2018-2019人教新目标高中英语选修六课件:unit 1 using language

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1、Unit 1 Art Using Language,. 根据语境及汉语提示写出下列单词 1. She devotes herself to teaching and it earns her a good _(名声). 2. Glasses are _(易碎的)and must be handled with great care. 3. My studies were devoted almost entirely to _(当代的) literature.,reputation,fragile,contemporary,xx4. Most people hope to get _(永久 的

2、)employment. 5. The Chinese _(文明)is one of the oldest in the world. 6. _(香的)fruit juice is the best drink to entertain guests in the four seasons.,permanent,civilization,Fragrant,7. This _(地区)used to grow cotton on a large scale. 8. It is reported the _(委员会)meets at three today.,district,committee,.

3、 根据语境将下列单词填入下列句中 preference; allergic; appeal; specific; visual; exhibition; figure; signature 1. They are _to the public for donation for the earthquake-hit areas. 2. Choosing this one or that one is just a matter of personal _.,appealing,preference,3. His _is unique and beautiful, which he has pra

4、cticed for a long time. 4. Many girls wonder at how they can keep a good _ all the time. 5. There is an _about his paintings in the gallery, which has attracted many visitors.,signature,figure,exhibition,6. Strangely, he is _to peanuts, and he never eats them. 7. Among all the problems, these ones a

5、re _. 8. His designs have a strong _appeal and many people like them.,allergic,specific,visual,. 根据语境及汉语提示写出下列短语 1. We all _(惊异于) her fluency in speaking English. 2. She says that she _(更喜欢) reading in her spare time. 3. The key point of the problem _(在于)peoples attitude toward it.,are amazed at,has

6、 a preference for,lies in,4. Whether you can get that chance _(由决 定) you. 5. As a student, he works very hard, and _ _(同时)he does a part-time job after school. 6. Many of the students _(喜爱)songs about the campus. 7. _(每两年), he goes to the seaside city for a holiday.,is up to,at the same,time,are fon

7、d of,Every two years,8. The splendid design of the building _(吸引) many people to enjoy it. 9. Im fortunate to see the famous singer _(本 人). 10. The family will be away _(度假) next week.,appeals to,in the flesh,on holiday,First Skimming for the main information 1. Whats the main idea of this passage?

8、_ _ 2. What kind of book is it perhaps from? Its perhaps from _.,The passage introduces the best of Manhattans Art,Galleries.,a guide book,Second Scanning for detailed information 1. Which of the following about the Frick Collection is Not true? A. The Frick Collection is the best small art gallery

9、in New York. B. It was Henry Clay Frick who left his house, furniture and art collection to the American people.,C. You can see an excellent collection of pre-twentieth century Western paintings in Fricks beautiful house. D. Visitors can explore Fricks beautiful house.,2. If visitors go to Guggenhei

10、m Museum, they can find_. A. it owns 50, 000 drawings and sculptures as well as paintings B. a small collection of the Impressionist and Post-Impressionist paintings C. the museum is well known only in the USA,D. the best way to visit the museum is to start from the top floor and walk down to the bo

11、ttom,3. The sentence “A few words of warning: the admission price is not cheap and the museum is often very crowded” in Paragraph 4 suggests that _. A. it is not dear to enter the museum and it is always very crowded in it B. although the admission is expensive, there are always lots of visitors the

12、re,C. people should pay special attention to the price before going in D. there are many famous paintings by artists such as Monet, Van Gogh, Picasso and Matisse,4. You can expect to see videos in_. A. Metropolitan Museum of Art B. Museum of Modern Art C. The Frick Collection D. Whitney Museum of Am

13、erican Art,Third Intensive reading to finish the passage,left,preference,modern,to,collection,covers,housed,expensive,contemporary,living,【阅读素养提升】 Why is Metropolitan Museum of Art famous? _ _ _ _ _,Because it has the variety of its art collection. This,covers more than 5, 000 years of civilization

14、from many,parts of the world, including America, Europe,China, Egypt, other African countries and South,America. There is more than just the visual delights of,_ _ _ _,art in it. It introduces you to ancient ways of living.,You can visit an Egyptian temple, a fragrant Ming,garden, a typical room in an 18th century French,house and many other special exhibitions.,【精读难句透析】 1. Henry Clay Fri


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