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1、Unit4 Wildlife Protection,Warming up,What makes the world around us so wonderful?,Wild plants Wild animals,We share our planet with so many wonderful creatures . Wildlife can refer to plants but more commonly refers to animals.,Wildlife,Living things that exist in natural habitats.,Wildlife,Can you

2、give the names of the following animals?,fox,elephant,kangaroo,leopard,monkey,tiger,panda,bear,giraffe,gorilla,crocodile,wolf,koala,dolphin,camel,Squirrel,rhino,lion,zebra,milu deer,animals,loyal,fierce,beautiful,clever,quick,lovely,cute,dangerous,Idiom Game,1,2,3,4,6,7,8,5,as strong as _,a horse,as

3、 poor as _,a church mouse,as busy as _,a bee,as happy as _,a pig,as elegant(优雅的) as _,a swan,as slow as _,a snail,as hungry as _,a wolf,as stupid as _,a donkey,Live in harmony with the wildlife! Enjoy Our Life !,endangered wild animals,golden monkey,Asian elephant,dolphin,Chinese sturgeon 中华鲟,chines

4、e alligator 扬子鳄,polar bear北极熊,Rhino,camel,flamingo 火烈鸟,crested ibis 朱鹮,Lesser panda,mouse lemur 狐猴,Plants endangered (1) ginkgo 银杏,Plants endangered(2) 桫椤(spinulosa ),What do you think of these animals?,They are rare,precious.They are national treasure.But ,What happened to them?,They are dying out!

5、,They are endangered!,What other endangered species do you know?,Milu deer,rhino,Elephants,red-crowned crane 丹顶鹤(仙鹤),crocodile,dolphin 中华白海豚, 是世界濒危物种,sea turtle,turtle,polar bear,Talking,Why are they endangered?,Lack of food,“Mum, I am hungry. Where is our next meal ?”,Food Shortage !,too much hunti

6、ng/killing,skin & fur,meat,bone,horn & antler,tusk,What are they killed for?,People killed the endangered animals simply to satisfy their desire to eat.,People kill animals for their fur, which can be made into beautiful and expensive fur coat.,Tibet antelope An animal living in the Tibetan plateau,

7、As a result of illegal hunting, the number has been decreasing continuously and is now mere 50,000 animals.,“Where are my parents?” A little antelope cried.,“ We were a large group before the 1950s , we became endangered through over-hunting .,Now about 30 of us are alive in the wild . Those in zoos

8、 lost their natural skills , such as hunting and killing .”,People keep them in cages for_ .,fun,pollution,Habitat destroyed,Too many trees were cut down and forests were destroyed for wood /farmland.,Pesticide(农药),People didnt protect the nature. They destroyed it willfully.,Who is the most dangero

9、us enemy of animals?,Human beings.,Reasons for endangering,Many animals have been killed for food ,for fur or for making medicine. The places where animals used to live have been destroyed.They can not find enough food and live alive here. Sometimes the weather has changed and the animals cant adapt

10、 themselves to the new environment.,Why?,Lack of food,Habitat destroyed,Climate changed,Too much hunting,Pollution,Brainstorming,disease,Pesticides,Wild plants and animals have to look after themselves.,What do they need?,Food,Good environment,Good habitat,Safety,What can we do to help endangered an

11、imals? We can help endangered animals by protecting their habitats, creating new habitats. Protecting the environment. Controlling export and import of animals and plants. Learn more about animals and the environment.,Treat plants & animals as our friends.,Collect money to protect the endangered ani

12、mals.,Stop destroying the habitats of them.,Stop using animals to make luxury goods.,Protect the environment. Help animals return to nature.,Never buy endangered animals products and tell your friends not to do so too!,Never kill endangered animals.,Laws should be passed to prevent people from killing or hunting them. People are educated to be aware of the importance of wildlife protection.,Be the Voice of the Wildlife,esp. endangered wild animals,


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