外研版七上T同步(Module10 Spring Festival)武晶

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《外研版七上T同步(Module10 Spring Festival)武晶》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版七上T同步(Module10 Spring Festival)武晶(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、学员编号: 年 级:初三 课 时 数: 3学员姓名: 辅导科目:英语 学科教师: 授课类型M 10基础知识梳理C 现在进行时星 级教学目标1.掌握本模块的重点单词,短语及句型的用法;2.熟练掌握现在进行时的用法;授课日期及时段T同步-M10 Spring Festival(建议5分钟)批注:看图片,让学员说说这是哪个国家的什么节日,然后让学生说说他在过年时,家里都有哪些准备。此外,可以额外拓展一些其它的节日,看学员是否了解他们的英文说法! 知识清单:(建议5-10分钟)重点单词festival, lantern, dragon, dance, clean, sweep, cook, meal,

2、 speak, happen, ready, quite, away, hard, floor, join, hurry, Christmas, February, January, before, luck, mean, table, celebrate, traditional, dumpling, programme, sweater, coat, lucky, tree, tell重点短语put away, hurry up, sweep away重点句型1) Are you getting ready for Spring Festival?2) This is Tony speak

3、ing.3) Whats happening?4) What are you doing at the moment?Im making big red lanterns.5) Shes cleaning the house and putting things away.6) What are Daming and Betty doing?Theyre learning a dragon dance with my grandpa.7) Whats your mother doing?8) Shes cleaning the house.9) Im eating jiaozi.重点语法现在进

4、行时开心辞典 (建议15-20分钟)1. festival n. 节日 eg. What do you usually do on Spring Festival? 你在春节经常做些什么呀? 拓展: Spring Festival 春节 Childrens Day 儿童节 Labor Day 劳动节 Christmas 圣诞节批注:可继续拓展其它节日的表达方式,具体看学生的程度。2.lantern n. 灯笼 make lanterns 做灯笼 eg. They are making lanterns now.他们现在正在做灯笼。3.dragon n. 龙 eg.learn a dragon

5、dance 学习舞龙 Dragon is Chinas traditional animal. 龙是中国的传统动物。4.clean v.打扫 eg. clean the house 打扫房间 She is cleaning the house. 她正在打扫房子。 拓展:1 clean adj. 干净的;洁净的eg. That dressing table is clean. 那个梳妆台很干净。2 cleaner n. 清洁工人eg. Those cleaners are cleaning the street. 那些清洁工人在打扫街道。3 clean up 打扫We are cleaning

6、up the city park. 我们正在打扫城市公园。5.sweep v. 扫 sweep the floor 扫地 eg.Tom and Jack are sweeping the floor. 汤姆和杰克在扫地。6.cook v.烹饪 cook the meal 做饭 Ill cook some eggs for breakfast. 早餐我要做几个鸡蛋。 拓展: cook n.厨师 eg.That cook is cooking. 那个厨子正在做饭。7.speak v.说 speak English 说英语 拓展: 常见的表示“说”的词汇1 speak+语言The teacher a

7、sked us to speak English as much as possible.老师让我们尽可能多的说英语。2 say+说话的内容He often says he is a superstar in his class.他经常说他是班级里的小明星。3 talk to/with sb. 和某人谈话Youd better talk with your parents.你最好和你的父母谈一谈。4 tell sb. sth. 告诉某人某事Tell him the good news. 告诉他这个好消息。批注:这几个和说有关的近义词常常出现在完形填空当中,需要同学们务必掌握,并且能够区分其用法

8、。8. quite adv. 相当 quite a few/lot of people/things 相当多的人/东西 Its quite a lot colder today. 今天冷得多。 They won quite easily. 他们赢的相当轻松。 拓展: 易混淆词汇辨析: 1quiet adj.安静的 She is a quiet girl. 她是一个安静的女孩。 2quick adj.快的 quickly adv. 快地 The horse runs quickly. 这个马跑得很快。批注:这几个同样是易混淆的形近词,可从发音角度帮助学员区分,也可以多造句子,让学员熟练理解并运用

9、。9.hard adj. 困难的;坚硬的;辛苦的 Have a hard time 经历艰难困苦 a hard heart 硬心肠 拓展: 1hard adv. 用力地;努力地 to slam the door hard 使劲关上门 as hard as one can 竭尽全力 2hardly adv. 几乎不 He can hardly say a word. 他几乎什么也说不出来了。批注:hardly这个词很多同学都会误以为是“努力地”的意思,这里一定要着重强调,切不可弄混。并且hardly是个表示否定的词汇。10.hurry n. 急忙 in a hurry 匆忙 Im not in

10、any hurry. 我没什么急事。 拓展: 1hurry v. 急忙 Dont hurry. 别急! 2hurry off 匆忙离开 He hurried off without saying goodbye. 他没说再见就匆忙离开了。 3hurry up 赶快 Hurry up! We will be late. 快点,我们要迟到了!11.before prep 在.以前 eg.She got there before us. 她在我们之前到达了。 拓展: 1after prep 在之后 eg.We are going shopping after school.我们放学后要去购物。 2注

11、意和in front of/in the front of 及behind的用法差别 in front of是指在方位的“前方” eg. There is a car in front of the building. 大楼的前面又一辆车。 in the front of是指在空间内部的“前部”,是一种包含关系 eg. There is a blackboard in the front of the classroom. 在教室的前部有一个黑板。 behind是指在位置的“后方” Eg. Dont stand behind that dog. 不要站在那个狗狗后面。批注:这几个表“前”“后”

12、的词一定要注意区分,帮助学生掌握时间上前后及位置上前后的用法差异,多举例子去体会。12.tell v. 告诉 Please tell him to come earlier next time. 请告诉他下次早点来。 常见短语: tell sb. to do sth. 告诉某人做某事 eg.Youd better tell him to study hard. 你最好告诉他努力学习。 tell sb. not to do sth. 告诉某人不要做某事 eg. My mother often tell me not to speak loudly. 我妈妈经常告诉我不要大声说话。13.luck

13、n. 运气 eg. Wish you a good luck. 祝你好运。 拓展:1 lucky adj. 幸运的She is a lucky girl. 她是一个幸运的女孩。2 luckily adv. 幸运地Luckily, he caught the last bus. 他幸运地赶上了最后一班公车。3 luckless adj. 运气不好的He is so luckless that he was bitten by a dog.他运气很差的被狗咬了。14.traditional adj. 传统的 eg. We should respect other countries traditi

14、onal culture. 我们应该尊重别的国家的传统文化。 拓展:1 tradition n. 传统 eg.Theres a long tradition of his family. 他的家族历史悠久。15. join v.参加;连接 eg. Which club do you want to join? 你想参加哪个俱乐部? Please join the two pieces together. 请把这两部分连到一起。 拓展:1 join in 加入eg. I wish he can join in with the other children. 我希望他能够加入其他孩子。2 join on 接上eg. Two extra carriages were joined on at York. 在约克站又加挂了两节车厢。 即学即练-词汇: 1)


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