2019版二轮复习英语练酷版练习:第27天 seek—similar word版含解析

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1、第27天/seeksimilar(训练日期 月 日).单词拼写1The players selected (选择) from the whole country are expected to bring us honour in this summer game.2(2018长春检测)Living in the modern city, I can feel a strong sense (感受,意识) of happiness. 3However, no matter how attractive the Internet is, we shouldnt be separated (分开)

2、 from our loved ones.4I wish to study in a key university to become a lawyer, using what I have learnt to serve (为服务) our society. 5We know that we Chinese people are bound to win the battle against the present severe (严重的) smog with the help of our government.6The first time I met him, he was dress

3、ed in shabby (破旧的) skirt, begging in the street.7She sat in the shade (阴凉处), reading a book.8Besides, you can write Chinese poems, sharing (分享) your sweet experiences of school life. 9In our class, when the bell rang and the teacher closed his book, it was a signal (信号) for everyone to stand up.10It

4、 is silly (愚蠢的) of you to make such a decision.用括号中单词的适当形式填空1(2017浙江高考)But, something made her look closer, and she noticed a shiny/shining (shine) object.2It was evident that she was greatly shocked (shock) by the scene before her.3We should bear in mind that teamwork is of great significance (sign

5、ificant) to both our society and ourselves.4The boy needs a pencil sharpener to sharpen his pencil, because the sharpener he has isnt sharp. (sharpen) 5When the teacher entered the classroom, all the students kept silent and stared at their textbooks silently, but the silence was broken by a loud no

6、ise. (silence) .根据括号中的汉语提示完成句子1Her mother was ill, so she sent for (派人去请) a doctor immediately.2Does it make sense (有意义) that you ask your daughter to take so many courses on weekends?3(2018新疆第一次检测) To help people learn more about traditional Chinese culture, our school is intended to hold a series

7、of (一系列的) activities. 4At 8:00 am., we gathered at the foot of the mountain, and set off (出发) for the top in high spirits.5After they married, they settled down (定居) in a small village, leading a quiet life.6To my shame (令我感到羞愧的是), I made many mistakes because of carelessness.7We will succeed as lon

8、g as all of us work side by side (肩并肩) to fight pollution.8When Mr Lin caught sight of (看见) his youngest daughter, he called her name and smiled.9Those who want to participate in the contest are supposed to sign up (报名参加) before May 20th.10The method of solving the difficult problem is similar to(与相

9、似) mine.写出加黑部分在语境中的词性及含义1sense (熟义:n.感觉,感觉官能) Although she didnt say anything, I sensed that she didnt like the idea.v.意识到,察觉到2sentence (熟义:n.句子) The judge has passed a sentence on the prisoner. n.判决,宣判 3share (熟义:vt.分享,分担,共用) I will bear my share of the expense. n.份额,股份4short (熟义:adj.短的,矮的) We cant

10、 lend you any sugar.We are a bit short of it ourselves. adj.某物不够,缺乏某物5shoulder (熟义:n.肩膀) Young people should learn to shoulder the duty. v.承担.用括号中动词的适当形式填空1They sought (seek ) for a place to shelter from the rain, but in vain.2All the tickets for todays performance have been sold (sell) out.3Luckily

11、 she was not badly injured and we sent (send) her to the nearest hospital.4(2018全国卷书面表达)When set (set) up, the new stadium will become the new landmark in our school.5His finger was cut off when he caught it in a machine, but the surgeon was able to have it sewed/sewn (sew). 6A young boy climbed up

12、the apple tree and shook (shake) the branches so that the apples fell down.7I washed and shaved (shave), then hurried out of the house.8The police shot (shoot) one suspect when he pulled a gun on them.9Lots of studies have shown (show) that global warming has already become a very serious problem.10

13、Id better check that I have shut (shut) the windows.改正下列句子中的唯一错误1Their house is similar with ours in style, but ours has a bigger garden.withto2You dont have to take his words serious, because he never keeps his word. seriousseriously3With all the problems settling, he went to the party gladly. sett

14、lingsettled4In the rush to get out of the building, I got separating from my mother.separating separated5Thats the restaurant where they refused to serve for John because he was so rude.去掉for.用括号中的参考词汇表达句子1他们不仅提高了英语口语而且欣赏了比赛过程,获得了成就感。 (enjoy the process of, a sense of ) Not only have they improved t

15、heir spoken English but they also enjoyed the process of the contest and a sense of achievement.2(2018济宁一模书面表达) 现在,随着经济的发展,许多城市面临着严重的环境问题,这对人们的健康十分有害。 (be faced with, serious, do harm to) Nowadays, with the development of economy, many cities are faced with serious environmental problems, which does great harm to peoples health.3最重要的是,我承诺我将热情地为来自世界各地的游客服务。此外,我非常了解中国历史,因此我能向他们介绍我们灿烂的文化。 (serve, with enthusiasm, have a rich knowledge of, splendid culture ) Above all, I promise I will try to serve our guests from all over the world with enthusiasm.Besides, I have a


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