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1、选修 6,教学辅助课件,Unit 5,1. To be able to list some natural disasters 2. To have a general understanding about volcanoes 3. To know some basic information about Mount Kilauea,More and more natural disasters and extreme weather are impacting on our lives. Can you list any?,Whats the video about?,the power

2、of nature,flood lightning thunderstorm sandstorm hurricane tornado typhoon landslide earthquake tsunami volcanic eruption,闪电 洪水 龙卷风 雷暴 火山喷发 沙尘暴 海啸 地震 飓风 滑坡 台风,There are some words about natural phenomena or natural disasters. Match them up.,tsunami: an earthquake happening under the sea floor,Guess

3、which natural phenomenon or natural disaster is being defined.,earthquake: a sudden violent movement of the Earths surface, sometimes causing great damage,thunderstorm: a lot of rain falling quickly, with loud noises and flashes of light,sandstorm: a storm caused by strong winds and blowing sand or

4、dust,flood: a lot of water in an area which is usually dry,tornado: a column of air that turns very quickly,typhoon: a tropical cyclone (热带气旋) occurring in the western Pacific or Indian Ocean,hurricane: a violent storm with extremely strong winds and heavy rain,landslide: a large amount of earth and

5、 rocks falling down a cliff or the side of a mountain.,volcanic eruption: ash sometimes rising into the air from inside the earth,What do you know about volcanoes?,The magma erupts from the crater; the lava flows slowly down the mountain.,lava,crater,ash cloud/volcanic ash,magma,Please look at the d

6、iagram below. It shows an erupting volcano.,1. How is a volcano formed?,The rocks under the earth become hotter and hotter and erupt from the mountain.,More about volcano:,Joints between the plates. Often near the oceans.,2. From where is it most probable for a volcano to erupt?,Haleakala Crater, th

7、e largest dormant volcano in the world (Maui, Hawaii),An active volcano,A dormant volcano (休眠火山),An extinct volcano,3. What types of volcanoes do you know?,The position of the Kilauea volcano,Lets learn something about one of the most active volcanoes The Kilauea volcano.,Now watch a piece of video

8、about Mount Kilauea to know more about it.,Mount Kilauea in Hawaii has erupted _ times since 1952.,The current eruption began in _ and has been going on ever since.,Lets enjoy some wonderful moments of the long eruption.,62,1983,Hawaiis Kilauea volcano began erupting in January 1983 with a spectacul

9、ar arching (拱起) lava fountain. This photo was taken on Feb. 25, 1983.,Geologists preparing to collect samples near an active vent (排放口) erupting in the background at Kilaueas east rift zone (断裂带) on Jan. 7, 1983.,An aerial (空中的) view of Puu Oo crater, where the eruption has been occurring, at dusk,

10、soon after the Kilauea eruption began. (June 29, 1983),An aerial view of Puu Oo crater from the southeast on April 21, 1988.,An aerial view of the lava lake in Puu Oo crater, taken Aug. 30, 1990. The crater was about 800 feet (250 meters) in diameter.,Kilauea volcanos eruption destroyed Hawaii Volca

11、noes National Parks Wahaula Visitor Center, shown on the top in 1987. The building was set aflame (着火的) by molten (熔化的) lava on June 22, 1989.,Lava from Kilauea volcano flows from a tube into the sea near Kupapau Point in Hawaii. (Nov. 27, 1989),Lava enters the ocean in May 2010 from the Kalapana fl

12、ow at Kilauea volcano in Hawaii.,A geologist taking a sample on July 14, 2010, from a recently formed skylight (天窗) on the Quarry flow lava tube (采石场流岩管). The Quarry lava flow began in 2010.,Have you ever thought about how powerful nature is? Try to complete the table.,Group work,Have you ever consi

13、dered how weak humans are compared with a volcano, hurricane or earthquake? In your groups discuss ways human beings protect themselves from powerful natural forces.,Group discussion,P33 2,We can help lessen the damage and losses caused by it through combined efforts of risk assessment (评估) and early warning.,We should do more to protect the environment to reduce the natural disasters.,Possible answers:,Homework,Look up the new words and expressions of the text in the dictionary. 2. Preview the reading passage AN EXCITING JOB,


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