unit 7 topic 1 we are preparing for a food festival 学案2(仁爱版八年级下)

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1、Topic1 Section B一、话题导学:(学习目标)Learn some new words and phrases:western, Greek, Indian, curry, fried, sushi, Italian, African, Russian, address, would like to do,have a sweet tooth, such as, whats more, good enough, decide to do, Its a pleasure, never mind二、预习导纲:1、单词互译与记忆1) western , 2) Greek , 3) Ind

2、ian , 4) curry 5) fried , 6) sushi , 7) Italian , 8) African 9) Russian ,10) address 2、短语互译与记忆1) such as , 2) good enough , 3) decide to do ,4) Its a pleasure , 5) never mind , 6) 而且 _7)喜欢吃甜食 8) 想做 3、句子理解与熟读1) What would you like to cook for the food festival? 2) Im sure that fried rice and dumpling

3、s will be popular.3) Thats good enough.4) Where do you think cheese pies are from?5) So my friends and I decided to help you raise some money.6) May I invite you to our food festival?三、课堂导练:1、选词填空be sure, would you like to, decide to, such as, never mind1) Im sorry that I cant help you. - .2) I that

4、 our team will win.3) I like fruits. apples, bananas and pears.4). What _ cook for the food festival?5)They _ help him collect some money.2. 单项选择( ) 1. - May I invite you to our party? - _. A. I love to B. Yes, please C. Id love to D. Never mind( ) 2. My sister is _ to go to school. A. enough old B.

5、 old enough C. enough young D. young enough( ) 3. Japanese sushi are easy _ . A. cook B. cooks C. to cook D. cooking( ) 4. I thought lots of students _ foreign food. A. like B. likes C. liking D. liked( ) 5. Kangkang decided to help you _ some money. A. collect B. collects C. collected D. collecting

6、( ) 6. We are preparing _ a food festival. May I invite you _ our food festival? A. for; with B. for; to C. with; for D. to; for ( ) 7. I love eating candies. I have _. A. a sweet teeth B. a sweet tooth C. a bad teeth D. a bad tooth四、复习自测:阅读理解Easter(复活节) is one of the two important Christian festiva

7、ls. Easter celebrates resurrection (复活) of Jesus Christ (耶稣基督) and Christmas celebrates his birth. Its not a festival as big as Christmas. It starts usually in late March or early April and the Easter holiday is Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Its quite a long holiday for everybody.The main sym

8、bol (象征物) of Easter is Easter eggs. Children like Easter eggs because they are made of chocolate. Eggs are a symbol of new life.Easter is also a time for families to get together like Christmas. Many people see Easter as a nice long holiday and they have a good time with their families and friends.(

9、 ) 1. People love Easter because . A. its a long holiday B. its the birthday of Jesus ChristC. they can have real eggs on that day D. everyday believes in Jesus Christ( ) 2. Which of the sentences is not true?A. Easter is one of the most important festivals in western countries. B. Easter is a day t

10、hat everyday gets his resurrection. C. Easter is a religious (宗教) festival. D. Most people love Easter. ( ) 3. People begin to celebrate Easter in . A. mid-April or late April B. mid-March or late MarchC. late March or early April D. early March of mid-March( ) 4. Easter eggs are . A. covered by cho

11、colate B. chocolate eggsC. a symbol of death D. not food( ) 5. From the passage, we know that . A. Jesus Christ died on Christmas Day B. Jesus Christ was born on Christmas DayC. Jesus Christ was born on Easter D. Jesus Christ died and got his resurrection on Christmas Day五、课文解读:1) What would you lik

12、e to cook for the food festival? 你想在美食节上做什么菜? would like to do=feel like doing 想做2) Im sure that fried rice and dumplings will be popular. 我肯定炒饭和饺子将会受欢迎。 be sure肯定, 后可以接 that从句; 也可以接to do 和of.3) Thats good enough. 那就够好了 enough足够, 放在形容词之后,不定代词之前.4) Where do you think cheese pies are from? 你认为奶酪饼来自于什么

13、地方? do you think这里是这个句子的插入语5) So my friends and I decided to help you raise some money.因此我的朋友和我决定帮你筹款。 decide决定, 后接to do6) May I invite you to our food festival? 我可以邀请你参加我们的美食节吗?Unit7 Topic1 Section B二、1、1)西方的 2)希腊的 3)印度的 4) 咖喱食品 5)油炸的 6)寿司 7)意大利的 8)非洲的 9)俄国的 10) 地址2、1)例如 2)足够好的 3)决定做 4)乐意效劳 5)不介意7) have a sweet tooth 8) would like to do三、1. 1) Never mind 2) am sure 3) such as 4) would you like to 5) decide to2. CBCDABB四、ABCBB



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