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1、高中英语完形填空练习题一填空题(共3小题)1Apositioned Bresolution Csuspected Dlightweight EchallengeFgenerated Gjournal Heventually Iaccurate Jraised KcriticallyThe Power of VBirds of a feather may flock together,but why they fly together in V formations has never been known for certainNow,with the help of 14 northern

2、bald ibises (欧洲秃鹰) equipped with(41)sensors on a 600mile migration from Austria to Italy,researchers are suggesting that the explanation is one that was long (42)but never proved:the formations helps the birds conserve energyReporting in the (43)Nature,the scientists write that the ibises(44)themsel

3、ves in spots that were aerodynamically optimal (空气动力学上最佳的)allowing them to take advantage of swirls of upwardmoving air(45)by the wings of the bird aheadSince the lead bird got no lift advantage,the ibises regularly switched leadersWeve been wondering for years whether flapping birds can save energy

4、 by following each other in the right way,said Geiffrey Spedding,a researcher at the University of Southern California,who was not involved in the studyThis word answers that question,and the answer is yesThe scientists,led by Jim Usherwood of the Royal Veterinary College in England,said a major (46

5、)was obtaining the dataThe ibises hatched at Zoo Vienna in March 2011 and (47)as part of a conservation project aimed at reintroducing the (48)endangered species to its natural range in EuropeSome of the studys authors served as human foster parents,taking the young birds on training flights in Salz

6、burg,AustriaThe humans rode in a paraplane,a type of lightweight aircraft,and the birds followedEventually,the foster parents taught the birds their 600mile migration route from Salzburg to Orbetello,Italy,by flying alongside themThe birds wore custommade data loggers that allowed the researchers to

7、 track flapping,speed and directionWeighing less than an ounce,the devices included a memory card and a GPS unit,among other thingsIt is(49)to about one foot and refreshes five times per secondthe(50)necessary to track the birdspositions in relation to one anotherThe new study does not say how much

8、energy the ibises saved through the V formation,but small gains could be useful over long migrations,experts say2inform,unconditional,accompany,target,donate,origin,absent56Set yourself several or goals that you can surely achieve57Well,I am sorry to you that the sports meeting has been put off58His

9、 father wont him to school because he thinks he is old enough to be on his own59Her of mind during driving nearly caused an accident60Do you know what the name of New York was and how it got the name?61New schoolbags and books to the village school yesterday62Parents are the closest people to you in

10、 the worldThey love you just because you are you3Aprimarily Bdelayed Cinteract Dequivalent EidentifiedFintentions Gacquisition Hoverwhelming Ipermanently JcomparativeknecessityQuite often,educators tell families of children who are learning English as a second language to speak only English,and not

11、their native language,at homeAlthough these educators may have good(41),their advice to families is misguided,and it arises from misunderstandings about the process of language (42)Educators may fear that children hearing two languages will become (43) confused and thus their language development wi

12、ll be (44)Children are capable of learning more than one language,whether simultaneously (同时地) or sequentially (依次地)In fact,most children outside of the United States are expected to become bilingual or even,in many cases,multilingualGlobally,knowing more than one language is viewed as an asset (资产)

13、 and even a (45) in many areasIt is also of concern that the misguided advice that students should speak only English is given (46) to poor families with limited educational opportunities,not to wealthier families who have many educational advantagesSince children from poor families often are (47) a

14、s atrisk for academic failure,teachers believe that advising families to speak English only is appropriateTeachers consider learning two languages to be too (48) for children from poor families,believing that the children are already burdened by their home situationsIf families do not know English o

15、r have limited English skills themselves,how can they communicate in English?Advising nonEnglishspeaking families to speak only English is(49) to telling them not to communicate with or (50) with their childrenMoreover,the underlying message is that the familys native language is not important or valued二判断题(共1小题)4阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡将该项涂黑I used to be a very selfcentered person,but in the past two years I have really changedI have started to think about other people (36) I think about myse



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