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1、 安徽工程大学机电学院毕业设计(论文) 体验营销在方特主题公园的应用与研究摘 要 在这个注重体验的经济时代,人们生活水平在不断地提高,伴随而来的是物质的消费也越来越丰富,因此人们对精神的追求也越来越强烈。所谓体验就是消费者在做出购买决策时,不仅要考虑产品功能,还要考虑购买和消费过程中所获得的、符合自己心理需求和情趣偏好的特定感受。体验成为顾客购买提供一种新的价值,成为消费者是否购买的主要依据。为了满足顾客日益增长的精神需求和体验需求,体验营销应运而生。体验营销是一种以体验为中心的全新的营销方式,通过为顾客创造绝佳的顾客体验,满足了顾客精神层次的需求,为顾客带来额外的价值。在经济高速发展的今天,


3、。这对于提升方特主题公园的经营质量和经济效益,促进方特主题公园的长远发展有着重要意义。关键词:体验经济;体验营销;方特主题公园;游客IResearch and application of experience marketing in the theme parkAbstract In this era of experience economy, peoples living standards continue to improve, accompanied by the consumption of material is also more and more rich, so the

4、 pursuit of the spirit of the people is also more and more strong. The so-called experience is that consumers make purchase decisions, not only to consider the product function, but also to consider the purchase and consumption of the process, in line with their psychological needs and preferences o

5、f a particular feeling. Experience has become a new value for customers to purchase, to become the main basis for the purchase of consumers. In order to meet the increasing needs of the customers spiritual needs and experience, experience marketing arises at the historic moment. Experiential marketi

6、ng is a new marketing mode, which takes the experience as the center, to create an excellent customer experience for the customers, to meet the needs of the customers spiritual level, and to bring additional value to the customer. In todays rapid economic development, people know better to enjoy lif

7、e, and travel to become an important part of their enjoyment of life. After more than 20 years of development, Chinas theme park has gradually become one of the new pillars of tourism industry. In order to cater to the tastes of the masses, to meet the requirements of the masses and the theme of sus

8、tainable development of the park, the theme park from the traditional marketing model like experience marketing model change. In this paper, we first introduce the related theory of experience economy, experiential marketing, then to Fangte theme park as an example demonstrates the tourism industry

9、of our country implementation experience marketing the necessity and reality, based on this proposed Fangte theme park experiential tourism product design and tourism product marketing experience in the implementation of specific strategies. In Wuhu Fangte theme park business introducing experientia

10、l marketing concept, the implementation of experiential marketing, to really to meet customer demand for the purpose, the choice of creative themes, distinctive personality development of tourism products, in the fierce competition in the market gain lasting competitive advantage. This to improve Fa

11、ngte theme park business quality and economic benefits, promote the long-term development of Fangte theme park has a important significance.Keywords: experience economy; experiential marketing; theme park; touristsIII目录引言- 1 -第1章 绪论- 2 -1.1 本文的研究背景- 2 -1.2 本文研究的主要内容- 2 -1.3 本文研究的理论与实际意义- 2 -1.4 国内外研

12、究现状- 3 -第2章 体验营销概述- 5 -2.1 体验营销的内涵- 5 -2.1.1 体验营销的相关概念- 5 -2.1.2体验营销的基本特征- 5 -2.2 体验营销的内容- 5 -第3章 方特主题公园在体验营销应用中存在的问题- 7 -3.1 对体验营销的认识不全面- 7 -3.2 对体验营销工具利用的不充分- 7 -3.3 对体验营销战略运用缺乏创新- 7 -第4章 方特主题公园应用体验营销的实施路径- 8 -4.1 体验营销策略设计的基本原则- 8 -4.1.1 主题要鲜明- 8 -4.1.2 坚持以游客为中心- 8 -4.1.3 突出个性和品牌- 8 -4.2 体验营销在方特主题

13、公园的实施- 8 -4.2.1 从主题公园体验营销工具的构成要素出发实施体验营销策略- 8 -4.2.2 从游客需求角度出发实施体验营销策略- 10 -结论与展望- 14 -致谢- 15 -参考文献- 16 -附录C- 17 -附录D- 24 -III引言 随着经济水平的提高,经济消费形态逐渐发生转变,已经从过去传统的农业经济、工业经济、服务经济逐步向体验经济时代迈进。体验营销与传统的营销活动中,强调提供标准化的产品和服务,要满足消费者大众化的需求有所不同,企业应加强与顾客的沟通,发掘其内心的欲望,从顾客体验的角度,在营销活动的设计中,体现较强的个性特征,在大众化的基础上增加个性独特,满足追求

14、个性、讲究独特品味的顾客需求。体验营销并非仅仅是一种营销手段,确切地说它是一种营销心理、一种营销文化、一种营销理念。越来越多的企业开始注重到体验营销的价值。体验营销销售的不仅是产品与服务,更是一种精神层面的愉悦体验,让顾客在体验中产生美妙而深刻的印象或体验,获得最大程度上的精神满足。体验营销引导消费者主动参与体验生活,使其融入到设定的情景当中,透过消费者的表面特征去挖掘、发现其心底真正的需求,甚至是一种朦胧的、难以表述出的、等待别人来唤醒的需求。当前,体验营销受到越来越多的企业与消费者的青睐,俨然已发展成为市场营销的新领域和新发展的重要标志。 旅游是一种天然的体验型经济。在体验经济时代,旅游者

15、的需求越来越趋向于互动化、体验化和个性化,体验营销时代的到来,使得旅游业有了更大的发展空间。随着社会、经济的发展,外出旅游正在被越来越多的消费者所接受,成为一种经常性的行为,并且向更高层次的体验旅游需求发展。而主题公园作为旅游业的一种,也越来越受到人们的青睐。主题公园是孩子们游玩的首选目标,也是大人们为了培养与孩子的感情,带孩子出去游玩的首选地。为了满足人们的需要,促进旅游业的可持续发展,让体验营销运用于主题公园是非常必要的。第1章 绪论1.1 本文的研究背景 社会经济的飞速发展,人们生活水平日益提高,旅游成为大多数人在工作之余的追求之一。拥有巨大市场潜力的旅游产品使得旅游业这个起步较晚的产业迅速成长起来,成为促进社会经济发展的一支重要力量。然而我国旅游市场面临着国内外旅游业的巨大竞争,使得旅游业界越来越重视对于旅游市场营销问题的研究。在过去的旅游业市场中,基于社会经济发展程度以及旅游业自身发展程度的局限,旅游营销一直受到社会的营销观念的影响,认为消费者对旅游产品的需求和消费与普通产品一样,忽视了旅游的经历和体验,而精力和体验正式旅游行业的核心


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