2018高考英语二轮专题复习 语法填空+短文改错组合练(二)(带答案)

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1、语法填空短文改错组合练(二)题组(一).语法填空(2017长春监测二)On the first day of her work, Sally found that a class full of problems was waiting for her. She was told six teachers _1_ (quit) before her. When she walked into the classroom, it was chaos: two boys were fighting in a corner, yet _2_ rest of the class seemed not

2、to notice them; some girls were chatting and some were running about with paper, food packages and other garbage _3_ (leave) everywhere.Sally walked onto the platform, _4_ (pick) up a piece of chalk and wrote on the blackboard:“Rule 1:We are a family!” All students stopped _5_ (look) at her. And she

3、 continued with Rule 2, Rule 3. In the following weeks, Sally worked out 10 class rules and posted them _6_ the wall of the classroom. She patiently explained all the rules to the students and required everyone to follow them._7_ (surprise), Sally was not driven out like the former teachers; _8_, sh

4、e won respect from the students. Over the years, she has witnessed gradual changes in the class. At the graduation ceremony, just _9_ she expected, she was very proud to stand with a class of care, manners and _10_ (confident)体裁:记叙文题材:文化教育主题:课堂规则【语篇导读】本文讲述了一名老师通过努力制定课堂规则,最终感化学生的故事。1解析:had quit(ted)考

5、查动词的时态。句意为:她被告知在她之前已有六位老师辞职。根据语境,quit的动作发生在was told之前,即“过去的过去”,应用过去完成时。故填had quit(ted)。2解析:the考查冠词。句意为:当她走进教室的时候,教室里一片混乱:两个男孩在角落里打架,而班里剩下的人好像根本没注意到他们;一些女孩在聊天,一些人在到处跑,到处都是纸、食品袋和其他垃圾。the rest of为固定短语,意为“其余的”。故填the。3解析:left考查非谓语动词。句意见上一题解析。此处为“with宾语宾补”的复合结构,逻辑主语为paper,food packages and other garbage,与

6、动词leave之间是被动关系,故用过去分词作宾补。故填left。 4.解析:picked考查动词的时态。句意为:萨莉走上讲台,拿起一支粉笔在黑板上写下:“规则1:我们是一家人!”分析句子结构可知,设空处与walked和wrote为并列的谓语动词,因此,应用一般过去时,故填picked。5解析:to look考查非谓语动词。句意为:所有学生都停下来看着她。此处指学生停下正在做的事情来看她,stop to do sth.意为“停下来去做某事”。故填to look。6解析:on/onto考查介词。句意为:接下来的几周,萨莉制定了10条班级规则,并把它们张贴在教室的墙上。post. on/onto.意


8、:confidence考查词性转换。句意见上一题解析。设空处作介词of的宾语,应用名词,故填confidence。.短文改错(2017东北三校二模)I will never forget a military training in California Summer Camp that August. The big sun was overhead, burned hot. The drillmaster was very strict and we were all afraid of him. If one of us made a mistake, all of us will ge

9、t such punishment delaying a meal, standing for 10 minutes or whatever. Therefore, after training, it was no doubt that our drillmaster was energetic and agreeable. His strong local accent kept us laugh madly. More interesting, he sang out of tune, from beginning to end. Every time when he sang, we

10、could help laughing to tears.答案:I will never forget military training in California Summer Camp that August. The big sun was overhead, hot. The drillmaster was very strict and we were all afraid of him. If one of us made a mistake, all of us get such punishment delaying a meal, standing for 10 minut

11、es or whatever. , after training, was no doubt that our drillmaster was energetic and agreeable. His strong local accent kept us madly. More , he sang out of tune, from beginning to end. Every time he sang, we 或 help laughing to tears.第一处:考查冠词。此处特指在加利福尼亚夏令营的那次军训。故用定冠词the。第二处:考查非谓语动词。burn和其逻辑主语“The b

12、ig sun”是主动关系,故用现在分词。第三处:考查动词的时态。本篇文章讲的是过去的一次训练情况,故用过去相关的时态。第四处:考查介词。根据“delaying a meal, standing for 10 minutes”可知,此处是举例说明。as意为“像”,符合语境。第五处:考查副词。前后句之间是转折关系,而不是因果关系,故把Therefore改为However。第六处:考查固定句型。there is no doubt that.意为“毫不怀疑”,是固定句型。第七处:考查固定用法。keep sb. doing sth. 意为“让某人持续做某事”,是固定用法。第八处:考查副词。修饰整个句子应

13、用副词。第九处:考查状语从句。every time可引导时间状语从句,故去掉when。第十处:考查固定用法。can/could not help doing sth.意为“忍不住做某事”,是固定用法。题组(二).语法填空(2017长春七校第一次联考)Our group Springhill Baptist Church started a food pantry (食品储藏室) to help out members of the community. As part of the program, we buy the food that will _1_ (distribute) and

14、make boxes for distribution. We do this on _2_ regular basis the second Monday of every month.One day, as my friend and I _3_ (load) our grocery carts with the necessary items in the store, a gentleman asked us, “_4_ do you get so many items?” We explained we were doing our _5_ (month) grocery shopp

15、ing and gave him some details about our program. _6_ (say) that it was great, he went on with his business.After gathering everything on our list, we started unloading the food to check out at the counter, only _7_ (inform)by the cashier that our bill had already been paid.The gentleman who asked ab

16、out our _8_ (intend) had left his credit card number to pay _9_ our order and then walked off. He had no idea what the cost was before he left. We were _10_ (extreme) shocked at the generosity of a stranger.【解题导语】本文是记叙文。作者和朋友去为食品储藏室购买食物时遇到了一位绅士,他在得知作者他们的意图后悄悄地为他们支付了账单。1解析:be distributed考查动词的语态。作为计划的一部分,我们购买食物并将其进行分配。


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