人教精通版三—六年级下册单元试卷Unit 2 Can I help you (含听力书面材料及答案)

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人教精通版三—六年级下册单元试卷Unit 2 Can I help you (含听力书面材料及答案)_第1页
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1、Unit 2 Can I help you ? 单元测试题第一部分 听力一、根据听到的内容,给下列图片排列顺序。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、选出你所听到的句子。( ) 1. A. I want a toy train. B. I want a toy ship. C. I want a toy plane.( ) 2. A. Please show me that coat. B. Please show him that pair of short pants. C. Please show him that pair of trousers.( ) 3. A. Can I

2、have a skirt? B. Can I have a shirt? C. Can I have a T-shirt?( ) 4. A. Can I try it on? B. Can I try them on? C. Can I help you?( ) 5. A. Its eighty yuan.B. Its eighteen yuan. C. Its eight yuan.三、判断下列句子与你听到的内容是否相符,相符的用“”表示,不相符的用“”表示。( ) 1. I want to buy some bread.( ) 2. This toy boat looks nice.( )

3、 3. I like the red one.( ) 4. The trousers are seventy yuan. ( ) 5. The coat is too small for me.四、听问句,选择最佳答句。( ) 1. A. No, he cant. B. Yes, I want a bike. C. Yes, he is.( ) 2. A. She wants to buy a new car. B. She likes apples. C. She is from China.( ) 3. A. Its Tuesday. B. Its sunny. C. Its fiftee

4、n yuan.( ) 4. A. Good idea. B. Sure. Here you are. C. No, thanks.( ) 5. A. They are nice. B. There are two apples in it. C. They are fifty yuan.第二部分 笔试一、单项选择。( ) 1. How much are _ trousers?A. this B. those C. that( ) 2. Can I help _?A. your B. you C. youre( ) 3. I want _.A. ship B. toy ship C. a toy

5、 ship( ) 4. -How much is this?-_ seventy-five yuan.A. Theyre B. Its C. They( ) 5. _ these your ducks?A. Is B. Does C. Are( ) 6. Where _ my short pants?A. is B. are C. am( ) 7. Your father _ cool in his new coat.A. looks B. look C. looking ( ) 8. My brother is very happy _.A. to read bookB. watch TV

6、C. to play with the toys( ) 9. The red one is big. _ the yellow one?A. How about B. Whats C. How much ( ) 10. -_.-What can I do for you?-I want to buy a TV.A. Excuse me B. Thank you C. Goodbye二、读一读,选择最佳答句。A. Yes, I do.B. I want to buy a picture. C. They are seventy yuan.D. They look nice.E. Sure. He

7、re you are.( ) (1) How much are the doughnuts?( ) (2) Would you please show me the pencil box?( ) (3) Do you want to buy a storybook?( ) (4) How about these clothes?( ) (5) What can I do for you?三、情景交际。( ) 1. Look, what colour are Liu Xiangs shorts?A. Its red. B. They are red.( ) 2. Peter想要买条裤子,他会说:

8、A. I want to buy a pair of trousers.B. I want to buy a pair of short pants.( ) 3.售货员看着正在挑选T恤衫却拿不定主意的Tom说:A. Would you like to buy the white T-shirt or the green one?B. Would you please show me the white T-shirt and the green one?( ) 4. Lily想买些玩具,同学 Peter对她说:A. You can buy some toys from the toy shop

9、.B. You can buy some clothes from the clothes shop.( ) 5. 顾客在商店里买东西,决定要买时通常会说:A. Ill take them.B. Thank you.四、按要求完成句子。1. I want some honey.(根据答句写问句)_ _ help you?2. The blue T-shirt is ninety yuan.(对画线部分提问)_ _ is the blue T-shirt?3. Can I help you?(改为同义句)What _ _ _ for you?4. Are these her shoes?(作肯定

10、回答)Yes, _ _.5. How much are these vests?(用¥65回答)_ are _ yuan.五、连词成句。1. buy, want, I, bike, to, a (.)_2. much, are, how, they (?)_3. my, look, new, at, coat (.) _4. like, this, I, pair, short, pants, of (.)_5. would, you,. me, show, trousers, those (?)_六、阅读理解。My name is Jim. Today is Saturday. I dont

11、 go to school. My parents dont go to work. My mother will go to the shops. She will buy some clothes for me. And she will buy a new toy boat for Tom, my uncles son. My father will go to see my aunt and uncle. I will be at home and play computer games with my friends. Then we will go to the cinema(电影

12、院)this evening. The film(电影)is about animals on a farm. Im sure well like it. We will have a nice weekend. What about your weekend? ( ) (1) Today is _.A. Saturday B. Sunday C. Friday( ) (2) What will Jims mother do?A. Go to see Jims aunt and uncle. B. Go shopping. C. Play computer games.( ) (3) Jim

13、will play with A. his classmates B. his brother C. his friends( ) (4) Where will Jim and his friends go this evening?A. The club. B. The cinema. C. The school.( ) (5) What will Jims father do?A. Play games with Jim.B. Go to see Jims aunt and uncle.C. Do some housework.参考答案:听力材料一、1. I want a toy coach.2. Are these your jeans?3. I like the green jeep.4. Whose motorbike is this



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