unit 6 topic 3 i will remember our friendship forever 教案8(仁爱英语九年级下)

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1、河南省洛阳市下峪镇初级中学九年级英语下册 Unit6 Topic3 Section D教案 仁爱版主持人:时间参加人员地点办公室主备人课 题Unit6 Topic3 Section D教学目标1.知识与技能: 1. Master some new words and phrases: hurry, hurry up, head, in the future, awake, (at) any minute now Express farewells 2.过程与方法:Five-step Teaching PlanReview, Presentation, Consolidation, Practi

2、ce, Project3.情感态度与价值观:Go on talking about graduation.重、难点及考点分析课时安排1教具使用录音机、幻灯片/小黑板教 学 环 节 安 排 Step 1 Review 1. (以点将的形式复习本单元谚语。)(老师说出汉语,让同学说出英语,考查同学们的记忆力。)T: S1,礼轻情意重。S1: Its the thought that counts.T: 有志者事竟成。S2: Where there is a will, there is a way.T: 凡人皆有得意日。S3: Every dog has its day.(老师说出英语,让同学们说

3、出汉语,扩展同学们的知识。)T: No pains, no gains.Ss: 不劳无获。T: A friend in need is a friend indeed.Ss: 患难朋友才是真朋友。T: An early bird catches worms.Ss: 勤能补拙。T: Waste not, want not.Ss: 塞翁失马,焉知非福。T: All roads lead to Rome.Ss: 条条大路通罗马。T: When in Rome, do as Romans do.Ss: 入乡随俗。2. (复习与毕业有关的内容,为引出新课作出铺垫。)T: What does a grad

4、uation ceremony mark?(帮助学生一起回忆教材中有关的句子。)Ss: It marks the end of a period in ones school life.T: It means something else. What does it mean?(让学生们自主发表意见。)S4: It means we must leave this school.S5: It means we cant be together any longer.S6: It means we have grown up.S7: It means we can see each other

5、only in our dreams.S8: It means we may not see each other again.(问及学生们自己毕业前的感受及原因。)(以相同的方式问其他学生。)S10: S11: T: What do I feel? Do you know?Ss: We dont know. What do you feel?(教师通过问这个问题来呈现本课新单词。)T: I feel happy because you have grown up. But I feel disappointed too. Because I always dream of you these

6、 days. When I awake, I cant see you, then I will feel anxious and hurry back to school. I want to get to school earlier and stay with you for a longer time.(板书划线单词,进行释义,并领读)awake, hurryT: “Awake” means “wake up”.Example: I always awake at 6:00, then I get up at once.(以词组和例句的形式解释生词。)T: “Hurry” means

7、do something more quickly than usual.Example: Kangkang got up and hurried to school.T: When we want somebody to do something quickly, we can say.Hurry! or Hurry up!And we can use it as a noun.Example: Kangkang got up late and he went to school in a hurry.awake=wake upI always wake at 6:00. Then I ge

8、t up at once.hurry=do something more quickly than usualKangkang got up late and he hurried to school/went to school in a hurry.Hurry!=Hurry up!Theres little time left. Hurry up!(继续提出问题,为1a的呈现打下基础。)T: Where is Maria from?Ss: She is from Cuba.T: Where is Michael from?Ss: He is from the U.S.A.T: Where

9、is Jane from?Ss: She is from Canada.(教师总结,引出机场送行。)T: Now they have graduated from Renai International School. They have to go back home. How can they go back?(这个问题很简单,同学们会自然回答乘飞机。)Ss: They can go by air/by plane.T: They are leaving for their homes, they are heading back to their homes. That means th

10、ey are starting to go back home.(板书划线部分。)head back=start to leave forT: Where should Kangkang see them off?Ss: At airport.T: Yes, Kangkang will see them off at Beijing Airport.Step 2 Presentation1. (设置问题,让学生带着问题去听,锻炼其从听力材料中获取信息的能力。)(1)Who is the last to get to the airport?(2)Why was she so late?(3)W

11、hich airline is Jane flying on?2. (放录音,让学生找出答案。)The answers are: (1)Maria is the last to get to the airport.(2)Because many people wanted to say goodbye to her family.(3)Flight Ac 2968.Step 3 Consolidation 1. (打开课本,看着对话听录音,找出表达送别的用语并给出问题的答案。)(1)Why is it a sad farewell?(2)How do they plan to keep in

12、 touch?(3)Does Michael like to write?(4)What does Michael like?The answers are:(1)Because they may not see each other again.(2)They plan to keep in touch by sending e-mails.(3)No, he doesnt.(4)He likes skating.(送别用语)(1)We have only a little time left to say goodbye.(2)I will miss you all.(3)Im sad t

13、o be here watching you all head back home.(4)Which flight will you take?(5)Im sorry I have to go now.(6)I hope you will have a great future. I look forward to reading about it in your e-mails(7)Well miss you!(8)keep in touch!(9)Have a safe flight.2. (分角色表演对话。)T: Lets take roles to practice the dialo

14、g.Step 4 Practice 1. (做出相似的对话。)T: Your graduation will come very soon. Do you need to see your friends off? Lets suppose you are seeing your friends off at the airport or at the station. Make a similar dialog in pairs or in groups. You can use the sentences on the blackboard to help you.2. (阅读,完成2。)

15、(1)(用所给动词的适当形式填空。)The answers are:arrived, love, were dancing, to paint, dreamed/dreamt, awoke, missed, sent, meet, dont forget(2)(解释文中的生词及难懂的句子。)T: “Alive” means “continue to exist” or “keep existing”, 继续存在。 We can say “keep a dream alive”,使梦想不破灭,“keep a hope alive”,使希望永不破灭。(3)(设置问题,帮助学生们深入理解短文。) Where did Maria arrive? Where does she often go for a walk? Why did she feel sad?The answers are: She safely arrived at her hometown in Havana, Cuba. She often g


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