《Unit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time》单元课件(精品)

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《《Unit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time》单元课件(精品)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《Unit 10 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time》单元课件(精品)(151页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit10 If you go to the party, youll have a great time! Section A(1a-2d),自主学习题 1.为了考试做准备 2.帮我父母 3.看医生 4.得流感 5.和我的朋友见面 6.谢谢你的邀请 7.下一次 8.和我们闲逛,She will be late.,If she _ to school, she _ _late.,She is going to walk to school.,walks,will,be,Warm-up,It is going to rain tomorrow.,I will stay at home.,If

2、it _ tomorrow, I _ _ at home.,rains,will,stay,If it _ sunny tomorrow, they _ _ a trip.,It will be sunny tomorrow.,They will have a trip tomorrow.,is,will,have,He wont study hard.,He will fail in the exam.,“If he _ study hard. He _ _ in the exam.”,doesnt,will,fail,Match the statements with the pictur

3、es a-d.,1a,1. _ I think Ill wear jeans to the party. 2. _ I think Ill stay at home. 3. _ I think Ill take the bus to the party. 4. _ I think Ill go to the party with Karen and Anna.,a,c,b,d,Listening,Listen and complete the responses in 1a.,1b,If you do, the teachers wont _ If you do, youll _ If you

4、 do, youll _ If you do, youll _,have a great time.,be late.,let you in.,be sorry.,Are you going to the party tomorrow night?,Yes, I am.,Pair work,1c,Look at the pictures and make conversations.,Who will you go with?,If you do, youll have a great time.,I think Ill go with Karen and Anna.,New words,vi

5、deo n. 录像带;录像,potato chips 炸土豆片;炸薯条,Is the video on the bookshelf? 录像带在书架上吗?,Id like some potato chips, please. 我想买些薯条。,chocolate n. 巧克力,I like chocolate ice-cream best. 我最喜欢巧克力冰淇淋。,meeting n. 会议;集会;会面,Is the meeting on Wednesday? 会议是在星期三吗?,organize v. 组织;筹备,Lets organize a soccer game. 让我们组织一次足球比赛吧

6、。,Listening,Listen and circle the correct answers to complete the sentences.,2a,1. The students are talking about when to have (a class party/ a class meeting / a birthday party).,2. They plan to have it on (Friday evening / Saturday afternoon/ Saturday evening).,half the class wont come; some stude

7、nts will be bored; make some food; students will leave early; the party games,1. What will happen if they have the party today? _,Half the class wont come.,Listen again. Choose the correct short answer in the box to answer each question.,2b,2. What will happen if they have the party tomorrow? _ 3. W

8、hat will happen if they watch a video at the party? _,Students will leave early.,Some students will be bored.,4. What will Mark organize? _ 5. What will Nelly do? _,The party games.,She will make some food.,Pair work,Role-play a conversation between Nelly and Mark.,OK, when is a good time to have th

9、e party?,Lets have it today.,2c,Hmm. If we have it today, half the class wont come.,Why not have it on the weekend?,Ok, good idea.,2d,Reading,Read the conversation and answer the questions.,1. What will happen if we ask people to bring food? _ _ 2. What will happen if we give people some small gifts

10、 if they win? _,More people will want to play the games.,Theyll just bring potato chips and chocolate because theyll be too lazy to cook.,Hey, Ben. For the party next week, should we ask people to bring food?,No, lets order food from a restaurant,Role-play the conversation.,Role-play,1. If we ask pe

11、ople to bring food, theyll just bring potato chips and chocolate ask sb. to do sth. 请求/要求某人做某事 e.g. He asked the doctor to tell him the truth. 他请求医生告诉他真相。,Language points,2. Yes, the games will be more exciting, too. exciting 意为“令人兴奋的, 令人激动的”。 e.g. The movie has an exciting opening. 电影的开头非常刺激。,前者是“对

12、感到兴奋”,通常主语是人,后者是“令人感到兴奋的”,通常主语是物/事件。 e.g. Are you excited about going to Beijing? 你要去北京了,感到兴奋吗? He told us an exciting story yesterday. 他昨天给我们讲了一个使人激动的故事。,exciting&excited,Exercises,用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。,1. Ill buy a computer if I _ (have) enough money. 2. Im sure if he _ (go) to the party, he _ (have) a

13、 great time.,has,goes,will have,3. You _ (not get) nervous if you _ (do ) enough exercise. 4. If she _ (finish ) work early, she _ (go) home. 5. If it _(rain), we _ (stay) at home.,do,finishes,will go,rains will stay,wont get,1. Recite the conversation in 2d after school. 2. 用括号里所给词的适当形式补全句子。 (1) If

14、 she stops smoking, _ (be more healthy). (2) If it rains, _.(stay at home). (3) If I go on a diet, _ (lose weight). (4) If we get up early, _ (go out for the day). (5) If he gets a job, _ (earn lots of money) .,Unit 10 If you go to the party, youll have a great time!,happy,A:What will you do if you are happy? B:I will if I am happy.,angry,A:What will you do if you are angry? B: I will if I am angry.,tired,A:What will you do if you are tired? B: I will if I am tired.,excited,: What will you do if you are excited? B: I willif I am excited.,sad,: W


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