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1、物流专业英语03任务_0001四大形成性测评系统 课程代码:5110681 参考资料 、单项选择题(共 10 道试题,共 50 分。选择下列物流专业名词合适的汉译。)1. packing list A. 装箱单名称 B. 购物清单 C. 列表 D. 打印单参考答案:A2. unload A. 上货 B. 卸货 C. 投标 D. 明确参考答案:B3. destination A. 目的地 B. 出发地 C. 日期 D. 运转参考答案:A4. basic risks A. 递送 B. 零售 C. 基本险 D. 配送参考答案:C5. retailer A. 零售 B. 零售商 C. 销售商 D. 供

2、应商参考答案:B6. customs declaration form A. 报关 B. 报关单 C. 海关 D. 报税参考答案:B7. maritime shipping A. 海洋运输 B. 公路运输 C. 出单 D. 装箱参考答案:A8. certificate of origin A. 货物来源证 B. 原产地证 C. 初始证明 D. 原始证明参考答案:B9. offer A. 服务 B. 销售 C. 报价 D. 运输参考答案:C10. quotation A. 收入 B. 行为 C. 支出 D. 报价单参考答案:D 、阅读理解(共 2 道试题,共 50 分。)1. Inventory

3、 can serve two basic functions:1. To provide a reserve for production and sales.2. To get the price discount by purchasing a large quantities.Inventory may be raw materials for the factory or finished products for the wholesaler and retailer. Most of inventory is placed in warehouse. Usually, three

4、warehouses are available:1. Private warehouse. A private warehouse is owned and operated by a company. It is convenient to the owner who can store and process easily. For most factories and big traders, they often have large or small warehouse, more or less space to store goods.2. Public warehouse.

5、Public Warehouse is developing for the Third Part Logistics and offers special services, including package and arrangement of delivery. Public warehouse has advantage of better service and lower cost than private one by its specialized equipment and marketing share.3. Contract warehouse. This kind o

6、f warehouse is formed and depended on the relation between the suppliers and customer.When buyer purchases goods, they dont often ship it at the same time and store at the sellers warehouse. Warehouse equipment consists of folk lift truck, stacker, good shelf and conveyor, etc.1). Inventory is the s

7、ame as warehouse. Is it true or not? A. Sometime yes B. Not C. No relation between them D. Different goods at different place2). Generally speaking, there are two kinds of inventory which are _. A. Goods B. Materials C. Materials and products D. Raw materials and finished products3). Public warehous

8、e is most efficient. What is your opinion? A. Depend on the situation B. Yes C. Not D. Not comparable4). Usually, contract warehouse doesnt need to pay. Is it correct or not? A. Yes B. Not C. It didnt mention it. D. Sometime yes, sometime not.5). What is the equipment of warehouse? A. Tools B. Tools

9、 for handling, loading and unloading C. Forklift truck D. Forklift truck and goods shelf参考答案:BDACD2. Managers in the last two decades have witnessed a period of change unparalleled in the history of the world, in terms of advances in technology, globalization of markets and stabilization of politica

10、l economies. With the increasing number of “world-class” competitors both domestically and abroad, organizations have had to improve their internal processes rapidly in order to stay competitive. In the 1960s and 1970s, companies began to develop detailed market strategies, which focused on creating

11、 and capturing customer loyalty. Organizations also realized that strong engineering, design and manufacturing functions were necessary in order to support these market requirements. Design engineers had to be able to translate customer needs into product and service specifications, which then had t

12、o be produced at a high level of quality and at a reasonable cost. As the demand for new products escalated in the 1980s, manufacturing organizations were required to become increasingly flexible and responsive to modify existing products and processes or to develop new ones in order to meet ever-ch

13、anging customer needs. As manufacturing capabilities improved in the 1990s, managers realized that material and service input from suppliers had a major impact on their organizations ability to meet customer needs. This led to an increased focus on the supply base and the organizations sourcing stra

14、tegy. Managers also realized that producing a quality product was not enough. Getting the products to customers when, where , how, and in the quantity that they want, in a cost-effective manner, constituted an entirely new type of challenge. More recently, the era of the “Logistics Renaissance” was

15、also born, recreating a whole set of time-reducing information technologies and logistics network aimed at meeting these challenges.As a result of these changes, organizations now find that it is no longer enough to manage their organizations. They must also be involved in the management of to manage their organizations. They must also be involved in the management of the network of all upstream firms that provide inputs (directly or indirectly), as well as the network of downstream firms respon


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