七年级英语下册 module 4 unit 1 going to see a film同步练习 牛津沈阳版

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1、Module 4 Garden City and its neighbours Unit 1 Going to see a film一、选词填空come see walk talk call1. Theres a film on at one cinema_ “Space War”.2. I think Ill _to work today.It certainly is a beautiful morning.3. Kitty and Peter are _ on the phone.4. Can we _ the two forty-five show in the afternoon?S

2、orry, I cant make it.5. Can I _with you to see “Swan Lake”?Of course.二、单项选择1. Jack likes to _others but never writes them.A. hear of B. hear about C. hear from D. hear 2. What a day! Its raining again. Im afraid we cant go swimming tomorrow. Oh, dont worry. It wont _long. A. drop B. go C. last D. ra

3、in 3. My mother doesnt like films about cowboys and_. A. so I dont B. so dont I C. either I do D. neither do I 4.Peter said hed rather _ a cartoon.A. seeing B. to see C. see D. saw5. Shall we go to see “Swan Lake”?_A. Why not? B. Thank you! C. Yes, please. D. No, thanks.6. When did Kitty and her mot

4、her _ City Cinema last Saturday?A. reached B. get C. get to D. arrive7. He asked me _ stay.A. how long I was going to B. how long was I going to C. how long time I was going to D. how long time was I going to 8. It is now eight oclock .Can you _time to catch the train?A. make it in B. make in C. hav

5、e it in D. have enough9. Well plant the trees _ the river.A. across B. under C. in D. along10. Hello,5-8-double 2-3-4-6.Hello._?A. What are you saying B. Whos that speakingC. Are you OK D. Who are you三、补全对话 A: Excuse me ,_1_ the library? B: Go down this street and turn right at the second crossing.

6、Go up the road to the end, and youll find it. A: _2_?B: Its about 1,000 metres away from here. A: Oh .Thats quite a long way. B: Yes._3_take a bus. A: _4_? B: You can take theNo.5 bus. Itll take you there. A: _5_? B: It takes about fifteen minutes. A: Thanks very much. B: Its a pleasure.四、字母组词1. Wev

7、e got to _(ededic).2. “Space War” is about a great_(vnedaruet).3. Id_(htrear) see a cartoon.4. Which film_(uodlw) you like to see?5. I like this _(nidk) of film.6. Who_(otnanc) make it?7. Can we see the twenty_(ohws) in the morning?8. Walk _(ognal)Green Street.9. Which_(enicam) are we going to?10. T

8、hey also want to go to a_(ohpskboo).【试题答案】一、1. called 2. walk 3. talking 4. see 5. come二、1. C 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. A6. C 7. A 8. A 9. D 10. B三、1. wheres 2. How far is it? 3. You can/Why not 4. Which bus can I take?5. How long does it take?四、1. decide 2. adventure 3. rather 4. would 5. kind6. cannot 7.

9、show 8. along 9. cinema 10. bookshop【励志故事】该低头时就低头被称为美国人之父的富兰克林,年轻时曾去拜访一位德高望重的老前辈。那时他年轻气盛,挺胸抬头迈着大步,一进门,他的头就狠狠地撞在门框上,疼得他一边不住地用手揉搓,一边看着比他的身子矮去一大截的门。出来迎接他的前辈看到他这副样子,笑笑说:“很痛吧!可是,这将是你今天访问我的最大收获。一个人要想平安无事地活在世上,就必须时刻记住:该低头时就低头。这也是我要教你的事情。”富兰克林把这次拜访得到的教导看成是一生最大的收获,并把它列为一生的生活准则之一。富兰克林从这一准则中受益终生,后来,他功勋卓越,成为一代伟人,他在他的一次谈话中说:“这一启发帮了我的大忙。”话外语:做人不可无骨气,但做事不可能总是仰着高贵的头。


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