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1、初中英语“写”的特点: 英语读写课的 目标与结构,海师大外国语学院 英语语言教育研究室,TTR英语教师培训 主题五(Topic 5),内容提要 1. 初二英语写作课的观察与分析 Section B 3a 3b 3c, Unit 9(八年级上) (Go for it) 2. 初、高级英语写作的区别 3. 初中英语写作课的主要特点与教学技巧,Sample Lesson Section B 3a 3b 3c, Unit 9 When was he born?,Section 1 Preparing for writing Section 2 Writing process Section 3 Aft

2、er writing,学生分析,Are the students fully prepared for writing?,Motivation/ interests in learning? Language proficiency for writing? Background knowledge of the topic? Learning ability & strategies? Writing skills & strategies?,Learning objectives:,1. Learn and practice some new words and phrases: pers

3、on, well-known, take part in, pianist, could, hum son 2. Use what the Ss learnt in this unit (the related words and how to proofread or revise the drafts for each other etc. 5. Write individually after class with the clear ideas in mind with the support from the teacher and peers in writing collabor

4、atively.,初、高级英语写作课的区别,以语言操练为主要目标的模仿性写作; 强调写作过程中学生对语言的自我反思和相互语言监控; 强调语言形式的准确性和引导性写后语言形式的总结、归纳和必要的操练。,以实现真实交际目的为目标的写作; 强调写作过程中学生对所要表达思想的独立思考能力和信息组织能力; 写作后的交流与语言形式的重复修改。,写前准备 (Preparing for writing ),通过与学生交流,帮助学生复习、整理与即将要写的相关话题所需的各种语言知识和信息。 给学生提供交流话题或阅读材料,通过交流或阅读让学生明白为什么要写、写给谁(可能的读者是谁)以及写什么。 给学生写的理由,让他

5、们带着更强烈的写作动机去准备,同时也为正式写作作好了语言、写作技能、思维等各方面充分的准备。,写的过程阶段 (Writing Process),学生独立思考可以写哪些内容,并通过与同伴交流确定写的内容。 学生根据自己的喜好,选择一个或几个方面进行独立写作,写后小组可以讨论选出写得最好的样本与其他组进行交流。 展示学生所写的内容,引导学生评价和修正所写内容和所用语言是否准确。,写后阶段 (After writing),学生对照展示的样本,对自己所写内容进行自我修正。 让学生通过评价了解自己的语言问题,并根据学生的实际需要(e.g., unfamiliar words, phrases or se

6、ntence structures)进行必要的解释或操练; 学生课后独立完成写作任务并在同伴间交换阅读评价。,1、写前准备: 通过“说”准备话题(获得“写”的理由);通过“读”收集信息(了解“写”的内容和形式如语言及相关文体结构知识等) 2、模仿写作:提供生活中的标准言语案例 3、计划写作:提供有关写什么和怎样写的讨论 4、独立写作:提供课堂上独立尝试“写”的机会 5、写后交流:提供互为读者、相互帮助的机会 6、评价解说:提供学生的作品与讲评,呈现写作案例的正确形式和解释修正的原因 7、自我修正:提供自我反思与修正的机会 8、课后写作:提供课后进一步写或修正的机会,初级写作训练的常用策略,补充

7、资料1:EFL Teacher Roles in process-writing,Exploring students own writing topic Providing the process of individual writing Providing the process of practice writing Encouraging collaborative writing Making interactions between Ss writer & reader,补充资料2:EFL Teacher Roles in Collaborative Writing,Get st

8、udent to find out the writing task they really want to contribute to; Make sure the students are clear about their individual writing task and the specific working steps in writing; Make sure the students are working in the positive interdependence; Provide students the process of learning and practicing personal interactive skills required for collaborative writing; Pay more attention to what the students write or want to write rather than the form in Ss prewriting Have students working together in and out of class.,谢谢聆听!,


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