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1、台湾问题温家宝: 两岸正在商签的经济合作框架协议是一个综合性的、具有两岸特色的协议。商签这个协议应该把握好三个原则:第一,平等协商;第二,互利双赢;第三,彼此照顾对方的关切。The Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits is a comprehensive document that reflects the characteristics of both sides of the Straits. In negotiating such an agreement

2、, it is important to abide by the following three principles. First, equal consultations. Second, mutual benefit and win-win progress and third, accommodation of each others concerns.我确实讲过,在商签协议时要充分考虑两岸经济规模和市场条件的不同,关心台湾中小企业和广大基层民众的利益,特别要照顾台湾农民的利益。I did say that in negotiating such an agreement, full

3、 consideration/ will be given to the different sizes of economy and market conditions of the two sides of the Straits. We will care for the interests of small and medium-sized businesses and ordinary people in Taiwan. In particular, we will accommodate the interests of farmers in Taiwan.我也确实讲过,要让利给台

4、湾。这种让利,比如通过减免关税,通过早期收获实现。另外,也要做出让台湾农民放心的事情。但是,我看到台湾的报纸,很大的篇幅报道温总理关于让利的论述。可是我在在线访谈时讲了两句话,后面还有一句话“因为我们是兄弟”,这句话就鲜有报道。I did say that we will let the people in Taiwan benefit more from ECFA. The benefit can be achieved through tariff concessions and early harvest. Relevant arrangements will also be made

5、to help reassure the farmers in Taiwan in negotiating ECFA. I have seen much coverage about my remark of letting Taiwan benefit more from ECFA in the news media of Taiwan. But I saw little coverage of the remark that followed this previous remark I made in my online discussion with the internet user

6、s. That is because we are brothers.我去台湾的愿望依旧是那么强烈,因为我认为中华民族5000年的文化,具有强大的震撼力和凝聚力,不要因为50年的政治而丢掉5000年的文化。I still cherish a very strong wish to visit Taiwan one day because in my view, the 5,000 year history of the Chinese nation has a strong appeal and our 5,000 year culture has strong cohesiveness. I

7、 dont think one should abandon the 5,000 year Chinese culture just because of the political developments in the past 50 years.中国立场温总理你好,我是德新社的记者。Im with DPA German Press Agency. With great power comes with great responsibility, and so with Chinas rise, the world is increasingly looking for leadershi

8、p from China to solve global challenges or economic and security or political problems, so I know there is a lot of debate in your government about this. Is China capable and also willing to play a greater role on the world stage? Thank you. 德新社记者: 温总理你好。大国也应该承担更多的责任,中国现在正在崛起,国际社会期待中国在应对全球挑战以及政治、安全、

9、经济等领域的问题上发挥领导作用。我们了解,在中国政府内部也在就该问题进行着积极的讨论。我想了解,中国是否有这个能力以及意愿在国际舞台发挥更大的作用?温家宝: 你的问题问得还是比较平和的。实际上现在在舆论上,已经出现了“中国傲慢论”、“中国强硬论”、“中国必胜论”的观点。I see that you have put your question in a quite mild way. But I know that there have been a lot of debate about this issue. Some say that China has got more arrogan

10、t and tough and some have put forward a so-called theory of China triumphantism.你给我一个机会阐述一下我们是如何对待自己的。And you have given me an opportunity to explain to the audience how China sees itself.第一,中国这些年经济虽然发展很快,但是由于城乡不平衡、地区不平衡,再加上人口多、底子薄,我们确实还处于发展的初级阶段。First, it is true that China has made remarkable prog

11、ress in its economic development in recent years. But China is still a country with a big population, weak economic foundation and an uneven regional and urban-rural development. China is still at the primary stage of development.前不久,就是为了征求群众对政府工作报告的意见,我到离北京只有150公里的滦平县。我看到那里的群众虽然这些年来生产生活条件有所改变,但依然与北

12、京有很大的差距。这个村子我已经去了三次了,分别是2000年、2005年和2010年。Not so long ago, in order to solicit public opinions on the Report on the Work of the Government, I paid a visit to the County of Luanping, which is located 150 kilometers away from Beijing Municipality. In spite of some improvement in the working and living

13、 conditions of people there, I still see a big gap between the living standards of people in that county and in Beijing. I have visited the Luanping County three times, in 2000, 2005 and 2010.第二,中国坚持走和平发展的道路。中国的发展不会影响任何国家,中国不发达的时候不称霸,中国即使发达了,也不称霸,永远不称霸!Second, China is firmly committed to peaceful d

14、evelopment. Chinas development will not affect any country. China has not sought hegemonism when it is not a developed country and China will not seek hegemony even when it becomes a developed country. In a word, China will never seek hegemony.第三,在涉及中国主权和领土完整的重大问题上,即使是中国很穷的时候,我们也是铮铮铁骨。Third, China h

15、as been steadfast in upholding its sovereignty and territorial integrity even when it was a very poor country.第四,中国是个负责任的国家,中国主张并积极参与国际合作,解决当前国际经济和政治的重大问题。中国对不发达国家实行的援助是不附加任何条件的。Fourth, China is a responsible country. China has called for and taken an active part in international cooperation in addressing the major economic and political issues in our world. We have provided assistance with no strings attached to the underdeveloped countries.这四点就是我们中国对外政策的基本立场。These four points together consist the basic position of China in conducting foreign policy. 谢谢你。Thank you.


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