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1、专八翻译四,-任园园 高敏 2015421,1.这里说的是上海一处尘土飞扬、机械轰鸣的工地中,,The story took place in a dusty and plangent/roaring construction site of Shanghai.,Rumbling: making a deep rolling (形容雷声或炮声) Roaring: making a continuous loud deep noise(咆哮) Plangent:1.making a loud and resonant (响亮的)or mournful sound 2.expressing or

2、suggesting grief or sadness 3.a plangent sound is deep, low, and sad Thundering:very loud(with a thundering roar) Thunderous :(雷鸣般的) 1 resembling thunder in its loudness 2 angry and threatening,2.有一座破旧的小房还艰难地支撑在那里。,There was a small dilapidated house propping up with a great force.,艰难,指困难、艰巨;犹劳苦。语出诗

3、王风中谷有蓷:“嘅其叹矣,遇人之艰难矣。 支撑: 顶住压力使东西不倒塌 Crumbling : If a building or a piece of land is crumbling, parts of it are breaking off 坍塌 Sagging: to hang or bent down in the middle especially because of weight or pressure尤指承重或受压 A sagging roof 凹陷的房顶 Prop up: to prevent sth from falling by putting sth under it

4、, to support it 撑起,破旧的:dilapidated:(house,roads,building 1 partly ruined or decayed, especially as a result of neglect(年久失修的) 2 a dilapidated building, vehicle, or system is old and in bad condition Decrepit: 1 in poor condition, especially as a result of being old, overused, or not working efficien

5、tly强调衰老,使用不当。 2 with strength lessened by the effects of age 3 old and no longer in good condition,Shabby:(衣衫褴褛的) 1 worn out, frayed, or threadbare after long use 2 wearing worn-out clothing and perceived as being unappealing to the eye worn: 1 used so much as to have lost meaning 2 something that i

6、s worn looks old and damaged because it has been used a lot,3.是一个钉子户吗?,Was it a nail house? 钉子户:在城市建设征用土地时,讨价还价,不肯迁走的住户。(nail household),4.户中是一对老夫妻,他俩唯一的儿 子是一个30多岁的弱智儿,,There was an old couple living in it, and the only son they had was an imbecile who was more than 30 years.,Half-wit: someone who i

7、s stupid or who has done something stupid Mentally handicapped: someone who is handicapped has a permanent injury, illness, or other problem that makes them unable to use their body or mind normally .This word is now considered offensive and it is more polite to say that someone is learning disabled

8、, visually impaired, hearing impaired, or simply disabled.,弱智:imbecile: an offensive word for someone who has a mental disability Mentally retarded: an old-fashioned word for someone who has not developed mentally as much as most other people of the same age, and this word is now considered offensiv

9、e.,5.他常常离家外出,半月一月地又回来一趟。,He often strayed for half or one month every time before going back home.,离家外出:absent oneself from home, leave home,be away from home Wander: 1 to move from place to place, either without a purpose or without a known destination 2 to stray from a place, path, or course 3 to

10、lose the ability to concentrate or pay attention 4 to follow a winding course 5 to go somewhere at a leisurely pace,Roam about: 1 to move over a large area, especially without a specific purpose or definite destination 2 to move or travel with no particular purpose 3 walk or travel without any defin

11、ite aim or destination over or through(a country,etc.) 4 wander with no very clear aim Stray:to move away from the place where you should be ,without intending to Wander away:to move away from the place where you ought to be or the people you are with(走散),6.这次房子被拆迁了,但儿子已是两月没回来了,,This time when the h

12、ouse would be pulled down。 Nevertheless, he hadnt yet come back since he left two month ago .,拆迁: Pull down the house Demolition: 1 the complete destruction of a building or other structure 2 the destruction or annihilation of somebody or something,7.老两口不敢动迁,他们怕傻儿子回家来找不着爹娘了,The old couple didnt dare

13、 to move away from the house, because they were afraid that their poor son couldnt find them when he went back.,8.但破房实在影响工程,终于被拆了。,Finally, the dilapidated house was pulled down for its great inconvenience bringing to the demolition.,9.老两口每天就一大早来到工地,东一个西一个地守在工地两头,在机器轰鸣声中和尘土飞扬中,两颗白发飘飘的头颅,就这么守候着,等着他们的

14、流浪归来的儿子。,From then on, the old couple with gray hair would came to the site every early morning, standing at the ends of the site which was dusty and plangent, waiting for their stray sons coming.,这里说的是上海一处尘土飞扬、机械轰鸣的工地中,有一座破旧的小房还艰难地支撑在那里。是一个钉子户吗?户中是一对老夫妻,他俩唯一的儿子是一个30多岁的弱智儿,他常常离家外出,半月一月地又回来一趟。这次房子被拆迁

15、了,但儿子已是两月没回来了,老两口不敢动迁呵,他们怕傻儿子回家来找不着爹娘了但破房实在影响工程,终于被拆了。,老两口每天就一大早来到工地,东一个西一个地守在工地两头,在机器轰鸣声中和尘土飞扬中,两颗白发飘飘的头颅,就这么守候着,等着他们的流浪归来的儿子。,The story took place in a dusty and plangent construction site of Shanghai. There was a small dilapidated house alone. Was it a nail house? There was an old couple living i

16、n it, and the only son they had was an imbecile who was more than 30 years. He often strayed for half or one month every time before going back home. Nevertheless, this time when the house would be pulled down, he hadnt yet come back since he left two months ago .,The old couple didnt dare to move away from the house, because they were afraid that their poor son couldnt find them when he went back. Finally, the dilapidated house was pulled down for its great inconven


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