高中英语 Module 4 SandstormsinAsia-introduction

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《高中英语 Module 4 SandstormsinAsia-introduction》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高中英语 Module 4 SandstormsinAsia-introduction(17页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 4 Introduction,Sandstorm,the weather: There is strong, dry wind and the sky is yellow.,Sandstorm,the influence: the visibility drops,the influence: Its dangerous for us to go out,the influence: people have to wear hoods, masks and glasses,the influence: cars slow down and have to turn on head

2、light,Sometimes delay the flights,the influence: It spreads illness,major sandstorm centers in China,Gansu and Western Inner Mongolia,Beijing and Northeast Inner Mongolia,Discussion:,Whats the cause of sandstorm? What should you do in a sandstorm to protect yourself?,The cause of sandstorm: cutting

3、down too many trees; desertification (沙漠化); high temperature and little rain; serious air and water pollution; the growing population of the world; improper of land; rapid spread of urbanization;,Speaking,Answers for activity2:,1.More than 400km/h. 2. It stays where it was. 3. About 800. 4. More tha

4、n 700. 5. It has huge waves. 6. 8th September, 1900. 7. No, he wasnt. 8. His coffin was dropped in the sea by a hurricane and carried to Canada by the Gulf Stream.,bury: 埋葬 1. bury the hatchet : 言归于好 2. bury oneself in sth. 埋头或专心致志于 e.g. In the evenings he buried himself in his books.,feather:羽毛 Bir

5、ds of a feather (flock together). 物以类聚,鸟以群分 Show the white feather. 示弱,胆怯,fur: (动物的皮毛) make the fur/sparks (火花)fly 引起争吵或打斗,Occur (occurred, occurring) 1.发生. e.g Where did the earthquake occur? 2. 出现,存在 e.g Sandstorm often occurs in Beijing. 3. (想法,念头)想起,浮现 e.g A good idea occur to me.,end up 结束 end up in/with 以告终,


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