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1、 Argument 完整版注:要把242个题目每一个题目都分析一遍 以免耽误考场时间(一) Argument的写作特点和整体结构给出一篇短文,30分钟内指出文章中主要的逻辑错误,并提出建议。外推类错误 过去比较好的未必会延续到将来充分必要条件错误 还有其他原因错误类比 让步式攻击Argument 193:Survey 调查类错误;因果关系错误;错误类比第一段:开头段 主要是归纳论点,说明论点有问题,存在逻辑漏洞,准备发起进攻。第二段和第三段甚至第四段:正文段 分类别去攻击各个逻辑错误第五段:结尾段 作者的结论似乎是合理的,但是通过论证,不是这样的。因此作者在作出决定之前,应该还要考虑其他情况。

2、(二) 如何写开头段C-E-F结构 conclusion结论 evidence证据 flaw缺陷模板 1 混合态度表达Merely based on (rely on/ depend on) unfounded assumption and dubious (suspicious) evidence, the statement (the article, the author, the arguer) draws a conclusion that. -C(条理化最好)To substantiate (support/strengthen) the conclusion, the argue

3、r points out evidence that .a1. In addition, he indicates that .a2. Furthermore, he cites/ quotes the result of a recent survey in support of his recommendation. (Furthermore, the author cites a3 as a typical example in support of his recommendation.) -E(让步逻辑)At first sight/glance, this argument app

4、ears/seems to be somewhat convincing, but further reflection (考虑) reveals that it ignores/omits some substantial concerns that should be addressed to substantiate the argument. In my point of view, this argument suffers from (N) logical flaws.避免主观陈述模板 2 In this argument, the author concludes that Th

5、e author cites about 123In addition, he infers that Furthermore, the arguer cites sb. sth. as a typical example. In support of However, this ,in favor of (先颠覆宏观连接 在弱化联系) Making this argument sound and perfect C和E不要照抄,把原文进行概述、提炼等改写 C最重要argument和issue不一样,argument要规范、规矩,而issue则要多样。找准c,概述e(三) 如何写正文段一、合理

6、安排逻辑错误的攻击顺序 a. 按照逻辑错误出现的顺序进行顺序式攻击;(低级 ) b. 按照逻辑错误的主次进行攻击; 如果文章的主要错误出现在调查,则先攻击之。 c. 按照逻辑体系进行让步式攻击(推荐这种,最合理)与出现顺序无关 不是每个题目都可以这样的 按错误的演绎关系,如:A = B = C,则先攻击A,A不成立;即便A成立,攻击B,B不成立;假设即使A和B都成立,攻击C,C不成立。何况A、B都不成立。Argument 2:外推类错误 seven years ago;因果类错误 since then;错误类比注意:逐步让步二、各段首句 引言局 1 这个文章存在的第一个关键性的问题是the m

7、ajor problem with the argument is that2 另外一个弱化了原文逻辑的点在于another problem that weaken a logic of this argument is3 Before I come to my conclusion, it is necessary to point out the flaw involved in this argument. (暗示读者是最后一个了,启下)【具体没有记,回头再补充】3个 比较好(四) 如何写结尾段(虚拟语气) 2006ETS:结尾和开头要有区别C-S结构 C:再次概括原文没有自圆其说的co

8、nclusion。S:suggestion 重要 模板:To sum up/ all in all, this arguer fails to substantiate the claim that_, because the evidences cited in the analysis do not lend strong support to what the arguer maintains. To make the argument more convincing, the arguer would have to provide more information with rega

9、rd to_ (点到为止). Additionally, he would have to demonstrate that_. Therefore, if the argument had included the given factors discussed above, it would have been more thorough and logically acceptable. (这里用虚拟语气表示遗憾) (五) 各个逻辑错误的攻击方法和语言一、调查类逻辑错误(survey/study)题库中重中之重很多标志词见手写版笔记。攻击:样本的质量和数量;采样过程是否科学合理(1) P

10、rocedure 调查过程错误 核心A. Selective sample (片面性样本) 攻击点:样本选择不随机、不具代表性 攻击技巧:调查对象前一系列限定性定语或修饰词B. Quantity of the sample攻击点:样本数量少,即便有典型性也不能说明问题模板:Unless the surveyors sampled a sufficient number of _样本集_ and did so randomly across the entire spectrum, the survey results are not reliable to gauge/weigh/assess

11、/value _调查目标_ generally/universally (评估什么的广泛性、一般性). The number of respondents/samples, in itself, does not ensure/guarantee/warrant representativeness (代表性). For example, if the sample included only _(某一方面), then the results would no doubt suggest (此处不表示建议,因此不用虚拟语气,表示暗示)_. Or if grosses are consider

12、able (可观的), _(1500,1200) would account for only a little percentage, which would render/lead to (导致) the results of the survey meaningless.正反逻辑:正逻辑:顺着原文的条件,得出原文的结论。例如:如果这个样本只包含了参加这个课程有效果的那部分学生,毫无疑问会得到这个课程有效的结果。反逻辑:与原文相反的条件,得到相反的结论。例如:如果这个样本只包含了参加这个课程无效的那部分学生,很有可能结果就暗示了该课程的无效性。C. 回应者是否说了真话是个小错误,可以不攻击

13、,即便要攻击,用一句话合并在QQ里面就可以。一般由于是否匿名、保密、利益。We are not informed whether the survey response anonymous and confidential, if they were not _.Argument 115D暗含性假设(我看还是不要攻击了)【3/113】Argument 115如:是满意还是非常不满意?也是一句话概括:We are not informed whether the survey required the respondents to choose their proneness between a

14、lternative, if indeed, then the result might have distort the genuine 想法 of the respondent who might actually prefer A to B or C.(2) Result of the survey 调查结果类错误(一句话)A. Do the statistics make any meaningfulness 数据是否有意义 数据无意义指的是数据和结论不相关。The statistic should be relating to the conclusion.Argument 14B.

15、 Are the statistics misleadingly vague 数据是否含糊标志词:all, many, a number of, most 绝对化数量 percentage proportion 相对比值注:绝对和相对缺一即要攻击,题库中没有任何一个题两个都有,所以肯定缺一。1)攻击“无相对比值”The argument tells us that many(a number of) _.However, the speaker fails to indicate the percentage of_, so this evidence is far too vague to be meaningful.2)攻击“无绝对数值”The author fails to provide information regarding the absolute number of _.Argument 102 C. Respondents(这个词只要出现肯定回应者错误) 回应者错误(小错误)Argument 11The respond


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