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1、1 小学升初中英语模拟考试卷小学升初中英语模拟考试卷( (一一) ) 时间:60 分钟 总分:100 分 题号一二三 四 五六 七 八 九 十 总分 得分 听力部分(总分 30 分) 一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词。(10 分) ( )1Aplay Bplane Cplate ( )2Askate Bskirt Cshirt ( )3Astop Bshop Cdrop ( )4Aangry Bhungry Churry ( )5Aseed Bseat Csaid 二、听对话,选择与听到内容相符的图片。(10 分) ( )1What day was it yesterday? ( )2Which

2、 book does Jane like best? A B A B ( )3What is Mikes hobby? ( )4How can the man go to the school? A B A B ( )5How did the boys father go to Shanghai? A B 三、听录音,根据问旬选择答语。(10 分) ( )1AIm 40kg BIm 154cm CIm l221 世纪教育网版权所有 ( )2AShes fine BHe has a cold CHe feels happy ( )3AOct1st BJun1st CJan1st ( )4AIm

3、going to Hong Kong BIm going there by plane CIin going to buy a book ( )5AShe likes watching TV BShe watches TV every evening CShe is a TV reporter 笔试部分(总分 70 分) 2 四、找出与其他单词的画线部分读音不同的一项。(5 分) ( )1Asweater Bplease Cteacher ( )2Anow Byellow Chow ( )3Athey Bthree Cmother ( )4Abooks Bclasses Cmaps ( )5A

4、yes Byour Cmy 五、连词成句,标点符号已给出。(15 分) 1homework,I,my,did,yesterday . 2stayed,all,weekend,at,I,home,slept,and . 3than,is,taller,he,his,brother . 4your,go,work,father,bus,does,by,to . 5sang,with,friends,and,my,I,new,danced . 六、选择题。(10 分) ( )1Tom never_to turn off the lights when he leaves the classroom

5、Aforget Bforgets Cforgot Dforgeted ( )2Helen_a headache,and she_ Ahave;is Bhave;are Chas;is Dhave;has ( )3There_many people there three days agowww.21-cn- Awas Bwere Care Dis【来源:21世纪教育网】 ( )4一 Whose room is this? 一 Its_ ATims and Jims BTim and Jims CTim and Jim DTims and Jim ( )5We played_at ten ocl

6、ock in a music lesson21世纪*教育网 Apiano Bpianos Cthe piano Dthe pianos ( )6We cant eat_ drink in class Aand Bbut Cor Dwith ( )7一_was your summer holiday,Yifan? 一 It was good AWhat BWhen CHow DWhere ( )8I like to_kites. I_kites yesterday2-1-c-n-j-y Afly;fly Bflew;fly Cfly;flew Dfly;flys ( )9There are so

7、 many people in the shop. You must_your things A1ook at B1ook after Cput away Dput on ( )10My arms are longer than_ Ayou Byours Cyour Dmy 七、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10 分) 1I_ (sleep)at this time yesterday 2She is a new pupil_ (she)name is Lucywww-2-1-cnjy-com 3Can he_ (buy)gifts for me? 4_she_ (ride)a bike las

8、t Saturday?【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】 5Chen Jie is_ (thin)than you 八、根据问句选择答语。(10 分) ( )1How does your father go to work? ANo,they arent 3 ( )2Where does your sister work? BYes,he does【出处:21 教育名师】 ( )3Are John and Mike playing chess? CShe works in a bank ( )4Does Mike go to school on foot? DHe goes to work b

9、y car ( )5Whats your fathers job? EHes a policeman 九、阅读理解。(10 分) Last year,Hong Kong Disneyland started to open for people to visitMy friend Jack was excitedThere are many exciting games in Disneyland and Jack loves games very muchOne weekend,he asked me to go to Disneyland with himBut I did not wan

10、t to go,because I knew there were always too many people in Disneyland at the weekendAt last,Jack went alone On Sunday evening,I called Jack and he answered the phoneHe sounded tiredHe said tie had played only two games in DisneylandHe waited for three hours for each gameThe line at each game was mi

11、les longI am happy I did not go there【版权所有:21 教育】 ( )1Hong Kong Disneyland opened_ A1ast month B1ast year C1ast week ( )2My friend Jack loves_ ADisneyland games BDisneyland films CDisneyland toys ( )3I did not go to Disneyland with Jack because it was_in Disneyland at the weekend Aquiet Bcrowded Cdi

12、rty21 教育名师原创作品 ( )4Jack sounded very_ Ahappy Bbored Ctired21 教育网 ( )5On Sunday evening,I talked to Jack_ Aon the phone Bat his home Cin Disneyland 十、书面表达。(10 分) 升入六年级后,你一定结识了许多新朋友。你对谁的印象最深刻呢?那就请你为大家介绍一吧! 要求:1条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,书写清楚、规范。 2体现提示的信息,适当发挥想象,不少于 8 句话。 听力材料听力材料 一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词。 1plane 2skate 3s

13、top 4Hungry 5said 二、听对话,选择与听到内容相符的图片。 1-What day is it today? -It is Wednesday Question:What day was it yesterday? 2-Which books do you like best,Jane? -Comic books 4 Question:Which book does Jane like best? 3-What is your hobby,Mike? -I like reading stories Question:What is Mikes hobby? 4-How can I

14、 go to the school? -Turn right from hereAnd then you can see it after five minutes21cnjycom Question:How Call the man go to the school? 5-Where is your father? -He flew to Shanghai yesterday Question:How did the boys father go to Shanghai? 21*cnjy*com 三、听录音,根据问句选择答语。 1 How heavy are you? 2 Whats the matter with Mike? 3 When is the National Day? 参考答案参考答案 一、l B 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 C 二、l A 2 B 3 A 4 A 5 B 三、l A 2 B 3 A 4 A 5 C 四、l A 2 B 3 B 4 B


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