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1、Lesson 12 goodbye and good luck,Translate the following sentences into English. Using the passive voice,1.Our TV set was repaired yesterday 2.A wonderful English talk will be given by Mr. Liu tomorrow 3.A new building is being built in our school now. 4.The postman was bitten by our dog yesterday. 5

2、.The competition has been stopped for 40 minutes.,1.我们的电视昨天修过了。 2.胡先生明天将做一场非常精彩的演讲。 3.我们的学校正在建一座新的大楼。 4.昨天邮递员被我们的狗咬了。 5.比赛已经停止40分钟了。,I am sailing, I am sailing Home again across the sea; I am sailing stormy waters, To be near you, to be free. I am flying, I am flying like a bird across the sky. I am

3、 flying, passing high clouds To be with you, to be free. Can you hear me? Can you hear me Thru the dark night far away? I am dying forever crying To be with you, who can say? We are sailing. We are sailing Home again across the sea. We are sailing stormy waters To be near you, to be free. We are sai

4、ling. We are sailing Home again across the sea. We are sailing stormy waters To be near you, to be free. Oh, Lord, to be near you, to be free. Oh, Lord, to be near you, to be free. Oh, Lord, to be near you, to be free. Oh, Lord. 我在航行,我在航行,跨越海洋,回到家乡。我在航行,迎着风暴,向你靠近,获得自由。我在飞翔,我在飞翔,像只鸟儿,飞越天空,我在飞翔,与你同行,穿

5、越白云,获得自由。远隔万里,茫茫夜空,你可听到,我的哭声,我将死去,与你远离,我在哭泣,为靠近你。我们航行,我们航行,跨越海洋,重返家乡,我在航行,跨越海洋,向你靠近,获得自由。我们航行,我们航行,跨越海洋,回到家乡,我们航行,迎着风景,向你靠近,获得自由。向你靠近,获得自由,向你靠近,获得自由,向你靠近,获得自由,今生今世,直到永远。,Enjoy the music,Sailing,F,Four oceans in the world,Pacific ocean,Indian ocean,Arctic ocean,Atlantic ocean,The map of the world,ear

6、th,Where is Captain Alison going and how? 艾莉森船长要去哪?怎样去?,先听听这段录音, 回答以下问题,New words and expressions 生词和短语,luck n. 运气,幸运 captain n. 船长 sail v. 航行 harbour n. 港口 proud adj. 自豪 important adj. 重要的,luck n. 运气, 幸运 good luck bless you 保重 break a leg=good luck lucky dog 幸运儿 lucky day 幸运日 : Its my lucky day.今天我

7、真幸运 unlucky luckily adv.,单词精讲,2.captain n.船长,机长,连长,领班 陆军上尉,海军上校 captain+人名,表示“某船长/队长”,3.sail seilv.航行 Hell sail from the harbor tomorrow morning. 明天早上他将从港口出发起航 n.风帆 Set the sail and lets set out。(扬起风帆,让我们起航。) sailor水手,海员(v.+or=n. v.+er=n.) Sailing n. 驾驶帆船航行的运动 set sail(n.) for some place set sail(n.

8、) for some place起航 =sail(v.) for some place Sail on to success一帆风顺,【搭】sail to somewhere航行去某地 sail from somewhere从某地航行出发 Sail from somewhere to somewhere从某地航行出发前往某地 Sailcloth 帆布 我想乘船周游世界。,I want to sail around the world.,harbour n.港口 珍珠港Pearl Harbor harbour 指停泊船只、装卸货物的天然或人工港口。 port 多指人工港口,指还可指有港口的市。

9、wharf 船只停泊装卸货物的码头。 seaport 港埠 pier 旅客,货物上下船或供人散步用 v.藏匿,躲藏,proud praud adj.自豪的 【贬褒皆有】 be proud of:以为自豪 I am so proud of you.我如此为你感到骄傲。 Be proud to do sth.很骄傲地做某事 I am very proud to call you my friend.我很骄傲地称你是我朋友。 as proud as a peacock.骄傲如孔雀(极骄傲) do a person proud:盛情款待某人,使某人受到隆重礼遇,pride n./v. take pri

10、de in sth. 以为自豪 We take a lot of pride in China.我们为中国感到自豪。 pride oneself on sth.为感到骄傲 she prides herself on China她为中国感到骄傲。 overproud:过分自负(贬义)专横的 you can be proud, but you cant be overproud.你可以骄傲,但不可以自负。,important adj. 重要的 importance n,单词学完了,复习一下吧!,Lesson 12 Goodbye and good luck,_, _ Charles Alison,

11、 _from Portsmouth tomorrow. We will _him at the _ early in the morning. He will be in his small _, Topsail. Topsail is a _ little boat. It has sailed _ the Atlantic many times. Captain Alison will _ at eight oclock so we shall have _ time. We shall see his boat and then we shall _ him. He will be aw

12、ay for _. We _ of him. He will _an important _ across the Atlantic.,小,可爱,带有感情色彩,横切”、“横断”、“横渡”等,尤指河流、马路等等。,告别 say goodbye to,“为(某人)感到自豪”,表示“参加”、“参与(某项活动),TEXT 本文语法,、一般将来时 * will/shall+v.原 (在第一人称的单/复数后可以用shall;will可以用于所有人称,在书写时和口语中,常可缩略为ll)补充注释: 1)shall用于第一人称,常被will 所代替。 will 在陈述句中用于各人称,在争求意见时常用于第二人称。

13、 Which paragraph shall I read first. Will you be at home at seven this evening?,2)be going to +不定式,表示将来。 a) 主语的意图,即将做某事。 What are you going to do tomorrow? b) 计划,安排要发生的事。 The play is going to be produced next month。 c) 有迹象要发生的事 Look at the dark clouds, there is going to be a storm.,3、be to do sth 计划

14、或正式安排将发生的事。 We are to discuss the report next Saturday Be about to do sth意为马上做某事。 He is about to leave for Beijing. 注意:be about to 不能与tomorrow, next week 等表示明确将来时的时间状语连用,Goodbye and good luck Our neighbour Captain Charles Alison,will sail from Portsmouth tomorrow.Well meet him at the harbour early i

15、n the morning.He will be in his small boat,Topsail.Topsail is a famous little boat.It has sailed across the Atlantic many times.Captain Alison will set out at eight oclock,so well have plenty of time.Well see his boat and then well say goodbye to him.He will be away for two months.We are very proud

16、of him.He will take part in an important race across the Atlantic.,课文精解,early in the morning:一大早 late in the afternoon:傍晚时分 meet sb+地点 在口语里是“某地接某人”:Ill meet you at the station. 本课中是“见”的意思 送行:see sb off in his small boat a famous little boat 要避免用词重复 small表示形体上的小 little往往倾注了一定的感情,“可爱”,sail across the Atlantic 横渡大西洋 跟水面相关的用across:across the river过河 过桥:over set out/


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