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1、初中英语考点汇编(8B Chapter 1)考点1:条件状语从句(if)例句:If you stick a pin into a balloon, it bursts.(L2, P7)如果你在气球上扎一个图钉,那么它就会爆了。试题1:If it tomorrow, well go for a picnic. (2009 邵阳)A. wont rain B. doesnt rain C. will rain 试题2:Fish will die without water.(同义句) Fish will die if there is no water.试题3:-David, turn off t

2、he TV _ no one is watching it.(2009 深圳) -But it _ off already! The music is from the radio. A. so that, has been turnedB. when, has turned C. if, has been turnedD. because, has turned考点2:条件状语从句(unless)Unless you keep ice cream in a fridge, it melts.(L3,P9)除非你将冰激凌放在冰箱里,否则它就会融化了。试题1:Im going to look f

3、or another job the company offers me more money.A. after B. unless C. when D. for (2009 南通)试题2:-Im always thinking about my future.-But your dream wont come true you know what your dream is. A. after B. while C. unless D. since 试题3:We will hold a sports meeting if it isnt rainy. (同义句)We will hold a

4、sports meeting unless it is rainy.考点3:go wrong例句:When you get old , three things start to go wrong. (L15, P2) 当你年纪大一点的时候,就会在三个方面出现问题。试题:The fridge has gone wrong again.(写同义句) 考点4:injured例句:I saw a prrogramme on television about a man with an injured brain. (L20, P2) 我在电视上看过一个节目,讲的是一个大脑受伤的人的事情。试题:It

5、is reported that two persons were injured in a car accident yesterday(写同义句) 考点5:for example ( for instance, such as ) 例句:For example, I am trying to remember the word “smiles”(L6, P3) 例如,我正努力记住“微笑”这个词。试题:A lot of people here, , Mr. John, would rather have coffee. A. likes B. for example C. such D. l

6、ikes 考点6:hear about (hear of)例句:when they heard about the death of President John F Kennedy in 1963. (L12,P3) 在1963年当他们听说了肯尼迪总统死亡的消息。试题:I never heard about this man.(写同义句) I never heard of this man. 考点7:death (die, dead, dying)例句:when they heard about the death of President John F Kennedy in 1963. (

7、L12, P3) 在1963年当他们听说了肯尼迪总统死亡的消息。试题:After hearing the news of his grandfathers , all of them were sad. A. dead B. die C. has dead D. death 考点8:cost 花费(L9, P6) 试题:I bought some CDs for my friend and they _ me ¥30. (2008天津) A. spend B. paid C. cost D. used 考点9:break down (not work, be dead)例句:,but the

8、bus broke down, and there were no taxis. (L6,P10) 但是公交车坏了,而且没有出租车。试题:My computer yesterday, so I had to borrow Mr. Wangs. A. breaks down B. broke down C. has broken down D. is broken down 考点10:amazed (amazing)例句:He was amazed! (L18, P12) 他大吃一惊!试题:-He a lot since last year. -Yes, indeed. Because he w

9、ants to let his friends . A. has changed; amazed B. has changed; amazing C. is changing; amazing D. changed; amazed 考点11:pay attention to例句:Pay attention to the tense of your verbs (L24, P12) 注意你所使用的动词时态。试题:-Why did your teacher get angry you this morning? -Because I talked and didnt his class. A. i

10、n; break off B. against; go wrong C. for; play trick on D. with; pay attention to 初中英语考点汇编(8B Chapter 2)考点1:形容词1. be / feel / sound / look / taste / smell / seem + adj. 例句:Her voice sounds sweet。(表语) 她的声音听起来很甜美。试题1:The cake looks_ but tastes _.A. good, badly B. well, badC. good, bad D. well, badly 试

11、题2:-Your coffee smells _. (2006 深圳)-Its from Hainan. Would you like _? A. well, itB. nice, thisC. good, some D. wonderful, little 试题3:-This dish tastes _. (2007 深圳) -Thank you. It _ by Mr. Smith. A. good, was cookedB. well, cooks C. bad, is cookedD. terrible, cooked试题4:-The teacher looked at her stu

12、dents _ when they were saved.(2008 深圳) -We also felt _ for them. A. happily, happyB. happy, happilyC. happy, happy D. Happily, happily试题5:-The cakes looks _. (2009 深圳) -Yes, and it tastes even _. A. well, goodB. nice, betterC. good, worseD. better, best2. make / keep / think + sth.+adj. ; find it ad

13、j. to do sth.例句:They thought it would be funny to make the mouse clever. (宾语补足语) 他们认为使老鼠聪明会更滑稽。试题1:Put on the coat and it can keep you _. A. warm B. warmly C. to warm D. warming 试题2:-Jim finds _ easy to remember all the English words.(2006 深圳)-_ a smart child he is! A. it, What B. that, HowC. this, WhatD. it, How3. It is + adj. (of sb./ for sb.)



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