北师大版高一下册模块3同步 warm up & U1L1 (江璐)

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1、精锐教育学科教师辅导讲义学员编号: 年 级:高一 课 时 数:3学员姓名: 辅导科目:英语 学科教师:江璐 授课类型T warm up & U1L1重点词汇梳理C 非限制性定语从句T 能力提升:阅读理解及完形填空授课日期时 段教学内容 一、同步知识梳理:U1L1重点单词frightening, freezing, achieve, control, land, spirit, explorer, sailor, deed, journey, unknown, present-day, eventually, further重点短语set sail, force sb to do, persua

2、de sb to do, get into trouble, follow sbs directions, be believed to,be known as重点语法非限制性定语从句1. freezing adj. 冻结的,极冷的, (态度)冷淡的What freezing weather!辨析:freezing & frozenfreezing: 冻结的,极冷的, (态度)冷淡的frozen: 结冰的,冻僵的,强调动作的结果Its freezing cold in the north of China in winter.We were nearly frozen on that cold

3、 night.2. sail v.航行,乘船sailing n. 航海,航行set sail 起航make sail 扬帆,起航sail for 驶向拓展:head for 朝某方向前进leave for 动身去set out for 启程去start for 动身去 3. frighten v. (使)惊吓;(使)害怕;(使)大吃一惊 联想: fright n. 惊吓 frightened adj. 惊吓的,受惊的 frightening adj. 令人害怕的,令人恐惧的 注意: frightened 表示(人对)感到害怕的; frightening 表示()令人害怕的4. achieve

4、vt. 完成,实现,达到(目的等) achievement n. 完成,成就,成绩 He will achieve nothing if he doesnt work hard. Hes lucky enough to have achieved such great progress. 搭配: achieve success 获得成功 achieve ones purpose 达到某人的目的 achieve ones aim/ goal 实现某人的目标5. be known as 作为而出名,被称为 Lu Xun was known as the greatest writer of Chi

5、na in the 1920s and 1930s. 拓展: be known for 因而出名 be known to 为所熟悉 make oneself known to 对作自我介绍 Its known that 众所周知6. control vt. 控制 n.控制,管理搭配:out of control 失去控制under the control of 受的控制in control 控制着Nowadays Iraq is out of control completely. America is to blame.7. according to 按照 根据 According to m

6、y watch, its four oclock. according as 依据 而; 按照而 You may go or stay according as you decide. 注意: according to 后接名词或名词性短语; according as 后接从句8. force vt. 强迫,逼 n. 力量,兵力,武力He forced me to go with him. ( force sb to do 强迫某人做某事)9 get into trouble 遇到麻烦He is always getting into trouble when he is out.拓展:ask

7、/ look for trouble 自找麻烦Its asking for trouble to associate with criminals.(be) in trouble 有麻烦,有困难If you cant pay the bill, you are going to be in trouble.10. persuade vt. 劝服,说服persuade sb to do 说服某人做某事persuade sb into doing 说服某人做某事persuade sb out of doing 说服某人停止做某事persuade sb not to do说服某人停止做某事11. m

8、ake it ( + to) 及时到达,赶上;取得成功;约定时间They made it to a small town before dark.I never thought Clare would make it as an actress. 二、同步题型分析1. The boy was nearly _ to death on that cold winter morning, because it was _ cold that day.A. frozen; freezing B. freezing; freezing C. frozen; frozen D. freezing; fr

9、ozen(解析: 句意:那个男孩在寒冷的冬天的早晨差点冻死,因为那天极其寒冷。选A)2. I can hardly imagine Peter _ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.A. sail B. to sail C. sailing D. to have sailed(解析: imagine sb doing选C)3. Flying across the Atlantic Ocean for the fist time is a great _.A. pace B. achievement C. progress D. news(解析: pa

10、ce: 步速,步伐。achievement: 成就 选B)4. _ a famous artist, he follows his old way of life.A. knowing as B. known as C. known for D. to known of(解析: 句意:作为一个著名的艺术家,他遵循他过去的生活方式。选B)5. _ is well known, Chinas entry of WTO has as great a meaning to China as it does to the whole world.A. It B. What C. As D. Which(

11、解析: as is well known: 正如大家所知道的。选C)6. _ his grades, he is a hard-working student.A. judged from B. judged by C. according to D. according as(解析: judge from/ by: 根据判断; according to & according as 见前面讲解。选C)7. The government plans to bring in new laws _ parents to take more responsibility for the educat

12、ion of their children.A. forced B. forcing C. to be forced D. having forced(解析: 本题考查了非谓语内容,给学生分析时建议复习下该专题的基本做题思路。选B)三、课堂达标检测1. His father had intended him to be a doctor, but he didnt _.A. manage it B. succeed it C. make it D. do it2. The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly i

13、f people _ to eat more fruit and vegetables.A. persuade B. will persuade C. be persuaded D. are persuaded3. The policeman set out _ street for the lost girl.A. searching for B. to search C. be search of D. to search in4. The street was clearly marked, so we _ finding Mr. Lis house.A. had no troubles

14、 in B. had no difficulty to C. had no trouble to D. had no difficulty in5. Climbing is very _, but many people feel _ at it.A. excited; frightening B. exciting; frightened C. exciting; frightening D. excited; frightened完成句子。6. You can never be too careful to drive since the road _ (冻硬了) at present. (freeze)7.



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