内蒙古乌拉特中旗第二中学:unit6 topic3 section c 导学稿(仁爱版八年级英语下册)

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1、Unit6 Topic3 Bicycle riding is good exercise. Section C 执笔人: 审核:八年级英语组 使用日期: 使用教师:学习目标:用英语表达骑自行车的好处及其安全常识及意外发生时应急办法。学习重难点:通过阅读文章,培养学生获取文本大意的技能。课前预习 一 词汇学习1. danger den(d) n. 危险 (反义词)_ seft n.安全,平安 danger n.adj _ safety n.adj_2. reflect rflekt v. 反应,反射(变名词) _rflekt n.反光玻璃二根据文章内容和汉语提示完成句子。1. The bicyc

2、le is _ _ _ _ _ in the word.自行车是世界上重要的交通工具之一。2. _ _ is good exercise.骑自行车是一项很好的锻炼。3. It helps people _ _.它帮助人们变得健康。4.Bicycles riders must _ _ _ the traffic around them and know _ _.骑自行车者必须注意他们身边的交通情况以及交通信号。5.They must know and _ _ _.他们必须了解和遵守交通规则。6._ _ _ an accident, bicycle riders should know how t

3、o _ _ _.万一发生交通意外,骑自行车的人应该知道如何进行急救。7._ _ _, the best way _ _ safe is to be careful.总之确保最安全的最佳方法就是小心谨慎。三课堂教学要点。1.根据段落大意和关键词试着复述文章。(1)骑自行车风靡全世界one of, use for_(2)骑自行车既环保又有利于身体健康。 exercise , fit, strong, pollution_(3)骑自行车者必须遵守交通安全规则。(此部分可以写在作业本上)share with, notice, pay attention to, signals, safety rule

4、s, helmets, light-colored, reflectors, in case of, first aid, call 120四课后重难点巩固。1. Nancy is _ and she always makes mistakes while doing homework . A. useless B. useful C. careful D. careless2. _ you ride your bike too fast, you may get hurt. A. Though B. If C. So D. But3. In China, people should drive _ on the right side of the road. A. in B. at C. to D. on4. If Amy _ time this evening, well go to the movie together. A. have B. has C. had D. will have 5. You may have an accident if you dont _ A. cross a busy road B. make a wrong turn C. drive carefully D. ride your bike fast



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