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1、精锐教育学科教师辅导教案学员编号: 年 级: 初二 课 时 数: 学员姓名:YYY 辅导科目:英语 学科教师: XX授课类型T Unit4(八年级下)基础知识梳理星 级教学目标1、 使学生能够基本掌握八年级下Unit4中的基础词汇及重要句型;2、 通过做练习掌握重难点。T同步-U4基础知识梳理(建议5分钟)我不同意你说的话,但我誓死捍卫你说话的权利。 伏尔泰我们每个人都有表达自己的观点的权利,然而生活中,敢于表达自己的观点,对很多人来时是需要勇气的。当然,我们在敢于说出自己的想法后,还需要找到合适的理由来支持自己的观点。让我们一起来聊聊“我认为,我想,我觉得” 批注:敢于说出来,图片中的辩论赛

2、是一个非常适合的表达形式,当我们面对自己不认同的观点时,是不是可以说出来? 让学生自己谈谈如果自己参加辩论赛会是什么样的情形,并且通过辩论赛自己会有什么收获,进而锻炼学生的表达能力,也能激发敢于表达自己的观点。(建议20-25分钟,根据学生掌握情况挑选重要知识点讲解) 一、词汇Words1. suppose v. 假定、认为、期望(1)sb be supposed to do sth 某人(认为)应该做某事Were not supposed to play football on the street.我们不该在马路上踢足球。(2)Suppose sb/sth to be 猜测I suppos

3、e him to be a workman, but he was a thief in fact.我认为他是个工人,其实他是个小偷。(3)Suppose +that 从句,意为猜想,但当主句的主语时第一人称I时,变否定句时,否定前移。I suppose that he has gone home.我认为他回家了。I dont suppose that the little boy has stolen the bike.我认为那个小男孩没有偷自行车。批注:suppose常用于被动语态,意为“理应、应该、被认为”,如you are supposed to be here at nine. 你应

4、该九点就到这里了。还可作“假定,设想”讲,有时表示自己有一定根据的猜想,有时仅表述自己的意见,如 Lets suppose that we had not helped him, what would happen? 假定我们当时没有帮助他,他会怎样呢? 课堂练习:1. In China, students _ greet the teachers when classes begins.在中国,学生们应该再上课前问候老师。2. He looked so sad, I _.他看上去很沮丧,我猜他这次考试没及格。答案:1. are supposed to 2. supposed him to f

5、ail in the exam2. first of all 首先First of all, they have to finish the work.首先,他们不得不完成这项工作。First of all 与 above all, at first, after all的辨析First of all 与above all强调事物排列顺序“首先,第一”At first强调时间顺序“最初、最早”After all意为“毕竟,终究”First of all, youre supposed to tell others your name.首先,你应该告诉别人你的名字。At first, Im no

6、t used to the food in France. After all, Ive never been to a European country before.开始时我不太习惯法国饭菜。毕竟我以前从未到过欧洲国家。课堂练习:1. I dont know why you are so concerned; it isnt your problem _.A. first of all B. after all C. at first 2. _, they have to finish the work.A. first of all B. all over C. at first 答案:

7、1. B 2. A3. do well in 在方面做得好The young lady did well in the difficult task.这位年轻的小姐在这次棘手的任务中表现出色。Her brother did well in doing plans for his work.他的哥哥很擅长为工作做计划。批注:do well in与be good at意思相同,表示在某方面做得好或擅长某事,需要注意的是如果二者接动词时,动词需要变doing形式,因为in和at都为介词,如she is good at playing the piano.她很擅长弹钢琴。4. true adj. 真实

8、的,真正的truth n. 事实What he told you is true.他所告诉你的都是真的。Maybe one day youll find true love.也许有天你会找到真爱。批注:在平时的教学中,需要和学生强调其词性的变化以及不同意义。true还可以意为“梦想、愿望等的实现”,如 I hope my dream can come true. 我希望我的梦想可以实现。5. poor adj. 贫穷的,贫困的He was too poor to buy a coat.他穷得不能买新衣服。The old lady was poor but happy.那个老太太很穷但是过得开心

9、。批注:poor除了有“贫穷的”的意思,还有“在某方面很差的”的意思,如 his English is really poor. 他的英语很糟糕。6. disappointing adj. 使人失望的,令人扫兴的What he did is really disappointing.他所做的的确很令人失望。The film was built up to be a masterpiece, but I found it very disappointing.这部电影被吹捧成杰作,但我觉得让人失望。批注:disappointed也有表示“失望的”之意,但多用来修饰人,如the boss was

10、very disappointed about him.老板对他很失望。而disappointing常用来修饰物,如a disappointing thing 一件令人失望的事。类似用法的词语还有excited/exciting, interesting/interested等。课堂练习:1. Mother was _ about her for she got _ grades.A. disappointing, disappointed B. disappointed, disappointing C. disappointed, disappointed2. He looks sad,

11、whats worng with him?-Maybe his son did something _ to him.A. disappointed B. disappointment C. disappointing答案:1. B 2. C7. thin adj. 薄的,稀薄的The air here is so thin.这里的空气如此的稀薄。The ice on the lake is too thin to skate.湖上的冰面太薄了,不能滑冰。批注:thin除了有“稀薄的”之意,还有“瘦的”之意,如she is tall but thin. 她很高但是瘦。其比较级和最高级分别为th

12、inner, thinnest,属于不规则变化。课堂练习:1. 小男孩是小组里最瘦的。_2. 薄薄的一片面包有90卡路里。_ _ _ofbreadhas90calories.答案:1. The little boy was the thinnest of the group.2. One, thin, piece8. decision n. 决定,决心make a decision 做决定I dont want to make the wrong decision and regret it later.我不想作出错误的决定,其后再来后悔。批注:decision是可数名词,复数形式为decis

13、ions,做决定也可说成make decisions。其动词形式为decide,意为决定,如have you decied which one to buy? 你决定要买哪个了吗?课堂练习:1. 对他来说做决定是困难的。_2. 你做的决定是完全正确的。 What you dicided is _ _.答案:1. Its difficult to make a dicision for him.2. totally, right9. start n. 开始,开端Lets have a new start.让我们重新开始。批注:start还可以做动词,意为“开始、出发、创办,启动”,如It was

14、 1956 when Susanna started the work on the garden. 苏珊娜是从 1956 年开始修建这个花园的。If you start the machine, it will begin to work. 如果你启动机器,它会开始工作。Start可组成词组“start up”意思与start一样,如 the engine of the car started up. 小汽车的发动起启动了。课堂练习:1. The school _ in 1980.A. started B. is started C. was started D. was starting2. We


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