英语外研版选修6 Module 4 An_Interview_with_Liu_Fang课文

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1、,Module 4,MUSIC,konghou 箜篌,清明上河图 平湖秋月 湘 妃 竹 思 凡,guzheng 古筝,渔舟唱晚 高山流水 香山射鼓 林冲夜奔 侗族舞曲 汉宫秋月 寒鸦戏水 东海渔歌 战 台 风 出 水 莲,Pipa 琵琶,十面埋伏 霸王卸甲 夕阳箫鼓 昭君出塞 汉宫秋月 塞 上 曲 阳春白雪 高山流水,Harp 竖琴,yueqin 月琴,刮地风 野马过河 一对鹅 六背腔 甘洛调 数西调 雷波调 威宁调 大理调 草皮调 嘎木调 过山调,lute 鲁特琴,mandolin 曼陀林,Module 4,An Interview with Liu Fang,Read the Passag

2、e and Fill in the Table:,international music star,1974,Kunming,Canada,Shanghai Conservatory of Music,her mother,pipa , guzheng,yueqin,1974 5 years old 6 years old 11 years old 19901993 19931996 1996,What do these numbers mean to Liu Fang?,She was born in 1974. She learnt to play the yueqin from her

3、mother. She has played the pipa since the age of six. She has given concerts since 11. She studied the pipa and the guzheng in Shanghai Conservatory of Music. She worked as a pipa soloist of the Kunming Music and Dance Troupe. She moved to Canada with her husband.,Read the passage quickly and match

4、the main idea with each part.,Part 1 Part 2 Part 3,tells about Liu Fangs musical influences and characteristics of classical Chinese music is about Liu Fangs love for performing live and her goals as an artist introduces Liu Fang as well as her musical training and background,Answer the following qu

5、estions:,What does Liu Fang enjoy about performing? What makes her feel depressed or lonely?,She enjoys the atmosphere in a concert hall.,When she has no concert for a long time.,What does she want to do with other musicians? What is her ambition regarding Chinese music?,She wants to work with them.

6、,She wants to compose her own music, and introduce classical pipa/ guzheng music everywhere.,Further understanding Read the passage again and finish the following exercises.,1. In paragraph 1, part 1, during her visit to China. her refers to_. 2. In paragraph 3, part 1, I have been living there sinc

7、e then. there refers to _. 3. In paragraph 4, part 1, the repertoire for the pipa is large repertoire means_ 4. Without good skill, playing classical Chinese pipa music is out of the question. (Find a sentence to replace it.) 5. What is the purpose of the passage?,the Queen of England,Canada,all the pieces of music,If you technique is not good enough, its impossible to play classical Chinese pipa music.,To introduce (make an introduction of) Liu Fang to readers.,


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