2020版高考英语新设计大一轮外研版新高考(鲁津琼)版课件:第一部分 必修四 module 4

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2020版高考英语新设计大一轮外研版新高考(鲁津琼)版课件:第一部分 必修四 module 4 _第1页
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《2020版高考英语新设计大一轮外研版新高考(鲁津琼)版课件:第一部分 必修四 module 4 》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2020版高考英语新设计大一轮外研版新高考(鲁津琼)版课件:第一部分 必修四 module 4 (38页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 4 Great Scientists,.单词语境记忆,1.publish a book 出版一本书 2.make a breakthrough 取得突破,3.in quantity 在数量上 4.try to escape from the prison 试图从监狱逃跑 5.find a person to replace him 找到一个可以代替他的人 6.the quality of the products 产品质量 7.a straight line 直线 8.a brilliant scientist 才华横溢的科学家 9.political career 政治生涯 1

2、0.convert waste into wealth 把废物转变为财富,.词性转换与派生记忆,1.support vt.支持n.支持;支撑;供养 2.clear vi.(烟雾)消散adj.清楚的;晴朗的 3.figure n.人物vt.计算;认为 4.leading adj.主要的lead vt.领导;引导leader n.领导;领袖 5.physical adj.身体的;物理的physically adv.身体上;身体上地 6.brief adj.简短的;简洁的briefly adv.简短地;简洁地 7.graduate vi.毕业 n.毕业生graduation n.毕业,8.perso

3、nal adj.个人的personally adv.就个人来说personality n.个性;人格 9.explode vi.爆炸explosion n.爆炸;爆炸声 10.producer n.生产者produce vt.& vi.生产production n.产量;生产product n.产品 11.educate vt.教育education n.教育educator n.教育工作者 12.agriculture n.农业agricultural adj.农业的 13.original adj.原来的;最初的origin n.起源originate vi.起源 14.export vt

4、.出口import vt.进口 15.breeding n.培育breed v.繁殖 16.partly adv.部分地;在一定程度上part adj.部分的,联想记忆,1.“支持,拥护”家族,advocate vt. 提倡;拥护 back vt. 支持 support vt. 支持,帮助 stand by/for 支持 in favour of 支持,赞同 vote for 投票支持,2.“数量”名词全接触,quantity 数量 amount 数量 number 数量 mass 大量 plenty 大量,3.单复数同形名词,species n. 物种 series n. 系列 means

5、n. 方法 remains n. 剩余物 works n. 工厂;作品,4.由“进出口”联想到的名词,import 进口 export 出口 trade 贸易 customs 海关 tariff 关税 opening-up policy 对外开放政策,短语背诵,1.bring up 培养;养育;提出;呕吐 2.experiment with 对进行实验 3.bring in 引进;收获;赚(钱) 4.as a result of 由于的结果 5.in the area of 在领域 6.be known for 因而出名/闻名 7.earn ones living 谋生 e to/into p

6、ower 掌权 9.by accident 偶然,意外地,词块积累,1.living things 生物 2.in the 1990s 在二十世纪九十年代 3.carry out experiments 做实验 4.make explosions 爆炸 5.be diagnosed with 被诊断患有疾病 6.convert.into. 把转化为 7.the/a key to (doing) sth (做)某事的关键 8.be at war with 与交战,1.In Stephen Hawkings case it was discovered that he was a brillian

7、t scientist. 就史蒂芬霍金的情况来说,人们发现他是一个卓越的科学家。 2.The tubes were attached to a long stick which helped keep the rocket moving in a straight direction. 这些管子被绑在一根长木棍上,这根木棍能使火箭直线前进。,3.Or was he carried miles into space,becoming the worlds first astronaut? 或者他被带到了太空中数英里的地方,成为了世界上第一个宇航员? 4.He thought there was

8、only one way to do thisby crossing different species of rice plant,and then he could produce a new plant which could give a higher yield than either of the original plants. 他认为,唯一的办法就是使不同种类的水稻杂交,这样才能培育出比原先任何一种水稻产量都要高的新品种。,.单词拼写,1.About 60% of the flowers in this town were _ (出口) to other countries,i

9、ncreasing the income of the local people. 2.The book,_ (出版)in 1955,has been translated into more than 30 languages. 3.Surgeons have made a great _ (突破) in the kidney transplantation. 4.The majority of people in the town strongly _ (支持) the plan to build a playground for children.,exported,published,

10、breakthrough,support,5.Most of the flood _ (受害者) had to leave all their things behind. 6.Some teenagers tend to quit when they get into a mess from which they cant _ (逃脱). 7.Our school is famous for its outstanding teaching _ (质量) and many students are admitted to key universities every year. 8.Larg

11、e _ (数量) of gas are produced by cars every day,which is harmful to the environment. 9.The rain has stopped and the sky has _ (放晴); children are playing happily in the yard. 10.The shopkeeper said he would _ (更换) the TV set if we were not satisfied.,victims,escape,quality,quantities,cleared,replace,.

12、词性变化练习,1.We offer an excellent _ (educate) to our students.In return,we expect students to work hard. 2._ (personal) speaking,I dont approve of your marriage to her. 3.Yuan Longping,one of the _ (lead) figures in agriculture in the world,is still working hard in the fields. 4.I think your _ (origin)

13、 plan is better than this one.,education,Personally,leading,original,5.Though she explained the topic _,we still learned a lot from her _ words.(brief) 6.Two bombs _ in the centre of our city and the _ caused seven deaths.(explode) 7.After _,he is one of the _ who have _ this year and are looking fo

14、r jobs.(graduate) 8.This factory _ computers.Its _ is very optimistic about the _ and sale.(produce),briefly,brief,exploded,explosion,graduation,graduates,graduated,produces,producer,production,.选词填空,1.Although _ in a big city,Henry is very interested in wildlife. 2.During recent years,the polar reg

15、ions have changed a lot _ global warming. 3.Xian _ its historic buildings,so many visitors travel there every year.,bring in,bring up,be known for,come to power,be diagnosed with,as a result of,by accident,earn ones living,brought up,as a result of,is known for,4.Even if Mike _ by working in a coal mine,he never gave up his dream. 5.He _ in 2018 again.It was the fourth



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