unit6 topic 2 who is your favorite character in literature 教案5(仁爱版九年级下)

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1、 主持人:时间参加人员地点办公室主备人课题Unit6 Topic2Section D教学目标1、知识与技能:重、难点及考点分析Words and expressions, attributive clauses课时安排One period教具使用录音机/单词卡片/音标卡片/图片/挂图Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间: 8分钟)教师检查作业,然后以头脑风暴的方式复习本话题前三个部分的知识点,导入新课。1. (检查作业,让学生讲述美猴王的故事。) T: Now check up the homework. Who would like to tell a story about th

2、e Monkey King? S1, please. S1:2. (头脑风暴:复习本话题前三个部分的知识点。) T: In this topic, we have learned something about Chinese and western culture, such as some artists and their works, some famous novels and the characters in the literary works. Can you say something about them? For example: Gu Kaizhi is a famo

3、us artist who is known for Luoshenfu. Now who can have a try?S2:Cao Xueqin is a wonderful author who is known for Dream of the Red Chamber.3. (通过谈论伊索寓言,导入新课。)T:Have you heard of Aesops Fables?Ss:Yes. There are many interesting stories in it.T:Thats right. Theyre very popular with children. Today wel

4、l learn one of them The Tortoise and the Hare.Step 2 Presentation第二步 呈现(时间: 12分钟)展示龟兔赛跑图,呈现新词汇,导入新课,学习1a。让学生了解另一种文学艺术形式短剧,培养学生的阅读能力。1. (出示龟兔赛跑图,简单介绍故事,呈现新词汇。)T: Once upon a time, there was a match between a tortoise and a hare. Before the match, the hare thought he was sure to win the match, so he s

5、aid to the tortoise,“I could beat you easily in the race unless you put wheels on your feet.”But the tortoise believed he could get where he was going sooner or later. The match began, the hare hopped to the finish line and the tortoise plodded to it. On the way, the hare rolled in the flowers and s

6、lept under the tree, but the tortoise stuck to going ahead and caught up with the hare. In the end, the tortoise won the match. Do you want to know the story in details?(板书并要求学生掌握:sooner or later, catch up with;理解tortoise和roll;了解hare, hop和plod。)tortoiseharesooner or laterhopplodrollcatch up with2. (

7、导入另一种文学艺术形式短剧,学习1a。)T: Weve learnt a few types of literature and learnt a lot from them, but do you know another type of literatureEnglish play? Please read the short play The Tortoise and the Hare quickly with the following questions.(多媒体呈现以下问题。)(1)How many characters are there in the short play?(2

8、)Where did Scene 1 happen?(3)Where did Scene 2 happen?(4)Where did Scene 3 happen?T: OK, stop here! Whod like to answer the questions?S1: . T: Very good! Weve known the characters and places of the play. Now, lets go on reading it. Please read Scene 1 carefully and then finish the following tasks.(多

9、媒体呈现任务。)Task 1: Read and write down the key words.Task 2: Tell us the general idea of Scene 1.T: Finished?Ss: Yes.T: S5, please read the key words which youve written down.S5: T: S6, tell us the general idea of Scene 1 using your own words.S6: T: Great! Now lets come to Scene 2 just like what we did

10、 in Scene 1 and pay attention to the description of Scene 2. Go ahead, please.(教师问学生答,完成该环节。)T: OK, weve done well in Scene 1 and Scene 2. Next lets read Scene 3 carefully with the following questions.(多媒体呈现问题。)Step 3 Consolidation第三步 巩固(时间: 7分钟)根据1a,小组表演短剧,巩固1a的语言知识点,然后完成1b中的1。让学生读懂哲理故事并总结出人生道理。1.

11、(让学生听1a录音,分角色朗读1a,并请几组学生表演,完成1a。)T: We all have done a good job. Now listen to the tape of 1a, pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation, and get ready to act it out.T: Are you ready?Ss: Yes!(请23组学生表演并给予点评鼓励。)2. (小组讨论,完成1b中的1。)T: Perfect. Each pair has done well. Now discuss in pairs. In Act

12、the tortoise wins the race. Why? What can you learn from the story?Step 4 Practice第四步 练习(时间: 11分钟)让学生发挥想象力完成1b中的2。然后听2录音,完成2。以练习的形式巩固本话题的知识点。综合训练学生的听、说、读、写能力。1. (学生编写龟兔赛跑的第二幕或第三幕,然后表演,完成1b中的2。) T: If you are the hare, will you feel sorry? Do you want another match with the tortoise? Now, use your im

13、agination to write Act in groups of three. Then Ill ask two groups to put on their short plays.(请两组学生表演并给予点评鼓励)2. (学生读2,并掌握其中的句型结构。) T: Excellent! Now please read 2 and try to master the sentence patterns in it.3. (做练习,巩固本话题的知识点。) T: Lets do some exercises, OK? Complete the sentences with the right

14、phrases, and pay attention to the forms of verbs.(多媒体呈现练习题。) make up ones mind, sooner or later, stick to, give up, cant help crying, catch up with1. You will realize you are wrong _.2. Reporters should _ investigating(调查,查明) facts.3. Hes _ to leave and thats the final.4. He _ at the bad news.5. I h

15、ave _ my classmates with the help of Mr. Li.6. Smoking is bad for your health. You must _ it _.(师生核对答案。)Step 5 Project第五步 综合探究活动(时间: 7分钟)谈论3中的图片,选择其中一幅编写成童话故事。然后从中截取片断改写成短剧,进行小组表演。让学生乐于在现实中运用所学语言知识进行情感交流,能读懂哲理短文并总结人生道理。1. (根据图片,编写童话故事。)T: Look at the pictures on page 40 and choose one to make up a fairy tale.2. (编排短剧,并表演,完成3。)T: Adapt a short play from your fairy tale and then put it on in groups.3. Homework:Find and appreciate some foreign arts and p


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