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1、练习一(1-5课)一:词汇翻译到剧院_ 生气_ 最终_ 这鬼天气_ 天啊_ 几句话_ 借出 _ 借入_ 作决定_ 出国_许多,大量(可数)_ 曾去过_ 觉得.很有趣_ 传递信息_ 请求_ 备件_ 邮政业务_ 二:按要求写出下列句子1 he bought his son a present.(同义句 )_2 Her mother make her a dress. (同义句 )_3 I lend him a storybook. (同义句 )_4 The weather has been good so far.(用英语解释画痕线词组)_5 In this way ,we can work ea

2、sily. (用英语解释画痕线词组)_6 This car needs a spare part.(用画线部分组词,3个以上)_三:用正确时态填空Michael Jackson _(is) an excellent all-rounder musician, he has remarkable achievements in every aspect of authors, compose, scene make, singing, dancing and playing musical instruments .He _(is) born in 1958. He _(begin) his p

3、erforming at the age of 10 year-old, He said thatthere_ (are)so many sorrow thingsduringhis lifetime when he was interviewed, Such as my father and my mother, before I _(come)to thestage, there were many difficulties, I_(am)a lonely person, but Ill sing the songs whatever my fans like.In the process

4、 of fame, his body _(have)many health problems several times, doing facial plastic surgery made people feel that he was more and more strange. In the end, Jackson _(die)on June 25, 2009.四:句子翻译,注意横线处的词组。1 他给我买了一条领带。2 我弟弟以前从未出过国,因此他觉得这次旅行非常激动人心。3 就这样,他开始了私人邮政业务。4 按我示范给你的方法来做你的作业。5 作为回报观众们(audience)的热情

5、enthusiasm,演员们倒立并唱着歌。6 我把杯子从桌上碰掉打碎了。7 汽车把老奶奶撞倒了。8 让他们吃惊的是,那珍贵的项链necklace是假的fake练习二(6-10课)一:词组翻译向某人所要某物 作为.的回报光顾倒立允许某人去做让他们吃惊的是守卫一块奶酪一月一次报名参加再过分钟分针拒绝去做属于我父亲的一个朋友一大群knock at knock off knock sb out knock sth off knock sb over二:根据需要填上不定冠词或定冠词。( a the some)Yesterday I bought _ book. When I open it ,I fou

6、nd out _pages of _ book were missing. I went back and asked for change. _ man was walking towards me._ man smiled and said sorry to me . I was happy. If I want to buy_ book next time I will go to _ Xin Hua bookstore. Because of their good service.三:写出下列句子的同义句。. He gave away all his books._. Take off

7、 your shoes and put on your slippers._. The parcel was valuable.(同义词) It was _. There isnt any milk in the bottle._. There isnt anything in the box._. He hasnt any hobbies._. He doesnt go anywhere._. He is one of my friends._. She showed me one of Johns pictures._四:选词填空。 made in made of made from ma

8、de by enter enter for 1.The desk is _wood. 2.The wine is _ grapes and wheat.3. The cellphone is _China. 4. Those cakes are _ her mother.5. Everyone _ the competition. 6. No one is allowed to _his room.五:用单词正确形式填空。1) - Are you feeling _? (good)-yes, Im fine now. 2)The experiment was_ (much)easier tha

9、n we had expected.3) The_(much)you practice, the_(easy)it becomes.4) The Great Wall of China is one of_(great)wonders in the world.5) Everyone _(like) ice-cream.6) As I _(get) on the bus, I slipped and hurt my foot.7) While I _ (drive) to work, I saw an accident.六:将下列主动句改为被动句。. 1. they cleaned the c

10、lassroom. _2. They showed me the room where they lived. _3. I did my homework. _4. The teacher is keeping the pupils at school for a revision._5. in 1942 the prisoners of war built this bridge._ 练习三(11-15课)过去完成时表示: 句式结构:用括号的词将下列句子并为一个句子。1. (when)I returned home. My guests left._2. (as soon as) the teacher went out of the classroom, students talked loudly._3. the man put on his coat. He went out._4. A student cleaned the classroom. The teacher came in._用动词的正确形式填空。We _(paint) the house before we _(move) in.Paul _(go ) out with Jane after he _(make)a call.The rich man _(make) a will before he _



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