed many pieces of music.,He met Haydn,He died,Mozart,Draw a mind-map (思维导图)to show the relationship among the three composers,Careful-reading,part 3,Beethoven,Beethoven,Met in 1781 friends,impressed by him,Not impressed by him.,taught him nothing.,encouraged him to move t

8、o London.,Haydn,Mozart,Careful-reading,part 3,mind-map,Can you guess what will be mentioned in this article?,Date and place of birth,Family background,Title,Post-reading,Success/achievements,Go through the passage again and make a summary about “how to describe a famous person”,Experience,巴塘弦子,Guess

9、,A unique musical instrument in Tibetan culture,What is it?,Who let more and more people know about Xianzi?,musician Professor of Southwest Minzu University,He made an in-depth study of Xianzi.,继承发扬民族艺术,我们责无旁贷。,Its our responsibility to inherit and promote our ethnic art.,用英语写一篇介绍谭勇的短文。 简历:1)1961年出生于四川成都 2)12岁开始学习二胡,19岁去了四川音乐学院 3)1999年在欧洲举行九场独奏音乐会 4)2006年赴台湾各高校及环岛原驻民地区巡演 主要成就:创作作品20余部;海内外发表学术论文四十余万字。获川渝“十佳演员”政府奖;代表作品:二胡独奏曲康巴弦子,情系西南风。,Homework,Thank you for your listening!,


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