海南省海口十四中:unit 7 topic 3(section b)导学案(仁爱版八年级下册)

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海南省海口十四中:unit 7 topic 3(section b)导学案(仁爱版八年级下册)_第1页
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海南省海口十四中:unit 7 topic 3(section b)导学案(仁爱版八年级下册)_第2页
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1、 Section B学习目标:1. 继续学习在餐馆的就餐用语。2. 学习打电话订餐。3. 学生能区分元音音素/ u/与/ /、/u/与/u:/, 并能正确拼读单词。4. 学生能在朗读句子时正确处理语调、停顿和连读。重点:1. 继续学习在餐馆的就餐用语。2. 学习打电话订餐。难点:尝试用英语写出电话订餐的对话。课前预习:1.预习下列词汇,熟读,默写:lemon_ main course_ bean_carrot_ have a seat_2.阅读1a中的菜单和1a 里的对话,完成1b.大声朗读1a.回答下列问题:(1)How does Mr. Zhao order a meal? _ (2)Ho

2、w soon can he get the food? _3.思考并翻译: (1)I know youre holding a food festival. Could I order a meal by phone?译:_思考: hold在此意思是_, 同义词是_; hold还有_的意思,如:Hold on, please.order在此意思是_, 可以用book替换吗?_ by phone在此意思是_, 同义词组是_/_the phone 注意the !(2)Well send the food to you in twenty minutes. 译:_ send.to. 把.送到.E.g

3、:他昨天给我捎来一个消息。He sent the message to me yesterday思考: in twenty minutes在此意思是_ 提问划线部分:_ _?拓展:Well cook the food for twenty minutes. 提问划线部分:_? We cooked the food after twenty minutes. 提问划线部分:_ _?(过去的)几分钟后_ (未来的)20分钟后_Teaching procedure:.预习展示:1. Ask the students to Read 1a and act it out in class.(assess

4、ing)2.Deal with 2 (Part 2 in previewing before the lesson)(assessing)3.Finish 3 (Part 3 in previewing before the lesson)(assessing).合作学习展示:1.Read 1a in groups and 1b together and check the answers with them.2. Read 1a again ,then try to retell it :3.Group work :1c.Interview your partner about the fo

5、od and drinks he or she likes.Then complete the word map.(Check and assess).巩固落实:1.Finish 2 :Ask the students to do it alone and then practice it orally in pairs ,act out.(assessing)2.Finish 3a with the whole class.3.Finish 3b with the whole class.当堂检测:单项选择。1. He often _ photos _ his friends by emai

6、l.A. buy;for B.send;to C.sent;to D.sends;to2. Mr. Lee went to Beijing last Sunday. He will come back_three days. A. after B. in C. on D. when3. The students are planning to hold a sports meet by themselves. Lets wish them _. A. succeed B. success C. successfully D. successful4. The boss _ a worker _

7、 a computer for him yesterday. A. order; to order B. ordered; ordered C. ordered; ordering D. ordered; to order5. Now people can go shopping_phone. A. at B.in C.by D.for根据中文意思完成下列句子,每空一词.1.两小时后,杰克讲把电脑给你送去. Jack will send the computer to you _ _ _.2.我可以通过电话订午餐吗? May I _ _ _ for lunch by phone?3.晚餐的主菜是什么? Whats _ _ for dinner?4.欢迎到我家来,请坐。Welcome to my home and _ _ _ please.5.我可以结账吗? May I _ _ _,please?



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