unit 3 topic 2 english is spoken differently in different countries 每课一练3(仁爱版九年级上)

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unit 3 topic 2 english is spoken differently in different countries 每课一练3(仁爱版九年级上)_第1页
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unit 3 topic 2 english is spoken differently in different countries 每课一练3(仁爱版九年级上)_第2页
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unit 3 topic 2 english is spoken differently in different countries 每课一练3(仁爱版九年级上)_第3页
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unit 3 topic 2 english is spoken differently in different countries 每课一练3(仁爱版九年级上)_第4页
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unit 3 topic 2 english is spoken differently in different countries 每课一练3(仁爱版九年级上)_第5页
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1、仁爱版九年级上英语Unit 3 Topic 2模拟试题(满分:100分;考试时间:90分钟)题号第一部分第二部分总分得分第一部分:听 力(15分). 听句子,选择相应的图片排序,其中一项多余。每句读一遍。(5分) A B CD E F1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _. 听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5分)( ) 6. Whats the matter with Alice?A. She won the competition.B. She didnt do well in the exam.C. She broke her leg.( ) 7. What does A

2、lice mean?A. She doesnt think watching English movies is helpful.B. She thinks joining English club is interesting.C. She prefers to watch English movies.( ) 8. What does the boy mean?A. We can learn English well if we try our best. B. Dont study English any more.C. Its enough to study English gramm

3、ar well.( ) 9. What way does the woman use?A. Making cards.B. Watching movies.C. Reading English aloud.( ) 10. What does Rose suggest the boy to do?A. To ask the teacher for help.B. To listen to the tape.C. To play the computer games. 听短文,完成表格。短文读两遍。(5分)A speechTopicHow to 11 WellSpeakerMr. Smith fr

4、om 12 Timeat 13 on Friday afternoonPlacein 14 Attendersthe students of 15 11._ 12._ 13._ 14._ 15._第二部分:笔 试(85分). 单项选择。(10分)( ) 1. Hey, where are you going? Oh, Im _ Hong Kong.A. leave toB. leaving forC. leave forD. leaving to( ) 2.Miss Xu is flying to Beijing, so were going to _ at the airport.A. se

5、e her offB. see off herC. send her toD. send to her( ) 3. How was the weather yesterday? It was terrible. It rained _. People could _ go out.A. hardly; hardlyB. hardly; hardC. hard; hardD. hard; hardly( ) 4.Your idea sounds_, but I dont have any _ in it.A. interested; interestB. interesting; interes

6、tC. interesting; interestedD. interested; interesting ( ) 5.Im going to learn _ second language in _ third grade.A. a; theB. a; aC. the; theD. the; a( ) 6.I really want to know how the differences between American English and British English _.A. came aboutB. came outC. came inD. came after( ) 7.The

7、 old man is putting out his hand and it seems that he is _ for ride.A. wantingB. would likeC. askingD. prefer( ) 8.The little girl _ go to school, though she didnt want to go there.A. wanted toB. was forced toC. is forced toD. liked to( ) 9. Tomorrow Im flying to Hainan. _A. Thank you.B. Have a good

8、 trip!C. Best wishes!D. Yes.( ) 10. Australians use the words, “Good on ya, mate!” instead of “_”A. Well!B. Well done!C. Good!D. OK!. 情景交际。(5分)从方框中选出适当的句子补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。( Its Saturday. Lin Tao and Jim are talking about what theyre going to do tomorrow. )A: Hi, Jim! 11 What are you going to do?B: Ive

9、 no idea. 12 A: Im going to work on my uncles farm. Would you like to come with me?B: Id love to very much. 13 A: About 15 kilometers. We can go there by bus.B: When are we going to leave?A: 14 It will take us about half an hour to get there.B: Why not make it a little earlier? Then we can work ther

10、e longer.A: OK. Lets make it six thirty then.B: Great! 15 A: Lets meet at the bus stop. B: All right. See you then.A: See you tomorrow.A. Where is the farm? B. How far is it? C. Its Sunday tomorrow.D. What do you think? E. Where shall we meet?F. Nice to meet you. G. What about seven thirty?. 完形填空。(1

11、0分)I still remember I fell in love with English from a very young age, because I thought it was such a(n) 16 language. Full of strong wishes of learning English, I began to 17 it . But soon I found it 18 than expected. There were too many words, expressions and many other things to remember. And eve

12、n if you knew 19 , you couldnt use them correctly and exactly. And I did rather 20 in my first English test. I was worried about it. This made me upset(不安) and dropped my interest in English 21 .While I was in trouble, my English teacher gave me much help. I knew that interest didnt mean 22 and I sh

13、ould have some learning methods. I did as he said and tried many different ways of learning English. 23 the days went by, I could do better and better and became more and more interested in it.During the summer vacation, an old lady from Australia visited my school. She had a talk with us. It was th

14、e first time 24 a foreigner. I got 25 nervous at first, but soon I found it exciting to talk with her, and I learned a lot from her. How I wish to practice speaking English with foreigners every day!( ) 16.A. helpfulB. wonderfulC. excitingD. careful( ) 17.A. readB. teachC. learnD. write( ) 18.A. betterB. more difficultC. worseD. easier( ) 19.A. how to write themB.


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