unit 2 topic 2(section c)导学案(仁爱版七年级上册)

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unit 2 topic 2(section c)导学案(仁爱版七年级上册)_第1页
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《unit 2 topic 2(section c)导学案(仁爱版七年级上册)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《unit 2 topic 2(section c)导学案(仁爱版七年级上册)(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Section C学习目标:一 知识1.Learn some words about clothes:T-shirt,shoe,cap,coat,skirt,pants,dress2.Learn how to describe a persons clothing.3.Review What color is/are?二方法Work in pairs to make dialogs.三情感Lead students observe peoples appearances,clothes and colors in everyday life and express and communicat

2、e,using the sentences they have learnt.学习重点:What color is/are?The girl/the boy in.学习难点及突破策略:学习难点:Describe a persons clothing.突破策略:Use real objects to practice describing a persons clothing.学习流程:【阅读质疑 自主探究】一 走入新课Find a student to stand in front of the class and ask:what does he look like?What is this

3、? What color is it?Lead in a new lesson.二阅读提示1:1.出示1a中的图片和词汇,然后练连线。2.Read the dialog in 1a and make similar dialogs using words in 1._3.谈论你的衣服特点,Using What color is /are?然后找同学向大家汇报。三阅读提示2:1.Read 2 and underline the childrens clothes and circle the colors.2.Read 2 and find out some sentences with “in

4、”.Then sum up the use of in.【多元互动 合作探究】1.读 2.2.Read 2 again ,then make up a dialog in pairs.Eg:A;What does Maria look like?B:-yellow-tallA:What color is her hair?B:_【训练检测 目标探究】1.Listen to the conversations and find the children in the picture.and complete the sentences. Finish 3.2. Fill in the blank

5、s. Then practice the conversations with your partner.A: What color _ this skirt?B: Its _.A: What color _ that _?B: Its _.A: What color _ these shoes?B: Theyre _.A: What color _ those _?B: Theyre _.【迁移运用 拓展探究】一 学习连接1:Lets chant.Finish 4.二学习连接2Describe your good friend like 2.At least 5 sentences._学后反思;_


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