unit 7 topic 3(section b)导学案(仁爱版八年级下册)

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1、课题:Unit 7 Food Festival Topic3Section B(第二课时) 备课人: 审核人: 班级:八年级 学生: 【学习目标】1. Learn some new words and phrases: lemonade, main course, salad, coke, by phone, in twenty minutes2. Go on learning how to order and offer food and drinks:Could I order a meal by phone?What would you like?Well send the food t

2、o you in twenty minutes.May I have the menu, please?3. Learn how to make a menu.【知识链接】1 by phone 通过电话 2 in twenty minutes 20分钟后 3 main course 主菜 4 just a little 一点点 Could I order a meal by phone?Order定购,定货,如:Shall I order a taxi for you?需要我给你叫辆出租车吗?【预习达标】竞赛: 分组到黑板上写出食品名称,组员可以补充,看看哪组写得最多、最完整。【学习流程】l

3、自学指导一. 读1a, 回答问题1.How does Mr. Zhao order a meal? _2. How soon can he get the food? _二. 在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语和句子1.举办一次美食节_2.电话订餐_ 3.给你发个邮件_4.烤鸡肉 _5.就这些吧!_6.一瓶柠檬水_7.在北四环路62号_8.(过去的)几分钟后_9.(未来的)20分钟后_10.回见!_11.特价菜/特色菜_12.开饭馆_13.制定菜单_14.可以看一下菜单吗?_ 15.请少来点儿。_l 合作探究 在文中划出下面的句子并翻译1. I know youre holding a food

4、 festival. Could I order a meal by phone?译:_思考: hold在此意思是_, 同义词是_; hold还有_的意思,如:Hold on, please.order在此意思是_, 可以用book替换吗?_ by phone在此意思是_, 同义词组是_/_ the phone. - 注意the !1. I can e-mail one to you, if you like. 2. 译:_ _ _思考: e-mail在此是_词, e-mail还可以用作_词。总结: e-mail to sb. = send an e-mail to sb.练习:他过去常常给我

5、发邮件。a._ b._3. Well send the food to you in twenty minutes. 译:_思考: in twenty minutes在此意思是_ 提问划线部分:_ _?拓展:Well cook the food for twenty minutes. 提问划线部分:_? We cooked the food after twenty minutes. 提问划线部分:_ _?l 展示提升书面表达昨天晚上,格林先生到一家餐馆就餐,请想象一下格林先生就座点餐、付账的情形,设计一段对话。要求:1 符合就餐礼仪,语言规范。2 内容充实,意思连贯。3 词数80左右。【盘点

6、收获】【当堂检测,点击中考】根据句意和首字母提示,补全单词1 Do you like desserts(甜点)? Yes.I like fruit s best.2 What would you like to drink,apple juice or l?I prefer apple juice.3 Mom,Im thirsty. Can you give something to drink? OK.What about a bottle of C?4 Could I o the meal on the Intemet? Sure.You can e-mail us.5 Welcome to our r.Here is the menu.【点评检测结果】教师复备栏/学生笔记栏


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