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1、2018中考英语重点单词专项练习(G&H)一. 写出这些单词的汉语意义。1. gave _ 2. given _ 3. goodbye_4. got_5. happen _ 6. heard _7. hero _ 8. holiday _ 9. hometown _10. housework _ 11. huge _ 12. human _13. husband _二. 按要求写出下列词汇的变化形式。1. happen_(过去式) 2. hear_ (过去式) 3. hero_(复数形式)4. holiday _(复数形式) 5. huge _(比较级) 6. get_(过去分词)7. giv

2、e _(过去式)_(过去分词)三. 根据句意,用所给词汇的正确形式填空。1. Jim _(give) a gift to his friend just now.2. Mrs. Smith usually _(get) up early, but this morning she _(get ) up late.3. A great traffic accident _(happen) on the high way yesterday.4. He _(hear) a great noise and got up to see whattook place last night.5. To t

3、hese people he was a great _(hero).6. Weare leaving for Shanghai for our summer _(holiday).四. 根据短文意思及汉语意义,写出合乎句意的单词。Maybe you know the name of Yang Yang. Now he a great _1_(英雄)in our _2_(家乡). Many newspaper and TV station interviewed him and he often comes on TV. Yang Yang had to say _3_(再见)to his p

4、arents to work for money when he left school. He went to Qinghai in 2009 and found a job there. One day an earthquake _4_(发生). Many building fell down and many people were under the buildings. Yang Yang was passing a house when he _5_(听见)some peopleto ask for help. He began to save people without th

5、inking anything. The people were saved and he left without _6_(给)his name to the people. Later, people found him and thanked him very much.参考答案G&H一. 1. 动词give的过去式; 2. 动词give的过去分词;3. 再见;4. 动词get的过去式;5. 发生;6. 动词hear的过去式;7. 英雄;8. 假日;假期;节日;9. 家乡;10. 家务;家务事;11. 巨大的;庞大的;12.人;人类; 13. 丈夫二. 1. happened; 2. heard; 3. heroes; 4. holidays; 5. huger. 6. gotten; 7. gave; given三. 1. gave ; 2. gets; got; 3. happened; 4. heard; 5. hero; 6. holiday四. 1. hero; 2. hometown; 3. goodbye; 4. happened; 5. heard; 6. giving



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