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2、致意见。交易的主要条件根据每笔生意不同要逐条谈妥,难以通用。,而商检、索赔、仲裁和不可抗力等其他条件被认为是交易的“一般交易条件”(General Terms and Conditions)。一般交易条件往往是买卖双方洽谈贸易的前提和基础,通常印在合同(约)的背面共同遵守,而不需要每次都重复商洽。这样可以缩短交易洽谈时间,减少费用开支等。因此,在国际贸易中广泛采用。,Dear Sirs, We learn from Messrs. Johnson Co. of Singapore that you are producing for export handbags in a variety o

3、f natural leathers. There is a steady demand here for handbags of high quality and although sales are not particularly high, good prices are obtained. Will you please send us a copy of illustrated catalogue for handbags, with details of your prices and terms of payment. We should find it most helpfu

4、l if you could also supply samples of the various leather of which the handbags are made. Yours faithfully,Dear Sirs, We thank you for your enquiry of 15 November and enclose our quotation for handbags. We have made a good selection of patterns and sent them to you today by post. Their fine quality,

5、 attractive designs and the reasonable prices at which we offer them will convince you that these materials are really of good value. There is a heavy demand for our products in various districts and regions, which we are finding it difficult to meet, but provided that we receive your order within t

6、he next ten days, we will make you a firm offer for delivery by the middle of February at the prices quoted. On orders for one hundred units or more we allow a special discount of 1.5%. We require payment by L/C to reach us one month prior to the time of shipment. We look forward to receiving your o

7、rder. Yours truly,第三章 询盘和报盘,学习目标 掌握询盘报盘的具体内容及格式 熟悉答复询盘信的内容要点 常用语句和表达,本章章节,第一节 询盘 第二节 询盘回复 第三节 报盘 第四节 练习,第一节 询盘,询盘,又称询价,是指交易的一方为购买或出售某种商品,向对方口头或书面发出的探询交易条件的过程。询盘可只询问价格,也可询问其他有关的交易条件。询盘的内容可涉及:价格、规格、品质、数量、包装、装运、付款方式以及索取样品等。 询盘可分为一般询盘和具体询盘:前者是指进口商为了了解情况而向出口商索要需要的商品目录,价格单,样品等;后者是指进口商就指定的具体商品要求出口商报价。,一般询盘

8、:一般询盘并不一定立即接触具体交易,大多仅是摸底,其索取内容包括某种商品的目录,价目表,样品等一般化信息以及有关的一般化交易条件。,一般询盘,一般询盘,具体询盘,具体询盘实际上就是请对方报盘。也就是说,当买方已准备购买某种商品时,请卖方告知价格,支付条件,货物品质,规格,数量,交货日期,可能的装运时间以及售后服务等。,例1: Dear Sirs, Thank you for your letter of June 10. We note with pleasure that you intend to develop business with us in the captioned good

9、s. We have gone through your catalogue and are interested in Refrigerator Art No. HD-276F(N). Please quote us your lowest price. If your prices are reasonable and quality satisfactory, we shall consider placing substantial orders. We trust you will give this enquiry your immediate attention and let

10、us have your reply at an early date. Yours truly,具体询盘,Exercise 1,1. 我公司从事手工艺产品的出口业务已多年,为了进一步拓展业务,可向你提供最优惠价格。 2. 请在报价单中详细说明商品的规格、品质、数量、价格和装运条件。 3.你公司的真皮大衣在本地市场前景很好。 4. 请报FOB上海港最低价格。 5. 若你方价格合理,我方将大量订货。,第二节 回复询盘,收到询盘应及时回复;即使你不能满足对方的要求,也应该及时答复,婉言说明原因,为以后可能的交易留有余地,切忌置之不理。回复询盘的信函一般遵循以下原则:准确、具体、清楚。 答复询盘的信

11、函通常包括以下内容:感谢客户来函询价;明确写信具体意图;正面推销我方产品;通知对方所附附件;提出报盘交货条件;欢迎对方继续联系。 如果出于某些原因(如存货不足等)不能满足对方意愿,则应及时回信说明情况,为以后的交易留有余地;或者积极向对方推销同类产品。,回复询盘示例,回复询盘示例,如果出于某些原因(如存货不足等)不能满足对方意愿,则应及时回信说明情况,为以后的交易留有余地;或者积极向对方推销同类产品。常用语句如下: As heavy sales in recent days have depleted our stocks, we can not offer anything at prese

12、nt. We will revert to your enquiry as soon as fresh supplies are available. As soon as fresh supplies arrive, we will give you preference with our offers. We will check our stocks and see whether we can offer you anything.,Exercise 2,1. 这个报价是我方可以提供的最优惠价格。 2. 对于大额订单,我方将提供5%的价格折扣。 3. 所附价格单和图册将给你提供有关产品

13、的具体信息。 4. 我方所报价格包含了到温哥华(Vancouver)的保险和运费。 5. 经考虑,决定接受你方价格,但是希望给予8%的佣金。,第三节 报盘,报盘,也叫报价,发盘,通常是收到对方的询盘后提出的,但也可以在没有询盘的情况下主动向对方发出。发盘一般由卖方发出。 在国际业务中,报盘分实盘(firm offer)和虚盘(non-firm offer)两种。实盘是报盘人在规定的期限内愿意按照所列条件达成交易的肯定表示,报盘人在有效期内不得随意撤回或修改报盘内容。若卖方在有效期内毫无保留的接受了报盘,那么交易即告成立;虚盘对卖方没有约束力,在某些情况下,报盘中的具体条款仍可以修改。,实盘,实

14、盘,实盘是发盘人按其提供的条件以达成交易目的的明确表示,具有法律效力。受盘人一旦在有效期限内接受实盘中的条件和内容,发盘人就无权拒绝售货。 Please note that we have quoted our most favourable price and are unable to entertain any counter offer. We offer firm subject to your acceptance reaching us by May 5th.,虚盘,报价方没有明确承诺签约的发盘为虚盘。虚盘较为灵活,无须详细的内容和具体的条件,也不注明有效期。它仅表示交易的意向,

15、不具有法律效力。一般说来,虚盘中常含有以下词句,以示发盘者有所保留: This offer is subject to our final confirmation. Subject to prior sale. All quotations are subject to our final confirmation unless otherwise stated. For your consideration. The prices quoted are subject to the goods being in stock on receipt of orders.,Exercise 3,

16、Atlanta Nuts Co., inquire about the kind of nuts available at the moment and the terms and conditions for prompt delivery. Reply to the above request, according to these notes. 1. 桃仁、甜杏仁、花生仁有现货。 2. 可供数量: 桃仁:2吨;甜杏仁:2.5吨;花生仁:3吨 3. 价格:FOB天津新港 桃仁:每吨2500美元;甜杏仁:每吨4000美元; 花生仁:每吨2000美元 4. 付款方式: 信用证付款,第四节 常用词句,在询价时,常常查问或要求对方提供的项目有: 1样品方面:sample, sample-book, pattern-book, pattern design , sample-cuttings 2目录:catalogue, the latest catalogue, illustrated catalog



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