module9 unit2 parkville was near arnwick, a city with 200,000people(2) 学案(外研版八年级上册)m

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module9 unit2 parkville was near arnwick, a city with 200,000people(2) 学案(外研版八年级上册)m_第1页
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1、Module9 Unit2 Parkville was near Arnwick, a city with 200,000people(2) 学案(外研版八年级上册)【学习目标】:1.在阅读过程中学习新词汇2.词汇辨析3.小组合作对话【学习重点】:小组完成口语任务新单词词组的学习,同义单词辨析 阅读理解与翻译【学习过程】:一、知识链接1.写出对应数字1.eight thousand, seven hundred and forty-two_2. two million, four hundred and sixty-three thousand, one hundred and twenty-

2、eight【学习目标】:1.掌握新词汇和短语的应用2.了解冠词定义和分类3.掌握冠词的具体应用【学习重点】:掌握单词和短语的意思冠词的定义及分类冠词的应用【学习过程】:一、知识链接1.单选1. When Linda was a child, her mother always let her have _ bed.A. the breakfast in B. the breakfast in the C. breakfast in D. breakfast in the2. Beyond _ stars the astronaut saw nothing but _ space.A. the,

3、 不填 B. 不填,the C. 不填,不填 D. the, the3. Alexander Graham Bell invented _ telephone in 1876.A. 不填 B. a C. the D. one4. After watching _ TV, she played _ violin for an hour.A. 不填,不填 B. the, the C. the, 不填 D. 不填,the5. Many people are still in _ habit of writing silly things in _ public places.A. the, the

4、B. 不填,不填 C. the, 不填 D. 不填,the2、填空1There is _ picture of _ elephant on _ wall2This is _ useful bookIve read it for _ hour3 _ elephant is much heavier than _ horse4 _ doctor told him to take _ medicine three times _ day5Lets go out for _ walk3. 冠词填空Mina is _1_ eighteen-year-old girl. She has got _2_br

5、other and _3_sister. Mina is _4_ oldest child in _5_ family. She lives in _6_ very big city. She has _7_job in _8_hotel. She hopes that one day she will have _9_ chance to go to _10_college.【课堂导学】一、自主学习 学习任务一: 词汇阅读练习1.完成书上阅读练习题2.学习新词汇学习任务二:1. 合作对话2. 按要求填写表格学习反思通过本节课的学习我最大的收获是: 感到自己有待加强的是: 1.答案:1. C

6、2. A 3. C 4. D 5. C2. 答案:1.a/an/the 2. a/an 3.An/a 4. The/ a 5./3.答案:1. an 2. a 3. a 4. the 5. the 6. a 7. a 8. the 9. a 10 the答案:I:1. Where do you agree to go on Sunday? 答:略2. Does he hope to be a good cook? 答:略3. Who do you want to come with? 答:略4. Can they agree to buy a new house? 答:略5. why dont you try to do it again? 答:略II:1.the greatest Chinese writers2. between and 3. the best part 4. would like to III:1. Do want 2. didnt go 3. Where does


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