福建省南安市石井镇厚德中学八年级英语下册导学案:unit6 enjoying cycling9

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《福建省南安市石井镇厚德中学八年级英语下册导学案:unit6 enjoying cycling9》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《福建省南安市石井镇厚德中学八年级英语下册导学案:unit6 enjoying cycling9(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、福建省南安市石井镇厚德中学八年级英语下册导学案:Unit6 Enjoying Cycling9一、教材分析本话题以骑自行车旅行为核心内容,引出骑自行车的好处,接下来进一步讲述了交通安全和交通规则。最后出现的两篇关于自行车比赛的文章,呼应本单元的标题并巩固本话题的重点语法。本话题的主要语法是由if 引导的条件状语从句。在Section A 的1a中,通过Kangkang, Michael 和Darren 谈论一起亲眼所见的交通事故,引出交通安全方面的话题,列举骑自行车的好处,并呈现if引导的条件状语从句的用法。二、目标导航【明确目标,把握方向】1.学习条件状语从句的用法;2.了解骑自行车的利弊,

2、注意行车安全;3.了解如何写事故报告。三、自主预习【课前预习,探索新知】一读1a, 回答问题1.What does Darren think of traffic in Beijing ? _2.Does Michael feel a little more confident now ?_3. What are the advantages of riding bikes? a._ b._二在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语1.受伤_2.习惯_3.害怕_4.多一点自信_5.遵守交通规则_6.节约能源_7.引起空气污染_8.写下_9.当众吐痰_10.一小时内完成这么多工作 _11.引发事故_12

3、.找到;发现_13.听mp3_14.数米远处_15.向左的急转弯_16.减速_17.从对面开来_18.避免撞上卡车_19.撞上_20.严重地撞伤了他的胳膊_21.把他送到医院_22.受伤_ 23.失去生命_四语法点拨 在文中划出下面的句子并翻译1.Many passengers were hurt. 译:_ 点拨:hurt 1.及物动词:使受伤;伤害。His left leg was hurt. 译:_ 2.不及物动词:疼;难受。 His left leg hurt. 译:_ 巩固:1. He had a fall yesterday. Today his right leg _. A. st

4、ill hurts B. is still hurt C. are still hurting D. was hurt 2. After examining me carefully, the doctor said ,”you _ a bone in your back.” A. are hurt B. hurt C.hurts2.Youll get used to it soon. 译:_ 回忆:get used to _ (do) sth, be used to _ (do) sth. 译:_ 链接:used to _(do) sth 译:_ 练习:1.我习惯了饭后散步。I _ _ _

5、_ after meals. 2.他过去很胖。He _ _ _ heavy . 3.你们过去常常收集模型飞机吗?_ you _ _ _model planes? 4.His father is used to _ (drink ) milk in the morning.3.When I first arrived , I was afraid of riding my bike anywhere. 译:_ 回忆:be afraid of sth. 译:_ be afraid of doing sth 译:_ 练习: 1.我害怕蛇。I _ _ _ snakes. 2.Tom害怕当众讲话。Tom

6、 _ _ _ _ in public. 链接:be afraid to do sth. 译:_ 1. Im not afraid to talk with others now. 译:_ 2.Mary不敢独自呆在家里。Mary _ _ _ _ at home _.4.If people obey the traffic rules, there will be fewer accidents.译:_ 链接: 原级 比较级 最高级few , _, fewest few修饰_ 名词 , fewer 修饰_ 名词little, _, _ little修饰_ 名词, less 修饰_ 名词 原级 比较

7、级 最高级 many _ _ many 修饰_ 名词 more 修饰_ 名词 much _ _ much 修饰_ 名词 more 修饰_ 名词巩固:1. There will be _ (更多的) schools in 20 years . 2. There will be _ (更少的) free time next week. 3. There will be _ (更少的) trees on both sides of the road . 4. I have _ (更多的) money than Jane.5.Now I like riding my bike around the c

8、ity more than before. 译:_6.Its easy to park bikes ,too. 译:_ Its impossible to finish so much work in an hour. 译:_ 回忆:在此处it 作_, 真正的主语为 _ 短语 练习:1.在公共场所吐痰是种坏(行为)。_ is bad _ _in public. 2.骑自行车探险明陵非常刺激。_ is _ _ _the Ming Tombs _ _. 3.早上吃早饭很有必要。_ _ _ _ _ _ in the morning. 提升:It is +adj+for sb.+to do sth.1.对学生来讲,早上吃早饭很有必要。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the morning. 2.对我们来说,上课认真听讲非常重要。 _ is _


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