unit 2 topic 2 all these problems are very serious 学案6(仁爱版九年级上)

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1、Topic 2 All these problems are very serious.Section A【学习目标】1.学习不定代词和不定副词的用法;2.进一步了解有关环境污染的一些情况,提高环境保护意识。【预习案】一、 读1a,回答1b的问题二、 读(2) ,用所给的单词填写空格三、 在文中找到并划出下面的短语 1.世界上最大的煤炭生产国和消费国_2.(作为)结果,因此_ 3.一些有用的措施_ 4.(我们中)没有人_ 5.到处丢垃圾_6.当众吐痰_ 7.踩踏草坪_8.关爱野生动物_ 9.给政府提建议_10.发出很大的噪音_ 11.更差的是 _12.制定规章制度_ 13.遵守规章制度_14.

2、一开始_ 15.尽他们最大努力去做某事_16.变得越来越好_ 17.一天天,逐日_18.迅速消失_ 19完全灭亡, 灭绝_e to realize_ 21.保护动物的重要性_ 【探究案】在文中划出下面的句子并分析 1.点拨:It says that - 书上/报纸上说(后接宾语从句), that可以省略链接:a._ - 据说 b. _ - 据报道c. Its (well) known that - 众所周知 d. Its believed that - 人们相信2.点拨:something useful-一些有用的事(形容词后置修饰复合不定代词)练习:没什么有趣的事情 _ 一些重要的事情_ 没

3、什么特殊的事情 _链接:enough修饰形容词或副词时也要后置 3. None of us likes pollution. 点拨:none - 没有一个,没有一点儿(代词)比较:none 既可指人,也可指物;no one = nobody只能指人,不能指物。 none 后常接of构成 none of 短语, 后接 a. 不可数名词(谓语用单数)b.复数名词,代词,单数集合名词(谓语用单复数均可)no one = nobody后不接of 短语。作主语时,谓语动词用单数,可以与else连用,none不可以。注意:no one 用来回答who 提出的问句,none 用来回答how many 或ho

4、w much 提出的问句。 4. 点拨:everyone和 every oneeveryone =everybody-大家,每人(不定代词), 作主语时谓语用单数。(不能跟of短语,反意疑问句中they替换) every one-每一个, 可以指人=everyone,也可以指物, 作主语时谓语用单数。(后跟of 短语) 点拨:care for - 照顾 同义词组 _ /_ 5.We should do everything we can to protect the environment. 6.点拨:give some advice to sb.=give sb. some advice 给

5、提建议 注意:advice 是不可数名词;可数名词建议是_7.Even worse, some of them are quite rude when talking to others. 点拨:when talking to others = when (they are )talking to others 【归纳】I. 用所给单词的适当形式填空1. If you want to learn English well, youd better speak it as _ (many) as possible.2. Dont be afraid of _ (catch) SARS. 3. I

6、 was _ (surprise) to hear from my friend. 4. I happened _ (meet) an old friend of mine this morning. 5. Our teacher hopes _ (get) a good result. 6. I wish we _ (can) talk with animals. II. 汉译英1. 在公共场合吐痰是不礼貌的。 Its impolite to spit _.2. 很多古老的习俗正在消失。 Many old customers are _. 3. 雨下得很大,结果我们不能出去。 It rain

7、ed hard. _, we couldnt go out.4. 什么也不能阻止我们达到我们的目标。 _ will prevent us from _ our aims.5. 绿色长城已经挽救大量的农田。 The Great Green Wall _a lot of land.III. 选用下列短语或短句填空I hope so, as soon as, as if, in surprise, as well, the same as, be afraid of, happen to, to ones surprise, Im afraid so1. -Is she really ill? -_

8、. Shes in hospital.2. He can speak English and Chinese _.3. The color of my purse is _ yours. 4. Do you know what _ him?5. The old woman _ getting lost in the big city. 6. As he heard the news he was _. 7. -We wont go to company next Sunday. Im so tired. -_.8. The old man looked so tired _ he was really ill. 9. _, I dont know how he worked out such an difficult problem. 10. Ill tell the good news _ we sin the football match.


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