“情态动词+have done”重点讲解

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《“情态动词+have done”重点讲解》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《“情态动词+have done”重点讲解(35页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、“情态动词have done”重点讲解,一、在虚拟条件句中,如果表示与过去事实相反的情况,从句用过去完成时,而主句中则用“情态动词现在完成时”, 即 would/ could/ should/ might have done,如果他学习努力, 他就会通过高考了。,If he had worked hard, he would have passed the Collage Entrance Examination.,A. could have stay B. could stay C. would stay D. must have stay,- I stayed at a hotel whi

2、le in New York. - Oh, did you? You _ with Barbara. (NMET98),答案 A,本句是一个含蓄虚拟条件句,意思是:If you had stay at a hotel while in New York, you could have stayed with Barbara. 表达了与过去事实相反的情况。,考点聚焦,A. had said B. said C. might say D. might have said,2. Yesterday Jane walked away for discussion, otherwise, she _ s

3、omething she would regret later. ( 96上海),答案D 本句考查的也是含蓄虚拟语气,意思是:如果她参加了讨论,她可能会说出一些后来令她后悔的话。表达了与过去事实相反的情况。,考点聚焦,二、must have done 表示对过去已经发生过的情况的肯定推测判断,语气较强, 意思是 “一定、肯定”,昨天晚上一定是下雨了,因为今早地面是潮湿的。,It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet this morning.,A. must be B. must have been C. should be D.

4、 should have been,1. I didnt hear the phone. I _ asleep. (NMET 89),答案B关键词是didnt,说明动作发生在过去,所以是对已经发生过的情况的推测判断。,考点聚焦,A. must be B. must have been C. should be D. should have been,2. - I rang your home yesterday. A man answered but I didnt recognize the voice. - On, it _ my brother, Peter.,答案B 本句的意思是:我昨

5、天向你家里打的电话。这是对过去情况的推测判断,应该用must have done结构,考点聚焦,三、may/ might have done 也用于对已经发生过的情况的肯 定推测判断,但语气稍弱, 意思是“可能,或许”。,她没能及时到达那儿。她可能没赶上汽车。,She didnt get there in time. She may have missed the bus.,他今天没来上课,他可能病了。,He didnt come to school today. He might have been ill.,A. might B. should C. can D. will,1. Sorr

6、y, Im late. I _ have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again.( 2000春),2. The window was broken. Tom _ have done that, for he was a little naughty. A. could B. might C. should D. ought to,考点聚焦,四、如果对过去情况推测判断的句 子是疑问句和否定句,只能用cancould和cant,couldnt。例如:,他不可能去国外,我一个小时前还见到他呢。,He cant have gon

7、e abroad; I saw him an hour ago.,He cant have gone abroad; I saw him an hour ago. 他不可能去国外,我一个小时前还见到他呢。 - Can he have passed the exam? - No, he cant have. He didnt work hard. 他通过考试了吗? 不,他不可能通过考试。他学习不努力。,1. - There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well. - It _ a comfo

8、rtable journey. (MET95) A. cant be B. shouldnt be C. mustnt have been D. couldnt have been,根据They were already five people in the car, but they managed to take me as well.一句中的时态,应该是对过去情况的推测判断,因为车上已经有5位人了,在带上我一个,可以断定这一定是一次不舒适的旅行。所以,本句表达的是对过去否定的推测判断,应该用cant/ could have done来表达。故答案选D。,考点聚焦,2. My sister

9、 met him at the Grand Theatre yesterday, so he _ your lecture. (2002 上海) A. couldnt have attended B. neednt have attended C. mustnt have attended D. shouldnt have attended,根据句意“我妹妹昨天在大剧院见过他”,所以,一定是对过去已经发生的否定的判断,答案选A。,考点聚焦,3. My English-Chinese dictionary has disappeared. Who _ have taken it? (2003 上

10、海春招) A. should B. must C. could D. would,本句表达的是对过去发生过的情况的疑问,所以应该用could have done,答案选C。,考点聚焦,4. I didnt see her in the meeting-room this morning. She _ at the meeting. (1995 上海) A. mustnt have spoken B. shouldnt have spoken C. neednt have spoken D. couldnt have spoken,本句表达的是过去已发生情况否定的推测判断,应该用couldnt

11、have done,故答案选D。,考点聚焦,五、含有must/ may/ might表示对过去情况推测判断的句子,如果变成反意疑问句,若句中带有明显的过去时间的状语,问句部分用过去时间;若没有明显的过去时间的状语,问句部分用现在完成时形式。例如:,He must have been living here for years, hasnt he? 他一定是在这儿住了好几年了,是吗?,You cant have slept well last night, did you? 你昨天晚上没睡好,是不是?,mustnt B. havent C. cant D. didnt,1: Great chan

12、ges must have taken place in the village in the past few years, _ they?,巩固练习,含有must表示推测判断的句子,其反意疑问句的动词形式应与must后动词时态保持一致。可以理解成如果不表示推测判断,该句应该说成:Great changes have taken place in the village in the past few year. 变成反意疑问句后应该说成:Great changes have take place in the past few years, havent they? 所以,该题选B。,A.

13、 didnt B. hasnt C. mustnt D. cant,2. He must have lived a happy life a few years ago, _ he?,巩固练习,本句中must后的动词形式应为did,所以,反意疑问句的动词应为didnt。故答案选A。,六、should/ ought to have done 表示“本来应该做的,而实际上没有做的事情”, 其否定形式则表示“已经做了不该做的事情”,含有责备的意思。例如:,The flowers have died. I should have watered them often. 这些花儿都死了。我本来应该常给他

14、们浇水的。(其实没浇水),You ought not to have told them the truth. 你本不应该告诉他们真相的。 (其实你告诉他们了),1. There was a lot of fun at yesterdays party. You _ come, but why didnt you? (99 上海) A. must have B. should C. need have D. ought to have,本句的意思是:昨天的聚会很有意思,你本来应该来的,可你为什么没来?表示“本应该做,而实际上没有做的事情”应该用should/ ought to have don

15、e。答案D。,考点聚焦,2. Oh, I am not feeling well in the stomach, I _ so much fried chicken just now. (2002 上海春) A. shouldnt eat B. mustnt have eaten C. shouldnt have eaten D. mustnt eat,本句的意思是:我胃不舒服,我刚才不应该吃那么多油炸鸡。其实你吃了所以应该选C。,考点聚焦,3. I was really anxious about you. You _ home without a word. (NMET 2001) A. mustnt leave B. shouldnt have left C. couldnt have left D. neednt leave,本句表达的意思是:你不应该一句话没说就离开家。含有责备的意思,做了不应该做的事情,答案选B。,考点聚焦,4. Mr. White _ at 8:30 for the meeting, but he didnt show up. A. should have arrived B. should arrive C. s



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