海南省海口十四中:unit 6 topic 1(section a)导学案(仁爱版八年级下册)

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海南省海口十四中:unit 6 topic 1(section a)导学案(仁爱版八年级下册)_第2页
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1、Unit 6 Topic 1 Section A学习目标1. 学生能正确拼读并运用黑体单词。2. 学生能正确运用以下短语造句:go on a visit to , make a decision, tooto和decide on3. 学生能自如地运用以下句式进行交流:I have some exciting news to tell you.Were going on a three-day visit to Mount Tai.It will take us a few days to get there by bike.It costs Lets decide.Well decide on

2、 the best way to travel on our field trip. 4. 学生能简单地掌握动词不定式的用法。重点:1. 谈论旅游的话题。2. 初步掌握动词不定式的用法。难点:1. 谈论旅游的话题。2. 初步掌握动词不定式的用法。课前预习1、试把下列单词或短语译成中文,朗读并默写.Field_ proper_ price_ total_ go on a visit _ too-to_over the phone_decide on_ find out_2、观察1a中的图片,猜一猜他们在谈论什么。然后听1a对话,完成1b、1c。如果有困难,可听两到三遍。3、大声朗读1,然后观察下

3、列1a中的句子的划线部分:1)I have some exciting news to tell you! 2) Its too far to cycle, but- 3) Helen, you need to find out the cost for bus. 4)Id love to go by plane.总结:以上划线部分都由“_+_”构成,这种结构被称作动词不定式。4、根据3中的图片或自己的实际情况和你的同伴共同选择一个你想去的旅游地点,先完成表格.5、预习指导:1)I have some exciting news to tell you.我有一些激动人心的消息要告诉你们.To

4、tell you是动词不定式短语,在句中作定语,放在被修饰的名词或代词之后。2)句型it takes sb. Sometime to do sth.意为“某人花费多少时间做某事”。3)too-to-意为“太-而不能-”。He is too young to go to school.他太小而不能上学。4)go on a visit to-意为“去-参观” They went on a visit toEgypt last year.5)decide on/upon-意为“决定,选定” Were trying to decide on/upon a school.我们正在设法选定一所学校。Dec

5、ide to do-意为“决定做-”He decided to stay and look after his mother.他决定留下来照顾母亲。Teaching procedure:.预习展示:1. Read 1a together in groups and then ask several to act it out2. Check if the students have read and recited the new words and phrases.3. Get two students to translate the sentences into Chinese:1)I

6、have some exciting news to tell you.2) How shall we get there?3) Lets find out some information about the cost.4) Ill ask the airline over the phone.合作学习展示:1. Read 1a and finish 1b.(Get some students to do it and check the answers together.)2. Part 2. Work in pairs and discuss the best way to travel

7、.3. Part 3.Complete the table according to your coming trip and your partners .Then ask and answer in pairs, paying attention to the structure “to + v.”. 4. Part 4. Listen to the notice and complete the table. Then check the answers with them.巩固落实:1. Finish 2. Work in pairs first, then act it out in

8、 class.2. Finish 3. Then ask some pairs to act it out.当堂检测:1、 根据句意及中文提示完成下列各题。1. Look! The farmers are busy harvesting in the _(田野)。2. The t_ time of riding from my home to our school is ten minutes.3. The_(价格)of the house is growing higher.4. Can you find a_(恰当的)way to work out this problem?5. What

9、 are you planning to do for the_(三天内)holiday?2、 根据中文意思完成下列句子,每空一词。1. 去那里春游最好的方法是乘公共汽车。The best way_ _ _a spring field trip there is taking a bus.2. 我们花了很长时间才完成那项工作。It _us a long time_ _the work.3. 你能在网上找出有关伦敦奥运会的一些信息吗?Can you _ _some information about the London Olympic Games on the Internet?4. 请打电话把这个消息告诉她。Please tell her the news_ _ _.5. 迈克尔自己不能决定去北京的方式。Michael cant_ _the way to Beijing by himself.


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