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1、1上海高考英语重点词汇A1. abandon vt 放弃; 抛弃 give orders to ship 下令弃船; all hope 放弃一切希望 syn. desert / give up 2. ability n. a man of / have the to do sth 3. aboard adv 在船(飞机 /车)上 go / All .请上船/登机 prep 在船(飞机/车)上 be the ship / the plane 4. about adv. be to do I was to leave when it began to rain. how / what / set

2、doing = set out to do5. abroad adv 国外 go for further study / at home and abroad 国内外/ from home and abroad 来自海内外6. absent adj absent friends 不在场的朋友 be from ant be present at, absent-minded 心不在焉的 7. absence n 不在,缺席 during / in ones / after an absence of three months 在离开三个月之后8. absorb vt 吸 收 ; 接 受 heat

3、 / oxygen / knowledge/ ones attention be ed in ones book 埋 头 读 书9. abstract adj 抽象的 an painting ant. concrete n. 摘要,梗概 an of a lecture 10. accept v 接 受 ;认 可 sth (as sth) sb as ones life-long companion 把 作 为 终 身 伴 侣 an ed fact 公 认 的 事实 acceptable adj 可接受的 be to sb Is the proposal to you?11. access n

4、接近的机会;享用权 to sth / sb have to a good library, the president / The place is easy of . 路很容易走 Buses provide easy to the place. 通路 the (=way) to the house be (in)accessible to the public12. accompany vt a. 陪伴, 陪同 sb to the police station b. 伴奏 Whos going to him on the piano?c. 伴随 be ied with / by Strong

5、 winds are often ied with heavy rain. 13. accomplish vt 实行; 完成 a goal, ones purpose, a task 达到目的, 完成任务 nothing 一事无成accomplish, work, perform wonders n. accomplishment 14. account vi 说明(原因等 ) for sth His illness s for his absence./There is no ing for tastes.人各有所好。占 for 45 percent n. 帐户, 叙述 open an wi

6、th a bank / give me an of sth on of sth 因为/ on no 决不可 / take of sth; take sth into = take sth into considerstion 考虑15. accuse vt 指责 sb of cheating, theft 谴责某人欺诈、控告某人偷窃 syn. charge sb with sth 216. accustomed adj. 适应了的; 习惯的 be /become / get / grow (=used) to sth / doing 习惯于 17. achieve vt 完成, 实现; 达到,

7、 得到 success, ones ambition, ones purpose 获得成功 / 实现抱负 vi. I d only half of what Id hoped to do. achievement C 成就; 成绩 make remarkable s18. acquire vt 取得, 学到 knowledge / skills / a good reputation a good knowledge of English 19. act vi 行动 ; 做,做事; 表演 vt 扮演( 角色) act on / upon 照行动; 对起作用 act as interpreter

8、 / catch sb in the act of doing sth 发现某人正在做 n. 行为, 动作; 法令; 条例 an act of kindness =a kind act action n take / put a plan into 将计划付诸实施 out of / in (不) 在运转 Actions speak louder than words. 20. active adj. be in sth, take an part in, live / lead a full and life21. adapt vt, vi (使) 适应, ( 使) 适合 adapt (one

9、self) to sth She ed (herself) to the climate. 适应新环境 sth for sb 改编 books ed for the college students 22. add v. add to / add to / add up / add up to n. addition in / in to 23. address n 演说,讲话; 地址; 住址; 通信处 make / deliver an (=speech) vt 向发表演说;在(信封) 上写姓名地址 sb on the subject / the meeting / be ed to (us

10、 at ) our old home / sb as 24. adequate adj. 足够的, 适当的 eat an breakfast / The supply is not to the demand / take measures 25. adjust vt 调整,调节 ones watch / the focus of a camera v (使) 适合 adjust (sth/oneself) to sth adj. adjustable n adjustment 26. admire sb for sth 赞赏, 钦佩 I admire him for his success

11、in business.27. admit vt 使 进 入 ; 承 认 admit sb into / to sth be ted to Fudan University / Each ticket admits two people to the party. admission n 准 许 进 入 ; 入 场 费 ; 录 用 admission (to/into sth) Admission freeadmit (to) sth / doing sth ones guilt, a mistake / (to) being wrong / that I was wrong / having

12、 stolen the car28. adopt vt 采纳; 通过, 批准 ; 收养 an orphan/ adopted son / a name 取名, a custom 随俗, an idea29. advance v. 前进,向前移动,促进 advance two miles n. 前进; 进步 in advance (of sth) 预先; 事先Let me know in . advanced adj 先进的 have ideas / classes 提高班 advancement U 进步330. advantage C 优 势 take of sth / sb / to sb

13、s 对 某 人 有 利 / have / gain / get / win an over sb 胜 过 /have the of sb 比 某 人 强 / s and disadvantages of city life The disadvantages outweigh (超 过 ) the s 31. advertise vt 为做广告, 登广告 a concert, a job, ones house, a product, ones servicesvi. for a new secretary on TV / in a newspaper 刊登广告聘请 n. advertisem

14、ent = advert / ad put an on TV / in a newspaper for sb / sth32. advise sth / doing sth / sb to do sth / sb on sth / sb against doing sth / that sb (should) do sth n. adviceU a good piece of / follow / take ones 33. affect vt. 影响;(在感情方面)打动 , 震动 ones health / be affected /moved to tears; n. affection

15、U,C 喜爱, 慈爱 have an affection (for/towards sb/sth) 34. afford vt. 提供, 买得起 (can, could / be able to) sth / to do / sb to do (to take) a taxi / the time,I cant to lose my job.舍不得丢掉这份工作 / sb sth TV s (=offers) us pleasure. 35. afraid adj. be of (doing) sth cf: be fraid to do sth36. against prep. Are you for or the plan? / the law / ones will / the current 逆水lean against a tree/ protect plants against frost / stood out clearly again


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