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1、【从零开始学口语】分类英语口语词汇和情景会话:数字【分类英语口语词汇和情景会话(3)数字 numbers】基数词 Cardinal Numberone - 一two - 二three - 三four - 四five - 五six - 六seven - 七eight - 八nine - 九ten - 十eleven - 十一twelve - 十二thirteen - 十三fourteen - 十四fifteen - 十五sixteen - 十六seventeen - 十七eighteen - 十八nineteen - 十九twenty - 二十twenty one - 二十一twenty two

2、 - 二十二twenty three - 二十三twenty four - 二十四twenty five - 二十五twenty six - 二十六twenty seven - 二十七twenty eight - 二十八twenty nine - 二十九thirty - 三十thirty one - 三十一thirty two - 三十二thirty three - 三十三thirty four - 三十四thirty five - 三十五thirty six - 三十六thirty seven - 三十七thirty eight - 三十八thirty nine - 三十九forty - 四

3、十fifty - 五十sixty - 六十seventy - 七十eighty - 八十ninety - 九十hundred - 百thousand - 千one ten thousand - 万one hundred thousand - 十万序数词 Ordinal Numberfirst - 第一second - 第二third - 第三fourth - 第四fifth - 第五sixth - 第六seventh - 第七eighth - 第八ninth - 第九tenth - 第十eleventh - 第十一twelfth - 第十二thirteenth - 第十三fourteenth

4、- 第十四fifteenth - 第十五sixteenth - 第十六seventeenth - 第十七eighteenth - 第十八nineteenth - 第十九twentieth - 第二十thirtieth - 第三十hundredth - 第一百【必会句】How many?(可数的)多少,多么?How much?(不可数的)多少,多么?How old?多大?How long?多长?How far?多远?How much do you want?你想要多少呢?How many are there?总共有多少呢?How often do you have English trainin

5、g?你经常参加英语培训吗?How old is he?他几岁了呀?How far is the airport?机场离这有多远呀呢?Whats your phone number?你的电话号码是多少呀?Im thirteen years old.我十三岁。Im going out, I will be back at five oclock p.m.我要出去,大概在下午 5 点钟回来。I want to stay for two nights.我要住两晚。It is the third time you forgot my name!这是你第三次忘记我的名字了!You must get up

6、at six in the morning.你必须早上 6 点起床。【实况会话】SHOW TIME ONEA: How much is four minus four?4 减 4 等于几?B: I dont know.不知道。A: Well, if I put four coins in your pocket, and you have a big hole in your pocket, what is left in your pocket?如果我在你口袋里放四个硬币,而你的口袋上有个大窟窿,最后你衣袋里会剩下什么?B: The hole.那个窟窿。SHOW TIME TWOA: I o

7、nly got thirty-five in maths and fifty in spelling, but my geography is the surprising one.我数学只得了 35 分,拼音 50 分,但是我的地理就让我吃惊啦。B: Really? What was your score in geograraphy?真的吗?那你地理得了多少分?A: Zero.零分。【开心时分】- If one and one make two, and two and two make four, how much do four and four make?如果一加一等于二,二加二等于四,那么四加四等于几?- Thats not fair, teacher. You answer the easy ones yourself and leave the hard ones for us.不公平,老师,你自己回答简单的,把难的留我们。- Why didnt you shout for help when you were robbed of your watch?有人抢你的手表时,你为什么不呼救?- I cant, because there are four gold teeth in my mouth.我不能,因为我嘴里有 4 颗金牙。 【长春藤英语分享】


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