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1、五四语法五 数词和主谓一致语法考点剖析考点一 基数词1基数词的读法。纯数字的读法。千位数与百位数之间不加任何连接词;百位数与十位数或个位数之间用and连接;十位数与个位数用“”连接,如54,968读作fiftyfour thousand, nine hundred and sixtyeight。表示时间的读法。1)直接读法: 先读小时,后读分钟3:25three twentyfive2)间接读法:a)30分钟:分钟past小时3:25twentyfive past threeb)30分钟: (60分钟)to(小时数1)3:55five to fourc)15 minutesa quarter3

2、0 minuteshalf an hour6:15a quarter past six 6:30half past six6:45a quarter to seven表示具体年份的读法。两位一读,如2015读作twenty fifteen2基数词复数可以表示岁数或年代,如in his twenties他20多岁时, in 1980s在20世纪80年代。3基数词表示顺序时,放在名词之后,如Grade 7七年级, Room 214 214房间,要注意名词首字母要大写。4“基数词名词(形容词)”构成复合形容词,此时名词为单数,如a sixteenyearold girl一个16岁的女孩。5数词的确指

3、和概指。表示确指。表达确切数量直接用基数词或分数、小数等。hundred, thousand, million, billion等前有具体数词修饰时,不能用复数形式。表示概指。ten, hundred, thousand, million, billion等可以构成短语,表示不确切的数量。此时这些词用复数形式,不能被具体数字修饰,后面与of搭配。单项选择(2018山东滨州中考)Nowadays, farmers leave their hometown to search for work in the cities.Amillion of Btwo millionsCmillions of

4、Dtwo millions of考点二 序数词1基数词变序数词的规则。数字变化规则例词1,2,3不规则变化onefirsttwosecondthreethird419基数词词尾加th一般:fourfourthnineteennineteenth特殊:fivefiftheighteighthnineninthtwelvetwelfth2090整十数ty变为tie再加thtwentytwentiethninetyninetieth除整十数外的两位数或多位数变个位数或在词尾加thtwentyonetwentyfirstone hundredhundredthone hundred and fifty

5、fiveone hundred and fiftyfifth2.序数词的缩写。first1stsecond2ndthird3rdfourth4th ninth9th eleventh11thtwentyfirst21st twentysecond22ndtwentythird23rd3序数词前常加定冠词,如the first book;如果序数词之前有形容词性物主代词则去掉the,如his first book, his fourteenth birthday。4序数词的前面可以加上不定冠词,用来表示“再一,又一”。You may have a third try.你可以再尝试一次。 5the

6、序数词名词名词基数词the second lessonLesson Two(一)单项选择1(2018湖南邵阳中考改编)My daughter is years old. Today is her birthday.Anine; nineth Bnine; ninthCninth; nine Dnine; nine2(2018四川遂宁中考)Its time for me to visit the Guanyin Lake.Afive Bthe fiveCfifth Dthe fifth(二)单词拼写与运用1(2018山东烟台中考)The old lady living on the (five)

7、 floor sometimes dances with her husband on the square.2(2018山东莱芜中考)This is Marys (three) time to visit the beautiful city.考点三 分数的表达法分数用基数词作分子,序数词作分母。分子大于1时,作分母的序数词用复数。1/3 one third2/5 two fifths1/2 a half 1/4 a quarter分数作主语时,谓语动词的单复数由分数指代的名词的数决定。Two thirds of the children are from Canada.这些孩子有三分之二来

8、自加拿大。单项选择1(2018广东中考) According to a survey, four out of five women do housework at home, but only of men would do it.Afour fifth Bfour fifthsCtwo fifth Dtwo fifths2(2018湖北黄石大冶二模)Two of the doctors in this hospital women.Athird; are Bthird; isCthirds; are Dthirds; is考点四 主谓一致1语法一致常考的几种情况。either, neith

9、er, each, one, somebody, something, nothing等作主语时,谓语动词用单数。Somebody is asking to see you.有人找你。both. and.作主语时,谓语动词用复数。Both you and I are girls.你和我都是女孩。单位量词修饰的名词作主语时,谓语动词根据单位量词的数决定。The two cups of coffee cost me 50 yuan.这两杯咖啡花了我50元。主语后跟(along/together) with, as well as等时,谓语动词的数与主语保持一致。My driving licence

10、 with my credit cards was lost.我的驾照和信用卡丢了。the number of. “的数量”,作主语时谓语动词用单数;a number of.“很多”,作主语时谓语动词用复数。The number of our class is 40.我们班的人数是40。A number of monkeys were saved.很多猴子被救了。2意义一致常考的几种情况。由and连接的两个名词做主语,若是同一概念,则谓语动词用单数形式。The writer and teacher is going to give us a report next week.那位作家兼老师下周

11、要给我们做报告。表示时间、距离、度量、重量、金额等的复数名词作主语,看作整体时谓语动词用单数;强调个体时用复数。Two kilometers is a long way to go on foot.步行两千米是一段很长的路程。Twenty years have passed since they got married.他们结婚已有20年了。集体名词(family, team, company等)表示整体概念,谓语动词用单数;表示集体中的成员,谓语动词用复数。Her family is going to move.她家要搬走了。The whole family are watching TV.

12、全家人正在看电视。3就近一致原则常考的几种情况。There be句型以及either. or., neither. nor., not only. but also., or作主语时,谓语动词的数遵循就近一致原则。There is a banana and some apples in my bag.我的书包里有一个香蕉和几个苹果。Not only Lily but (also) her parents enjoy skating.不仅莉莉喜欢滑冰而且她的父母也都喜欢滑冰。单项选择1(2018江苏泰州中考)Not only children but also my husband crazy about the movie Operation Red Sea(红海行动)Ais Bare Cam Dbe2(2018新疆中考)Both Mike and I ready for the new high school life.Abe Bam Cis Dare参考答案考点一C考点二(一)12 BD(二)1.fifth2.third考点三12 DC考点四12 AD6



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