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1、高中英语名词练习题一选择题(共49小题)1Go and say sorry to your Mom,DaveId like to,but Im afraid she wont be happy with my _()ArequestsBexcusesCapologiesDregrets2Tomato,which used to be calledloveapple,is not _but _()Afruit; vegetableBfruit; a vegetableCa fruit; a vegetableDa fruit; vegetables3He is a good teacher wi

2、th _ and he has _()Aenough experience,many experiencesBmany experience,good experiencesCexperiences,experiencedDmany experiences,much experience4She had stomach trouble and had to follow _()Astrict foodBa strict foodCstrict dietDa strict diet5He gave himself a new name to hide his _ when he went to

3、carry out the secret task()AemotionBtalentCidentityDtreasure6When he was running after his brother,the boy lost his _ and had a bad fall()AbalanceBchanceCmemoryDplace7One of the most effective ways to reduce_is to talk about feelings with someone you trust()AproductionBstressCenergyDpower8The failur

4、e was a big _ to him,but he wasnt discouraged and soon got as enthusiastic as ever()AblowBissueCexcuseDfactor9There is no need to tell me your answer nowGive it some_and then let me know()AthoughtBsupportCprotectionDauthority10Whenever we move to a new house,we always throw away _ furniture()Afar to

5、o moreBfar too lessCfar too muchDfar too many11How many _ are there in the international village?360()AChineseBRussianCAmericanDGerman12Some people hold that,since we live in a moneyoriented society,the average individual cares little about solving _ problems()Aanyone elsesBanyones elseCanyone elses

6、Dany one elses13Mark could refuse to answer _ questions,but he could never lie to his father()Asomeone elsesBanyone elsesCanyoneDno one14As long as Justine Bieber appears at the pop concert,likely to be a large audience of teenagers()AitsBheresCtheresDthats15_ in an atmosphere of simple living was w

7、hat her parents wished for()AThe girl was educatedBThe girl educatedCThe girl to be educatedDThe girls being educated16Can you tell me your for happiness and a long life?Living every day to the full,definitely()ArecipeBrecordCrangeDrecept17The weather forecast says it will be cloudy with a slight _

8、of rain later tonight()AeffectBsenseCchangeDchance18It is important to pay your electricity bill on time,as late payments may affect your _()AconditionBincomeCcreditDstatus19Its said that Chris achieved high grades in the examinationThats no surpriseHe is_,you know()Aa dark horseBa green handCa wet

9、blanketDan early bird20Due to the _ of this medical technology,some diseases can be treated at an early stage()AappreciationBapplicationCappointmentDapproach21It is widely accepted that the stock market usually reflects a countrys economic _()AfunctionBcooperationCperformanceDdependence22The purse f

10、ound on the playground matches the _ by Mary,so it must be hers()AdirectionBexpressionCdescriptionDinstruction23A million pounds has been raised since the media made a(n) _ to help the earthquake victims()AappointmentBappealCconclusionDchoice24Its thought that ones anxiety often occurs as a result o

11、f his unsuccessful _ to the new surroundings()AexpectationBadaptationCdescriptionDreference25The article in The Times gives us a real _ into the causes of the present economic crisis()AenquiryBadmissionCinsightDdivision26Li Yue,a top student in our school,worked hard and gained _ to Tsinghua Univers

12、ity this summer()ApermissionBadmissionCagreementDargument27Simon will listen to music every time he comes across a maths problemYou know,music is the source of _ in life()AinspirationBidentificationCreactionDrecreation28By recycling textbooks,the cost of the books will be reduced greatly,and there i

13、s no doubt that it will unload some _ of the families and students()AbudgetBbuffetCboomDburden29It is beyond _ that Professor Tus achievement doesnt come from good luck but from her dedication to her research work()AimaginationBdoubtCexpectationDpossibility30It is said that people in that area have

14、little _ to recreational activities such as watching TV or seeing films()AavenueBedgeCexposureDaccess31Male nurses are difficult to hire as many men reject this_ out of the longexisting discrimination()AconceptBresponsibilityCidentityDpersonality32At the end of the historic area,Wilmington displayed its_ as a working port city:large warehouses and a few other


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