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1、Unit 2,Culture shock,SECTION B Word Pretest Background Knowledge Text EXERCISES SECTION C,SECTION B,You will have 8 minutes to finish this section.,Word Pretest,Acquaintance n. 1)Knowledge of a person 认识,了解 2)A person whom one knows 熟人 Browse v.intr.(不及物动词) To inspect something in a leisurely and ca

2、sual way 随意观看 Depressed adj. 1)Low in spirits; dejected 情绪低落的;沮丧的 2)Suffering from social and economic hardship 萧条的,不景气的 a depressed region.萧条的地区,depressed, blue, dejected, dispirited, downcast, downhearted,The central meaning shared by these adjectives is “affected or marked by low spirits”: 这些形容词共

3、有的意义是:“精神不振的”: depressed by the loss of his job 由于失去了工作而情绪低落; lonely and blue in a strange city; 在一个陌生的城市里感到孤独和忧郁; is dejected but trying to look cheerful; 心情沮丧却强颜欢笑的; a dispirited and resigned expression on her face; 她脸上气馁和消沉的表情; looked downcast after his defeat; 失败后垂头丧气; a card welcomed by the dow

4、nhearted patient. 受到心情忧郁的病人欢迎的卡片,Hostility n. Synonymenmity The state of being hostile 敌对状态或敌意 Temporary adj. 缩写 temp. Lasting, used, serving, or enjoyed for a limited time 暂时的 Inevitable adj. Synonymcertain Impossible to avoid or prevent 必然的,不能避免的 Locate v. To find by searching, examining, or exper

5、imenting 通过寻找、检查或试验而找出 locate the source of error.找到错误的来源 Dwell v.intr.(不及物动词) 1)To live as a resident 居住 2)To fasten ones attention 集中注意 Dwell on think about,Background Knowledge,What is Culture shock? Culture shock is a term used to describe the anxiety and feelings (of surprise, confusion, etc.)

6、felt when people have to operate within an entirely different cultural or social environment, such as a foreign country. It grows out of the difficulties in assimilating the new culture, causing difficulty in knowing what is appropriate and what is not. Often this is combined with strong disgust abo

7、ut certain aspects of the new or different culture. The term was introduced for the first time in 1954 by Kalvero Oberg. Culture shock is a research area in intercultural communication now.,Symptoms of culture shock,Culture shock manifests itself in different forms with different people but some sym

8、ptoms can be the ones in the following list. eating more than usual - gaining weight not eating enough - loss of weight having an increased need for hygiene - e.g. cleaning the flat on a daily basis calling home much more often than usual being hostile / complaining all the time about the hosting co

9、untry / culture avoiding meeting people increased need of sleep,Culture Shock Examples,Browse the Culture Shock Photo Gallery, filled with eye-opening snapshots that remind us we live in a world of dynamic and infinite cultures. 浏览“文化震惊”照片集,用这些令人瞠目结舌的照片提醒自己,我们生活在一个充满动态而无限的文化的世界里。 ChinaA woman walks

10、her grandson home. She has bound feet, making it quite difficult to walk and at times very painful. The practice, now illegal, required breaking the arch of the foot, then constricting it, which resulted in a stylized, mincing qait in the name of beauty. 中国一位老媪牵着她的孙子回家。她的脚是裹足的,让她的行走颇为不便,而且还时常疼痛。裹足现在

11、在中国是违法的,它需要打断人的足弓,然后压缩之,使之成为固定的形状,这一切都是以追求“美”的名义进行的。,ThailandA “katoey.“ Half of his face is made up to look like a woman, while the other half is male. 泰国人妖,半张脸化妆成女性,另外半张则为男性。,JapanA Geisha talks on the phone in the backseat of a car. 日本一位艺妓正在轿车后座讲电话。,Puerto RicoTransvestites dress up for “Madonna

12、Madness Night“ at a nightclub in Santurce. 波多黎各Santurce的一个夜总会中,易装癖者为“Madonna Madness Night”盛装打扮。,Text,Para 1: International travel has become more common.,Para 2: focus on international students. Paraphrase: With the world becoming smaller “Its a small world.” or “Global Village” It means more conve

13、nient travel, more international communication. Two sides of the coin: it is an exciting, challenging experience It faces many difficulties.,Para 3&4: What is C.S, and some of its symptoms.,Q1: define C.S.,A1: A reaction caused by a sudden change from ones native culture to a foreign one. 文化休克,Q2: F

14、ind words& expressions describing unpleasant feelings caused by C.S.,A2: being ill at ease, serious depressed, homesick, unhappy, very sensitive, frustrations, dissatisfaction, hostility, insecure.,Para 5: Do not complain.,Para 6: some suggestions. Paraphrase: Disappointments are simply a fact of li

15、fe.,You are bound to be disappointed sometimes. You have to accept them and treat them with a positive attitude.,Para 7: Paraphrase: living in a foreign country can be a priceless, enriching period in a persons life.,This can be very valuable and make your life more colorful.,EXERCISES,Reading Compr

16、ehension 1.C 2.D 3.D 4.D 5.D 6.C Word Match 1.slang 2.exaggerate 3.cope with 4.reverse 5.adapt/adjust 6.range/ranged 7.occurred 8.aggressive Cloze 1.foreign 2.anxious 3.behavior 4.mean 5.necessarily 6.appear 7.unsure 8.approach 9.frustrations 10.system,SECTION C,1.C 2.B 3.B 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.D,Thats all, thanks!,


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