海南国科园实验学校:unit5 topic3 section c 学案(仁爱版八年级英语下册)

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1、Studying aims: Learn some new words; Learn about what can affect our feelingsLearn by yourself:一Read 1a with the help of the following1. especially (副词) _ 2. the full moon 满月3. bright(形容词) 明亮的 副词_4. get together with my family 和家人团聚5. fill (动词) fill with sth=be full of sth6. tear 眼泪; (复数) _7. enviro

2、nment_8. noisy(形容词)(名词)noise_ 9. crowded (形容词) 拥挤的; be crowded with sth 挤满 10. trouble_; have trouble doing sth do sth有麻烦 be in trouble 在麻烦中,在困境中11. shine 照耀12. calm 平静的; calm down镇静13. active 精力旺盛的14.big events大事件 Class Exercise一. 用方框中的单词填空,注意适当形式bright; noisy; especial; sad; worry1. There is so mu

3、ch _in a big city. I am tired of it .2. _ makes me sad.3. The sun is shining _.4. Im not good at math. Im _about the math test tomorrow.5. I like movies, _action movies.二. 用所给词的正确形式填空1广场里挤满了人。The square _ _ _ people.2.我眼里充满了眼泪. My eyes _ _ _ =My eyes _ _ _ _.3.在吵闹的晚上,这位老人睡觉有麻烦。The old man_ _ _ at _

4、night.4.当我们在困境中时,我们要笑对生活。 When we _ _ _, we should smile at life.5,我讨厌大声的噪音。I hate _ _.6我希望我们的环境能改善。I hope our _ can improve.Unit 5 Topic 3 Many things can affect our feelingsSection D学习目标1. Learn some new words and phrases: spirit, magazine, think over, decision, sense, husband 2. Useful expression

5、s: Think it over before making an important decision.课前预习英汉互译1. in good spirits _ 2. in a good mood _ 3. think over _4. 做决定 _ 5. 幸福感 _ 6. 日常活动 _ 7. 例如_ 8. 杂志_ 9.妻子_当堂检测 一用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。1. Mother lets Michael _ (not watch) TV all day because the final exam is coming. 2. I dont want to make a wrong _

6、(decide) so I have to think it over. 3. Its very difficult for her brother _ (learn) English well. 4. We hope _ (see) him be happy again. 5. I saw some boys _ (play) basketball when I passed the gym. 二. 根据首字母提示填空 1 We must look after ourselves, and keep in good s_. 2 We should read books and m_ to o

7、pen our sight and increase our knowledge. 3. We should make a d_ on where to spend our holiday. 4. Jane wants a rich man as her h_. 5. Tom has to see a doctor because he lost his s_ of smell. 三.单项选择 ( )1. I feel really _ before making speeches. Take it easy. You are the best. A. nervous B. disappoin

8、tedC. unpopular D. bitter( )2. Our headmaster told us how to _a good mood, so we can study in high spirits. A. keep B. kept C. keeping D. keeps ( )3. Before you are going to hand in your test papers, you should _ again. A. think about them B. think them about C. think over themD. think them over( ) 4. Shall we _ the question of traveling?A. get back B. get back to C. go back D. come back



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