重庆市梁平实验中学:unit5. topic3. sectiona 教案 (八年级仁爱版下册)

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《重庆市梁平实验中学:unit5. topic3. sectiona 教案 (八年级仁爱版下册)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《重庆市梁平实验中学:unit5. topic3. sectiona 教案 (八年级仁爱版下册)(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、. Material analysis本节课为话题的第一节课,建议用两课时上完。主要活动为Section A 的1a和4a。本课通过Kangkang帮助Michael缓解发表演讲前的紧张情绪,引出对话的主题:描述影响心情和情绪的事情和具体事物。对话呈现了重点词汇:test, nervous和speech, 充分表现了Michael 发表演讲前的焦虑;通过3 的听力练习,继续呈现了几组学生们在生活中经常发生的会影响心情的场景并给予合理的处理建议;最后以4a中提供的情境作为载体,向学生呈现了简单句的六种基本句型,使学生系统地掌握简单句的构成。. Teaching aimsKnowledge aim

2、s:1. 学生能正确拼读并运用单词表中的黑体单词test, nervous和speech。2. 学生能正确运用以下短语造句: have a test, get nervous, give a speech, follow ones advice, fall off3. 学生能自如地运用以下询问心情、表示安慰和提出建议的功能句进行交流。Is there anything wrong?How are you doing?Whats wrong?Dont worry.Take it easy.Why not ? 4. 学生能正确地运用相关的交际功能用语写出有关情绪询问和给出建议的对话。Skill a

3、ims:1. 能听懂有关询问影响心情的事情和提出建议的简单对话和陈述。 2. 能正确地运用本课的交际功能用语进行询问和给出建议。3. 能正确朗读课本的有关情绪询问和给出建议的文本材料及难度相当的材料。4. 能正确地运用本课新呈现的短语,简单句和交际功能语言写出简单的有关情绪询问和给出建议的对话。Emotional aims: 1. 通过对Section A的学习,学生能够在英语学习中注意并理解他人的情感,在别人心情不好时提出合理有效的建议,帮助伙伴远离消极情绪。2. 学会勇于克服困难。. The key points and difficult pointsKey points:1. 学生在交

4、流中能自如地运用描述情绪和情感的形容词。2. 辨别六种简单句式。Difficult points: 系统地掌握简单句的构成。. Learning strategies1. 课前预习有助于新知识的理解和掌握。2. 发表演讲之前要做好充分的准备。. Teaching aids Computer multimedia projector. Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction(8 minutes)1. The wholeclass work.2. The whole

5、class work.3. The wholeclass work+group work. 4. Individualwork.5. The wholeclass work.1. Focus their attentionon the teacher.2. Students guess thewords learnt in Topic 1 and Topic 2.3. Students learn thenew words. And thenplay the game: Thebomb to grasp them.4. Students finish 4a. 5. Students check

6、 theanswers with theteacher and correctthe wrong ones.1. Greet the students andmake them ready forlearning. 2. The teacher shows different facial expressions. Askstudents to guess thewords for describing the feelings.3. The teacher introduces the new words: test, nervous and speech by showing the pi

7、ctures on the screen. Play the game: The bomb.(The bomb: The teacher divides the students into two groups. Tell the students that one of the new words is the bomb. When they read after the teacher, they are not allowed to read the certain word. If the group reads the word, the other group will get o

8、ne point.)4. The teacher shows the six sentences of 4a on the screen and asks the students to mark them with N(nervous), H(happy), W(worried ) or A (afraid).5. The teacher asks twostudents to tell theanswers. Presentation(10 minutes)1. The wholeclass work.2. The whole class work.3. The whole class w

9、ork.4. The whole class work.5. The whole class work.6. The whole class work.1. Students make surethey understand whatthe questions mean.2. Students catch thegeneral idea of theconversation. 3. Students watch theflash for the second time and finish 1b.4. Students check theanswers.(1) Hell have a test

10、tomorrow and healways gets nervousbefore a test.(2) He feels nervous. (3) Listen to a CDabout giving speeches and practice.(4) Yes.5. Students read theconversation andcomplete the passage in 1c. 6. Students check theanswers with the help of the teacher.1. The teacher asks thestudents to read theques

11、tions in 1b. (1) What is Michaelworried about?(2) How does Michaelfeel when he has togive a speech?(3) What is Kangkangssuggestion for helpingMichael?(4) Do you think Michaelwill do well in histest?2. The teacher plays theflash of 1a for the firsttime without stopping.3. Teacher plays 1a for theseco

12、nd time, stoppingwhen necessary. 4. Then ask two students totell the answers to 1b.5. The teacher asks thestudents to read theconversation andcomplete the passage in 1c. 6. The teacher asks twostudents to tell theiranswers.Consolidation(10 minutes)1. The whole class work.2. The whole class work.3. G

13、roup work.4. The whole class work.5. Pair work.6. Pair work. 7. The wholeclass work. 1. Students read theconversation after the recording sentence by sentence.2. Students try to follow the speed, payingattention to thepronunciation andintonation.3. Students read theconversation bythemselves anddiscu

14、ss in groups tofind out the difficultpoints and sum up the main points.4.The students underline in their books andmake some notes.5. Students prepare forthe action of 1a inpairs. 6. Students act out theconversation. They can add more expressions and gestures whenacting.7. Students evaluate the performance. 1. The teacher plays therecording sentence bysentence.2. The teacher plays the recording withoutstopping.3. Let the students read 1a,Then



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